
IFC Options Area

The Options area, located below the Information area on the IFC Web Configuration screen, allows you to filter and add room entries to the Room Translation area.

Refer to the following sections for an explanation of the Options area.

When the Filter Radio Button is Selected

When the Filter radio button is selected, enter one or more of the following search criteria and select the Filter button to refine the room entries displayed in the Room Translation area.

Filter. Select this to filter what room numbers you would like to see displayed. You can filter by room number, line number, or type.

Search. Allows you to search by room number, line number, or type.

From. Select what you would like to filter from.

To. Select what you would like to filter to.

When the Add Radio Button is Selected

When the Add radio button is selected, complete the Room Num,  Line Num, and Type fields, then select the Add button to add additional rooms to the IFC_ROOM configuration.

See Also