
Mass Upgrade of the OPERA IFC Controller and IFC8 Executable

Whenever a customer is running in a hosted environment, an interface PC runs a service (OPERA IFC Controller) and an executable (IFC8 executable). If an environment has 200+ interface PC's running, then an upgrade to either the OPERA IFC Controller or IFC8 Executable could be a very time consuming project to complete.

When selecting the Upgrade button from the Configuration>Setup>Property Interfaces>Interface Configuration, a mass upgrade to the OPERA IFC Controller and IFC8 Executable on one or more interface PC's can be performed at the same time.

Note: The OPERA IFC Controller and IFC8 executable will not be operational during the time of the upgrade. Also prior to upgrading, the new OPERA IFC Controller and IFC8 Executable install programs need to be placed in the \webhtml folder on the app server that the interface is connecting to.

Upgrade Interface Machine Screen

The screen displays a list of all of the interface PC names that are setup in the property's configuration. For those machines that are selected for the upgrade, the controller will send a message to the connected machines to shut down and then the upgrade process will start. When the upgrade is completed successfully, then UPGRADED is displayed in the Status column, but UPGRADE FAILED is displayed if any issues were encountered during the upgrade process.


Machine. Name of the interface PC.

Controller. Select this column to place an X in it. This indicates that the Controller will be upgraded for this machine.

IFC8. Select this column to place an X in it. This indicates that the IFC8 Executable will be upgraded for this machine.

Status. Displays the status, UPGRADED or UPGRADE FAILED, of the upgrade process.

Button Functions

All. Selects all of the interface PC names for the upgrade.

None. Deselects any of the interface PC names that have been selected.

Refresh. Select to refresh the Upgrade Interface Machine screen.

OK. Select to continue with the OPERA IFC Controller and IFC8 Executable upgrade.

Close. Select to exit out of the Upgrade Interface Machine screen.

See Also