
System Error Log - Current List of Errors and Warnings in OXI

The Process column entries for Upload and Download are thus; Upload is from OPERA to External System and Download is from External System to OPERA.


Error Text


Reason For Error


Process started for interfaces (NAME) at 03-APR-2002 18:41:31


Upload Processor was started manually


Process stopped at 03-APR-2002 18:40:38


Upload Processor was stopped manually


No. of messages dequeued               : 63


Log of how many messages were sent up at one time.


Process stopped at 03-APR-2002 18:39:20


Download processor manually stopped


Process started at 03-APR-2002 18:09:05


Download processor manually started.


[ORS][OPX_ORS][Dn=1][Up=1] Interface service started. [ORS][OPX_ORS] Interface service stopped.


ORS interface; IFC Monitor was started. ORS interface:  IFC Monitor was stopped


Thread [3644] for [OPERA Interface for ORS - Upload Processor] started


Upload Processor for ORS OXI has been started (applied to ORS interface with remote ORS)


Thread [3972] for [OPERA Interface for ORS - Profile Lookup] started


Profile Lookup Processor for ORS OXI has been started (applied to ORS interface with remote ORS)


Thread [2580] for [OPERA Interface for ORS - Download Processor] started


Download Processor for ORS OXI has been started (applied to ORS interface with remote ORS)


Can't update thread status. Error: ORA- 01012: not logged on


Network connection is down. Possibly due to the database being restarted and the OXI service was not stopped prior to this being done. When server is back up stop/restart the OXI service to refresh communication.


Value of application parameter UP_PROC_IDLE_TIME in group OXI_GENERIC not found. Using default : 2


Upload processor for Interface timing is picking up default value.


B44 OXI Heart Beat failed. Error: ORA- 01012: not logged on


Upload processor for Interface is not communicating with IFC Monitor (applied to ORS interfaces only with remote ORS)


B44 OXI Heart Beat failed. Error: ORA- 01012: not logged on


Download processor for Interface is not communicating with IFC Monitor (applied to ORS interfaces only with remote ORS) Download processor for Interface is not communicating with IFC Monitor (appled to ORS interfaces only with remote ORS)


B44 OXI Heart Beat failed. Error: ORA- 04068: existing state of packages has been discarded ORA-04061: existing state of package body "OGSMOKE_OXI2.INT_PROCESS_STATUS" has been invalidated ORA-04065: not executed, altered or dropped package body "OGSMOKE_OXI2.INT_PROCESS_STATUS"ORA-06508:  PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called ORA-06512: at line 3


Profile Lookup processor for Interface is not communicating with IFC Monitor (applied to ORS interfaces only with remote ORS)


Can’t update thread status. Error:  ORA- 04031:unable to allocate 4200 bytes of shared memory (“shared pool”, “INT_THREAD_STATUS”,”sga heap(1,0)”,”library cache”)ORA-06508: PL/SQL:  could not find program unit being called ORA-06512: at line 9


Invalid objects in the OXI schema after installation or upgrade of application. Or forgot to restart the processor after upgrade. Please check for invalid objects and or processor service running.


No interfaces are active. Exiting


New Interface created and installed not fully configured or incorrectly configured. Check configuration to fix error.


Upload processor is already running for HOLIDEX. Download processor is already running for HOLIDEX


The Upload or Download processors have already been started. You may have selected the Start button more than once.


Can't get message from external system. Reason : -29532 ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: java.lang.NullPointerException


Check that the Processors have not stopped. This is a communication error.


Status Update Failed Reason:-29550, ORA-29550: Java session state cleared


Check that the Processors have not stopped. This is a communication error.


Can't get message from external system. Reason : -29550 ORA-29550: Java session state cleared


Check that the Processors have not stopped. This is a communication error.


Can't get message from external system. Reason: Before dequeue. ORA-00604: error occurred at recursive SQL level 1. ORA-02049: timeout: distributed transaction waiting for lock.


Check that the Processors have not stopped. This is a communication error check that the record being accessed is not open by another user.


Can't get message from external system. Reason : -29540 ORA-29540: class IntFtComm does not exist



Check that the Processors have not stopped. This is a communication error.


Can't get message from external system. Reason : ORA-02019: connection description for remote database not found



Check that the Processors have not stopped. This is a communication error.


