
Enter Old Balances

To enter old balances from external accounting systems into OPERA Accounts Receivable, select System Configuration>AR>Enter Old Balances. The Old Balance search screen appears.

Search Criteria

You may search by any of the following options:

Account Name.  Name of the account owner.

Account Number. Unique number assigned to the account.

Account Type. Type of account (e.g., Local, Corporate, etc.)

Matching accounts will be listed in the search results grid.

Old Balances Grid

From this grid, highlight the AR account to add old balances to and select the Select button. The Enter Old Balances screen appears. This screen has two tabs, allowing you to enter old balances in either of two ways:

Single Folio Balances - This tab allows you to add old balances from single folios, including inclusive taxes.

Sums per Aging Period - This tab allows you to enter lump sums for one or more of the AR aging levels set up  for your property (System Configuration>AR>Aging Levels).

See Also