
Attaching Default Routing Instructions to the Reservation

When creating a new reservation or when editing an existing reservation, OPERA gives you the opportunity to attach default routing instructions to the reservation. Depending on the features of the reservation, default routing instructions may be available from any of the following sources:

Routing instructions from only one of these sources can be associated with the reservation at a time. The Default Routing screen prompts you to select the routing type whose routing instructions will apply to the reservation.

Note: Routing instructions will not copy to a new reservation should the existing routing instruction be assigned to a checked out, no show, cancelled, or waitlisted room reservation.

Use this screen to choose the routing instructions you wish to associate with the reservation and select the OK button. This screen shows the following information:

X. An X in this column indicates that the routing type has been selected to be attached to the reservation. Only one routing type may be associated with the reservation at a time. The routing instructions for that routing type will be applied to the reservation.

Auto. A Y in this field indicates that the routing instruction is configured to auto-populate to the reservation when the associated company, agent, contact, or source profile is attached to the reservation.

If the Reservations>Auto Population of Routing Instructions application parameter is set to Y, you may automatically attach default routing instructions to a reservation having a company, agent, source, or billing contact profile attached. (This option is usually used when the reservation is received via an OPERA interface such as the OPERA Web Services.) When the parameter is active, an Auto Populate check box is available for screen painting on the Profile screen More Fields tab. If this check box is selected, the routing instructions set up for the company, agent, source, or contact will auto-populate to the Default Routing screen when that profile is attached to the reservation.

Where multiple profile routing instructions auto-populate to the reservation, one routing type will be selected by default (an X is automatically placed in the X column) based on the following hierarchy:  

  1. Check the RATE CODE has a profile type to be automatically attached to the reservation. If there is then, use this as the routing instruction on the reservation. If none then...
  2. Check if there is an automatic routing instruction attached the SOURCE profile. If there is then, use this as the routing instruction on the reservation. If none then...
  3. Check if there is an automatic routing instruction attached the AGENT profile. If there is then, use this as the routing instruction on the reservation. If none then...
  4. Check if there is an automatic routing instruction attached the COMPANY profile. If there is then, use this as the routing instruction on the reservation. If none then...
  5. Check if there is an automatic routing instruction attached the CONTACT profile. If none then the final check is...
  6. Check if there is a routing instruction on the promotion code(s).

You may change the default if you wish. If the Auto Population of Routing Instructions application parameter is set to N and there are multiple profiles with routing instructions associated with the reservation, the highlight will be placed on the routing type that would be the default based on the hierarchy; however, it is up to you to mark the routing type whose routing instructions you wish to attach to the reservation.

Type. Profile type.

Name. Name of the company, agent, source, or contact with whose profile the routing instructions are associated.

Instructions. The transaction code(s) and/or routing code(s) that are covered by this routing instruction.

Auto. (Available when the Reservations>Auto Population of Routing Instructions application parameter is set to Y. See above Note.) A Y (Yes) or an N (No) in this column indicates whether the Auto Populate check box is selected on the Profile screen More Fields tab for this profile.

See Routing Transactions for additional details.

See Also