
Billing Summary

The Billing Summary feature allows casino hosts to review and compare a side-by-side summary of the charged and comped components of guest transactions.

The Billing Summary screen is accessed by selecting the Billing Summary button from the Billing Options menu. This screen is view-only. The Billing Summary cashiering option is available when the OPP_GCA Comp Accounting add-on license is active and the Cashiering>Billing Summary application function is set to Y.

Only postings associated with transaction codes and comp transaction codes that are included in a Billing comp revenue bucket type are displayed on this screen. The Description field shows the name of Billing type comp revenue bucket to which the transaction belongs. The Amount field shows the total of the transactions in the associated Billing type comp revenue bucket. If the transaction has been comped, it will appear in the Comped grid. If the transaction has not been comped, it appears in the Charged grid.

For example, if the Billing type comp revenue bucket called Golf includes the cart fee transaction code, and the guest is comped for his cart fee, the cart fee charge is associated with Golf on the Comped side of the screen. If a Billing type comp revenue bucket called Communications exists, and it includes transaction codes for local and long distance telephone, the guest's local phone charges will be associated with Communications on the Charged side of the screen if the guest's local phone charges have not been comped.  However, if the guest's long distance phone charges have been comped, these amounts appear on the Comped side of the screen, also associated with the Communications revenue bucket.

A consolidated total for charged and comped transaction is shown below the grids.

Amounts on the Comped side of the screen will appear on the guest's Billing screen in the comp windows (101...108). Amounts on the Charged side of the screen will appear in the standard windows (1...8) on the guest's Billing screen.

See Also