
Authorization Rules

Select Configuration>Setup>Property Interfaces>Credit Card Interface>Authorization Rules to specify the authorization rule (or rules) that the property uses for credit card authorizations. (Credit card interface functionality is enabled by the IFC>CC IFC application function.)

Two options are available for using this credit card authorization rules.

The same authorization rules are used in both cases.

Note: When setting up authorization rules, amount calculations should take into consideration taxes and other generates as well as fixed charges.

Note: On the day of check out, an authorization is executed using the authorization rule attached to the reservation  the first time the hotel performs either a manual or batch authorization. This procedure helps to eliminate an excessive number of individual authorizations on the day of check out, particularly where guests stay and use the hotel facilities on the day of departure.

Single Default Authorization Rule

If the IFC>Advanced Authorization Rules application parameter is set to N, the Authorization Rules screen appears when you select Configuration>Setup>Property Interfaces>Credit Card Interface>Authorization Rules.


Provide the following information and select the OK button to specify the default authorization rule.

Authorization Rule. Select the rule number for the approval amount calculation method to be used. Rules descriptions are as follows:

Rule No.

Rule Description


Nights*(Daily Rate)


Nights*(Daily Rate + Amount)


Nights*(Daily Rate + (Persons*Amount))


Nights*(Daily Rate + Percentage)






Nights*(Daily Rate + Amount - Daily Rate)


Nights*(Daily Rate + (Persons*Amount) - Daily Rate)


(Nights*Daily Rate) + Amount

Note: The Daily Rate value in these authorization rules consists of the amount for the Room Rate, Packages, and Fixed Charges, along with associated taxes/generates.

Amount. Default amount to be applied to all rules with an amount configured in the formula.

Percentage. Default percentage to be applied to all rules with a percentage configured in the formula.

Max. Days to Authorize. Enter a maximum of two digits to set the number of days to authorize for a credit card. If the field is left blank, authorizations will be done for the entire stay duration of the reservation. For example, if the Max. Days to Authorize is set for 7, then reservations for more than 7 days, the credit card can't be authorized for more than 7 days. If the reservation is less than 7 days, then the credit card will be authorized for that number of days for the reservation.

Ignore Advance Payments. Select this check box if you want to ignore advance payments on reservations.

Note: This feature works with the Reservations>CC Pre Check In Authorization application parameter, and the Night Audit Remote Authorization and/or Authorization at Check In feature in Configuration>Setup>Credit Card Interface>Functionality Setup.

Available Rules and Examples

The Daily Rate element defined in the rules is based on rate code configuration. When a rate code is tax exclusive, the prices and generates would be taken into consideration. Refer to Transaction Codes Setup for more information on prices and generates.

If there is a reservation for Mr. and Mrs. Smith (2 adults) for 3 nights with a Rack rate code of $100, and if the Rack rate code is configured as tax exclusive with 10% city tax configured in generates, then the authorization definitions and amounts would be as follows:

Rule 1 - Nights*(Daily Rate)

Example 1: The authorization amount would be for $330

3 * (110) = 330

Rule 2 - Nights*(Daily Rate+Amount)

Example: If $20 is the default amount, the authorization amount would be for $390.

3 * (110 +20) = $390

Rule 3 - Nights*(Daily Rate + (Persons*Amount))

Example: If $20 dollars is the default amount, the authorization amount would be for $450.

3 * (110 + (2 *20) = $450

Rule 4 - Nights*(Daily Rate + Percentage)

Example: If 10% was configured in the setup, then the authorization amount would be for $363

3 * (110) + 11 = $363

Rule 5 - Amount

Example: If the flat amount was defined for $50, then the authorization amount would be $50.

Note: The first authorization (from either Batch, Scheduled or Checkin authorization) would be Amount specified for the rule + total balance (if reservation balance is > 0)
Amount specified for the rule (if reservation balance is < 0)

All Subsequent authorizations (from Batch, Scheduled , End of Day)
Total Reservation Balance – Existing approved amount.

There is no difference between the incidental approval and actual approval as in the other rules.

Rule 6 - Nights*(Percentage)

Example: If the configured percentage amount is 10%, then the authorization amount would be $33.

0.1 * 3 * (110) = $33

Rule 7 - Nights*(Daily Rate + Amount - Daily Rate)

Example: If $20 dollars is the default amount, the authorization amount would be for $60.

3 * (110 + 20 - 110) = $60

Note: When the Reservations>Exclude Rate from Auth Based on Routing application parameter is set to Y, Rule 7 and Rule 8 are not available for use with authorization rule schedules.

