
Creating New Channel Converted Room Types for EQC

To create new channel room types for non-GDS or ODS channels, select the New button from the Room Type tab on the Property Conversions screen. The Room Type - New screen appears.

Room Type New Screen V4.0 EQC


Complete the appropriate fields and select the OK button to create the new channel room type.

Channel. Select EQC.

Property. Select the property.

Channel Room. Select the channel converted room.

Room Type. Select the room type.

Room Order. Enter the number for room order display in a seamless availability message. The room will be auto arranged based on the number that is entered here. When an existing room’s order is changed to the next higher or lower value, the room order that directly precedes or follows will automatically adjust. For example, if the order is arranged as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 5 is changed to 6, the new order will be 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 with position 5 open for assigning to a room.

Description. Enter the room type description.

Begin Date. (required) Enter the first date that this room type is available to the channel.

End Date. (required) Enter the last date that this room type is available to the channel.

Base Allocation. Enter the minimum number of rooms available to Expedia at all times. The value entered in this field is the same as the base allocation defined on the contract with Expedia. To change the number of rooms included in the base allocation, contact the Expedia market manager.

See Also