Can't connect to database RKV3SMOKE as OXI_HOTEL2. Error: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied



Connection to database is incorrect where service is trying to get started. Connection to correct database is required. Installation of OXI service will need to be checked if already installed; go to registry setting and check for user/password login.


Can't execute batch outbound process for interface [ORS]. Error: ORA-01012: not logged on



Connection to database is not available. Check that OXI service is up and running. There may have been a network disconnect and now messages are not processing. Try to stop/restart the service to refresh processors.


Can't dequeue message from OXI for external system [ORS]. Error: ORA-01012: not logged on



Connection to database is not available. Check that OXI service is up and running. There may have been a network disconnect and now messages are not processing. Try to stop/restart the service to refresh processors.


Can't dequeue message from OXI for external system [ORS]. Error: ORA-00028: your session has been killed



Upload messages are not being processed. OXI service has been ‘killed’ during usually a restart of the database/application server. Once the server is back up stop/restart the OXI service to refresh connection.



Communication parameters:  Undefined!  (error that appears either for inbound or outbound messages)



Check that the Comm Methods in OXI are setup correctly. Go to Interface Configuration>Comm Methods.


Connection Error: ORA-01012: not logged on



Interruption to the OXI service has occurred. Database disconnect with the network. Issue is network is disconnecting or the database was restarted without stopping OXI processors.


Error While Retrieving Parameters From Table Reason - -6508 : ORA-06508: PL/SQL:  could not find program unit being called



File Export Process. Communication from OXI to the external destination was not available.


Safety Net:  Untyped exception in thread [1243][OPERA interface for XXXXX – Download processor]



This can happen to any interface that has a multi-property setup done. The issue is that the OXI setup for the Communication Methods are not setup for all the interfaces. They must be setup even if the interfaces for those properties is inactive until they go live. Once this is done the error will disappear.


Safety net: Oracle exception [Oracle error 'ORA-12535: TNS:operation timed out' (12535) in method 'COraDatabase::Close (OCILogoff)'] in thread [1132][OPERA Interface for FTCRS - Upload Processor].



Lost connectivity to the network.


CLOB is Null or CLOB is empty



Oracle table space was full and then the system reset itself and purged data freed up space.

What happens next is that Uploaded messages start to FAIL when the table-space is full.

Causes:  Unusual high amount of messages generated that ate up the space. Such an example is Resyncs that are done more than once within short time frame for same Date Range. Another example is huge Date Range, say for 1 month into future or even 6 months into future,  is selected for Resync of Blocks or Reservations.

Check:  Check that the interface’s Purge Data processor is running. Go to Utilities>Purge Data>start if not running.

Check:  Check that the PURGE NO DAYS parameter is not set higher than 14 days. Set to between 7-14 days. Go to Interface Configuration>Interface Parameters>OXI_GENERIC group. If data has not been purging due to the Purge Data processor not running and there were more than 14 days worth of data in the interface. Go to the Message Status screen of OXI and manually PURGE the excess messages and use the Sort fields by date and then purge.

Enhancement: When error “Message CLOB is null” is given, the Message Type and Message ID will also be given when this happens to better troubleshoot where the issue is occurring.


Can't connect to database '' as ''. Error: ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error


Error found in System Error Log or in OXI Processor Logs.

Oracle error given but is linked to TNS settings. Check that the Communication Methods are set. There is usually one of the communication paths emepty.  If necessary delete the value(s) and re- enter them then select SAVE.

Once this is done, restart the OXI Processor.


Can't connect to database 'stifc' as 'twowayx'. Error: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve service name


Oracle error given when there is communication problem. The (TNSnames.ora) file has to carry database naming conventions so that connectivity can be established. (This error usually happens during installation and is to be rectified before installer leaves site.)



Status update failed HTTP][][0.932]


=LOOKUP&status=RUN&version=][A connection with the server could not be established



Network communication failure. Database/application server is not found. Possibly due to server being restarted. OXI service could not communicate due to issue. Wait and try Lookup again. If error occurs again then the Central Interface pc may need the Lookup service started to communicate with ORS central database. Please check


ABNORMAL TERMINATION - Dequeue Message Failed, Reason : ORA-06508: PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called


Interface could not read the message being sent. So the message is failed. Can happen after an upgrade if there are new settings not checked.

Verify a few things:

1. that the interface OXI Service is restarted.

