
About Revenue Pools

When the Ownership>Revenue Pooling application function is set to Y, a revenue pool must be created for each property that participates in Revenue Pooling. The revenue pool is set up for each calendar month and fiscal period, and a total of only two revenue pools are allowed to be open at a time. During the night audit process at the end of an open period, a secondary pool period is opened and all new automatic postings are directed to that pool period.

The revenue pool requires verification of closing during a closing process, much like the income audit process in OPERA PMS. Adjustments made before the closing can be applied to either period until a period is closed. Then, adjustments can only be made to the current open period.

All revenue/fees that are realized are then applied to the revenue pool, which holds the revenue/cost until the end of the period when the transactions are settled. The revenue/fees remain in the revenue pool, and at period end, the revenue is split based on the unit elements (entitlement points) and any percentage or flat postings. But, if the revenue needs to be split more often than when the transactions are settled, then set the Ownership>Nightly Revenue Split application parameter to Y and the revenue will split from the revenue pool during every night audit.

If an owner decides to withdraw from the revenue pooling program, then the owner will only receive a prorated amount of the revenue, equivalent to the total number of days the owner participated in the program.

The revenue pool ledger is printable for all items in the account, by period, by owner account, and by transaction code. The details of the transaction codes are printable for each owner, which allows for the owner to see the specifics of the disbursement.

See Also