
How to Setup Specific Functionality in OXI_HUB

Extended Byte Functionality for Profiles Transmitted From ORS to External Systems and Back

Double Byte Character Sets (DBCS) or also called extended bytes. They are needed to display languages such as Chinese, Japanese,Korean, Arab, etc. These will be referred to as extended byte languages, which means they are using two positions per letter in a data field where a single byte language would only use one position per letter in a data field. Languages such as English, French, German, Italian, etc are known as single byte languages.

Configuration in ORS

Functionality description for OXI_HUB

Profiles from ORS to External System:

Profiles from External System to ORS:

OXI_HUB Profile Handling for Non-MICROS Interfaces:

Important! For non-MICROS interfaces, profiles will only come as part of a reservation message.

Previously, when a reservation message was processed, the profile data in the message was processed using a OXI related profile code, not an OXI_HUB profile related code; resulting in a lack of user defined business logic that could be applied using OXI_HUB profile parameters.

With this change in functionality, the profile data in a reservation message will now be processed using only an OXI_HUB profile code. This allows the OXI_HUB business logic for profile handling to be applied. For example, OXI_HUB Profile parameters, Stage Matching, etc.

See Also