
Walk In

The Walk In feature allows you to check in guests without having previously made reservations. These types of guests are known as "walk ins." All features available in individual reservations are also available here.

When creating a Walk-in reservation via the Walk In button (Front Desk>Arrivals or Reservations>Room Plan), once you enter the Reservation screen and ensure all required fields have been defined and a room number has been selected, choosing OK begins the walk-in process. The system will then ask you if you would like to check in the reservation.

If you select Yes and the reservation is checked in, the status of this reservation will display as WALKIN.

If you select No and the reservation is not checked in, the reservation is created but it will not be checked in and it will have a DUE IN status rather than a WALKIN status.

Note: When the Reservations>Auto Deposit Screen application parameter is set to Y, the deposit screen will not automatically display for walk-in reservations. Also, when the Reservations>Confirmation Letter New Reservation, Reservations>Confirmation Letter Update Reservation, or Reservations>Confirmation Letter Cancel Reservation application parameters are set to Y, the confirmation will not be selected as a confirmation is unnecessary.

Checking in a Walk In Guest from the Arrivals Screen

A message screen appears displaying a check-in successful message. A new message screen appears displaying the reservation number. The walk in guest is checked in and the Reservation screen is closed.

Note: The Restrict Negotiated Units Ownership Group Application Parameter, available when the OPV_<version number> OPERA Vacation Ownership System license code is active, restricts users pre-blocking units attached to a contract that is in a "Negotiated" status. OPERA only allows users to check in reservations to a unit that is marked as "Actual". If a contract is not marked as "Actual" and a user either tries to either pre-block or check in to the unit, OPERA prompts, "Unit XXX has a status of Negotiating and therefore cannot be selected", where "XXX" indicates the room/unit number. The Restriction for Non Contracted Units Ownership Group Application Parameter can be overwritten when a user is granted the "OVERRIDE NON-CONTRACTED RESTRICTION" OVOS_MISC group permission.

Note: The Restriction for Non Contracted Units Ownership Group Application Parameter, available when the OPV_<version number> OPERA Vacation Ownership System license code is active, will only allow a unit that is attached to a contract with an “Actual” status to be assigned (pre-blocked) prior to check in. OPERA will only allow a unit that is attached to a contract with an “Actual” status to check in a reservation checked in. If a unit is not attached to a contract and a user tries to either pre-block or check in a reservation to this Unit, OPERA prompts, "Unit XXX is not attached to a contract and therefore cannot be selected", where "XXX" indicates the room number. The Restriction for Non Contracted Units Ownership Group Application Parameter can be overwritten when a user is granted the "OVERRIDE NEGOTIATED RESTRICTION" OVOS_MISC group permission.