
Campaign Category Configuration

Select Setup>System Configuration>Setup>ESP Campaigns>Campaign Category to open the Campaign Category screen and create or edit campaign categories. The campaign categories you create here will be available for selection from the Category field on the Basic Info step of the Campaign Wizard.


Description. Enter a description and select Search to filter the search results by the description.

Code. The campaign category code.

Description. The description for the campaign category.

Seq. The listing sequence for the campaign category.

Creating a Campaign Category

Select the New button to create a new campaign category or select Edit to make changes to an existing one.


Code. Enter a unique code to identify the campaign category.

Description. Enter a description for the campaign category.

Display Seq. Enter a display sequence for the campaign category. This is the order in which the campaign category will be displayed in the Category field's list of values. The Category field is available in the Basic Info step of the Campaign Wizard.

OK. Select to save the campaign category.

Button Functions

Search. Select to display search results.

New. Select to create a new campaign category.

Edit. Select to edit a campaign category.

Delete. Select to remove a campaign category.

See Also

ESP Template Codes