
Change Credit Card Encryption Key

This utility allows users with access to Utilities and the permission CHANGE ENCRYPT KEY to select Utilities > Change CC Encryption Key to re-encrypt existing credit cards with the active key or generate a new key. This opens the Change Credit Card Encryption Key screen with options for New and Re-encrypt, and a Re-encrypt status bar for the re-encryption process when running.

Clicking the New button generates a new key across the schema for all credit cards entered from this time onward. This button is not available (greyed out) once the Re-encrypt button is clicked and is running. The New button can be used without following with Re-encrypt, which allows all newly entered credit cards to be stored with the new key and the existing credit cards are encrypted with the previous key (multiple key support).

Clicking the Re-encrypt button re-encrypts all the existing credit cards with the current active key at the Chain level (all properties belonging to the same chain of the logged in property). This button can be used without first initializing New.

Users can be in the system during either process.