2. that in OXI the XML Version schemas are set. Go to Interface’s Switch Interface>select the interface>select Edit button>select XML Version button. If a window pops open looking for user to select a V1 or V2 or V3 etc setting this is indicative of new setting.

a. Contact OPERA Support for selection if multiple choice.

b. If only one choice select it and click the OK button.

c. If there are no more choices then OK and Close out of this area.

d. Restart the OXI Service. Message will process okay after this.


ABNORMAL TERMINATION - This record is being changed by another user.


Download Processor:> Reason for error –

Reservation record is locked by system user and cannot be updated. OXI finishes processing message or fails the message and disconnects to continue on with other records being downloaded.

Check for any Reservation records in Message Status that may require action of ‘Reprocess’.


ABNORMAL TERMINATION - Can't lock profile instance of name id 16092. Profile table(s) name are already in use. <-> Location :  Processprofile- >PutProfileIntoPMS : Profile ID Matching


Download Processor:> Reason for error –

Profile is locked by user. System could not update profile and entered error. Finished processing message without updating it and continued on with other messages in OXI being sent.

Check to make sure that the download processor is still running, if not, restart.







Download Processor:> Reason for error –

Error message sent from Holidex CRS to OPERA in response to Reservation uploaded and could not be updated due to conflicting information.

Check that the reservation in OPERA if carries any Rate Changes is updated accordingly by either retriggering from in OPERA PMS or triggered using the Reservation Comparison Utility.




Download Processor> Reason for error-

Message being sent is too long and cannot be processed. The message has to be released so that other messages can be processed. So the OXI system releases this message and gives warning in the System Error Log screen only. It would not be recorded in the OXI logs or in OXI Message Status screen.


Initializing Session Variables Failed Please Check Your Interface And Resort Settings


“File_Export_Process” is the description of the entry in OXI’s System Error Log. For the interface using export files see that the setup in OPERA PMS is correct. Flag or delivery choice may be missing.

If values are found missing, correct and restart the Business Event processor in OPERA and Restart the OXI Processor service. Generate the export files needed that were expected at the time of the error.



Status update failed [HTTP][servername][0.010][][[Internal Server Error][500][<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "- //IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN">


<TITLE>500 Internal Server Error</TITLE>


<H1>Internal Server Error</H1>

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.<P> Please contact the server administrator,  you@your.address and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.<P> More information about this error may be available in the server error log.<P>


<ADDRESS>Oracle-Application-Server- 10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server Server at SERVERNAME Port 80</ADDRESS>




Connectivity was interrupted. Either due to Upgrade of OPERA product software without stopping the HTTP server or the Server encountered issue with network connectivity. Connectivity issues can be encountered if power surge happened.

Try to restart the HTTP service and restart the OXI service. Then go to OXI and Stop/Restart the OXI Processors to refresh the connections.

Users on the system may have to close all the way out of the Internet Explorer browser and re-login to the OPERA applications when the HTTP service is restarted to refresh.


Can't connect to database OPERA as OXI. Error: ORA-12518: TNS: listener could not hand off client connection


Service is running and trying to connect to process any messages. At this time the server connection could be down or the environment is being updated without turning services off. Once the server is back up and running or update is completed the service will return to normal.

It is recommended to ‘restart’ the OXI Service after this is reported so that the connection is refreshed.


ORA-03113 "end-of-file on communication channel"


ORA-03113 is the most common catchall error. It basically means that communications were lost for an unexpected reason. It is usually followed by ORA-03114 "not connected to ORACLE".

1. As it turns out, the most common reason is that the Oracle shadow process on the server died unexpectedly. So, if a running process were to suddenly encounter an ORA-03113 and/or 3114, the first place to check is the alert log on the server to see if any other Oracle errors occurred.

2. Next most common cause of ORA-03113 is that the SQL*Net driver was not linked into the Oracle executable on Unix. While the listener successfully received the connection and passed it to the Oracle shadow process, the shadow process would fail to respond in any way because it would not know how to. So the client will see an ORA- 03113 at connect time.

3. Third most common cause is a machine crash or network failure at the server side.

4. One less common cause has been observed is when there are two servers with the same node names on the same network.


License is not valid for HOLIDEX/Property Name


(ORS/PEGAUS etc.) Upload or Download Processor was started but the License is not Active. To Activate

license OXI>login>Interface Configuration>License Codes>check box for Active Y/N.