
ESP Template Codes

Select Setup>System Configuration>Setup>ESP Campaigns>ESP Templates to map the ESP templates to a template name in OCMM. The ESP template codes that are mapped here will be available for selection in the ESP step of the Campaign Wizard.


Search Criteria

Choose from the following search criteria to filter the list of template codes that are displayed.

Template Code. Select the down arrow and choose an ESP template code from the list.

ESP Code. Select the down arrow and choose an ESP from the list.

Inactive. Select to display only inactive templates.

Results Grid

Template Code. The name of the ESP template code in OCMM.

ESP Code. The ESP where the template resides.

ESP Template Code. The name of the ESP template code.

Language. The language for the template.

Adding or Editing a Template Code


Select the New button to map a new ESP template code or Edit to make changes to an existing one.

Template Code. (read-only when editing) Enter a name to identify the ESP template in OCMM.

ESP Code. Select the down arrow and choose an ESP from the list. This is the ESP where the template resides.

ESP Template. Enter the code for the ESP template. This code must be obtained from the ESP and must map to a template code in the ESP.

Template URL. Enter the URL to the ESP template. This is the URL that will be called when the template is previewed in the Campaign Wizard.

Language. Select the down arrow and choose a language for the template.

OK. Select to save the ESP template code mapping.

Button Functions

Search. Select to display ESP template codes based on the entered search criteria.

All. Select to mark all templates codes in the grid with an "X" next to them. This selects all template codes in the grid.

None. Select to remove the "X" next to all template codes in the grid. This unselects all template codes in the grid.

New. Select to add a new ESP template code mapping.

Edit. Select to make changes to an existing ESP template code mapping.

Delete. Select to delete selected template codes in the grid.

See Also

Campaign Category Configuration