

In the Schedule step, you will schedule a Segment job to run in the OPERA Scheduler to execute the SQL query against the OPERA database. This job can be scheduled to run either once or at specific intervals.


Select the Schedule button to open the Scheduler and schedule a job to run for querying the OPERA database. Select the Next button to proceed to the next step in the wizard.

The following read-only information is displayed for the job.

Job Name. The job name.

State. Indicates if the job is completed, disabled or scheduled for another run.

Last Run Date. The date and time the Scheduler last processed the job.

Title. The title of the job.

Repeat Interval. The repeat interval for the Scheduler to run the job. This is the frequency, interval and day that the job will run to execute the SQL query against the OPERA database.

Next Run. The next date and time the Scheduler is scheduled to run the job.

Button Functions

Previous. Select to return to the previous step in the wizard.

Next. Select to move to the next step in the wizard.

Schedule. Select to open the Scheduler and schedule a job to run for the segment.

Close. Select to exit the wizard.

Scheduling the Segment

Select the Schedule button to define the schedule for the Segment job to run.



Define the start date and time for the Segment job to run.

Date. Select the calendar button and choose a start date.

Time. Enter a start time for the Segment job to run.


Define if the segment job will only run once or if it will repeat.

Once Only. Select to only run the segment job once.

Minute. Select to run the segment every X number of minutes. Enter the number of minutes in the Every field (e.g., 30 indicates the job will run every 30 minutes.)

Hours. Select to run the segment every X number of hours. Enter the number of hours in the Every field (e.g., 12 indicates the job will run every 12 ours.)

Days. Select to run the segment every X number of days. Enter the number of days in the Every field (e.g., 5 indicates the job will run every 5 days.)

Weeks. Select to run the segment every X number of weeks. Enter the number of weeks in the Every field and select the individual days of the week using the check boxes next to this field (e.g., 2 and Monday indicates the job will run every 2 weeks on Monday.)

Months. Select to run the segment every X number of months. Enter the number of months in the Every field and select a value from the Repeat on the field. This value can be one of the following: Specified day and time, First, Second, Third, Fourth, or Last.

Repeat Until

Define the date and time the Segment job will cease to repeat.

Indefinite. Select if the job is to repeat an indefinite number of times.

Date. Select the calendar button and choose the date on which the job will cease to repeat.

Time. Enter the time when the job will cease to repeat.