Rule 8 - Nights*(Daily Rate + (Persons*Amount) - Daily Rate)

Example: If $20 is the flat amount, the authorization amount would be for $120.

3 * (110 + (2 * 20) - 110) = $120

Note: When the Reservations>Exclude Rate from Auth Based on Routing application parameter is set to Y, Rule 7 and Rule 8 are not available for use with authorization rule schedules.

Rule 9 - (Nights * Daily Rate) + Amount

Example: If $20 is the default amount, the authorization amount would be for $350.

(3 * 110) + 20 = $350

Note: A single flat amount is applied to the (nights * daily rate) calculation, regardless of the length of stay.

This flat amount applied also includes incidental charges for the entire stay and will not obtain more authorization during the End Of Day process until the existing incidental approval amount is used up. See the following scenarios:


Scenario 2

Scenario 3

Scenario 4

Scenario 5

End of Day Authorization Amount/Percentage Calculation

For Amount or Percentage values defined in authorization rules, the End Of Day authorization calculation will not consider the incidental amount/percentage for nights that have already passed.

For example, a reservation for 2 nights with a cash payment method has a rate amount of 200.00 per night and 10% tax. The reservation is checked in. After check in, the guest changes the payment method to a Visa credit card with authorization rule 2 — Nights *(Daily Rate + Amount). The amount for the authorization rule is $50.00.

For this reservation if the authorization had been obtained during the check in or before End Of Day, assuming the credit card was attached prior to check in, the authorization amount would have been $540 (2*(220+50)). If authorization is obtained during the End of Day processing, however, the authorization would be obtained for $490. This is due to the fact that the End Of Day authorization would NOT consider the incidental amount ($50 in this case) in the calculation of the authorization amount since that night of the stay has already passed.

Multiple Authorization Rules - Rule Schedules (Advanced Authorization Rules)

If the IFC>Advanced Authorization Rules application parameter is set to Y, the Authorization Rules grid appears when you select  Configuration>Setup>Property Interfaces>Credit Card Interface>Authorization Rules. The Advanced Authorization Rules feature allows you to specify a schedule that defines which authorization rule will apply to a reservation based on either or both the reservation type and the source code. When an authorization rule cannot be determined by the reservation type and/or source code belonging to the reservation, a default authorization rule, specified at the property level, applies.

OPERA evaluates rule schedules based on the following order of precedence when determining which authorization rule applies to a reservation:

Here is an example that shows how the authorization rule will be selected. Assume the following rule schedules have been configured:

Authorization Rule

Room Type

Room Class

Rate Code

Rate Category

Reservation Type

Source Code


















































8 (Default)








The Authorization Rules screen shows the following information about the rule schedules configured for the log in property:

Room Type. Room Type that the authorization rule applies to.

Room Class. Available when the General>Room Class application function is set to Y, the Room Class the credit card authorization rule applies to.

Rate Code. Rate Code that the authorization rule applies to.

Rate Cat. Rate Category the authorization rule applies to.

Res. Type. Reservation type to which the rule schedule applies. Property in this field indicates that this rule schedule is the default authorization rule for the property. This rule may not be deleted.

Source Code. Reservation type to which the rule schedule applies.

Rule. Authorization rule for the rule schedule.

Description. Description of the rule schedule.

Amount. Amount to be applied to all rules with an amount configured in the formula.

Percentage. Percentage to be applied to all rules with a percentage configured in the formula.

Note: The default authorization rule schedule should be specified if the property wishes to use a default authorization rule, even if no other authorization rule schedules are defined. The default may be edited, but it may not be deleted.

Adding and Editing Authorization Rule Schedules

To add a new authorization rule schedule, select the New button. To edit an existing authorization rule schedule, highlight your choice on the Authorization Rules grid and select the Edit button. The Authorization Rules - New or Authorization Rules - Edit screen appears.


Provide the following information and select the OK button.

Room Type. Select the down arrow to select the room type from the single select list of values to attach the credit card authorization rule to. If a Room Type is selected, then a Room Class value that is attached to the Room Type will automatically be populated and the Room Class field will be disabled and can't be modified.

Room Class. Available when the General>Room Class application function is set to Y, select the room class from the single select list of values to attach the credit card authorization rule to.

Rate Code. Select the rate code from the single select list of values to attach the credit card authorization rule to. If a Rate Code is selected, then a Rate Category value that is attached to the Room Type will automatically be populated and the Rate Category field will be disabled and can't be modified.

Rate Category. Select the rate category from the single select list of values to attach the credit card authorization rule to.

Res. Type. Select the down arrow to choose the reservation type to which this rule schedule applies. Not available for the default (Property) authorization rule.

Source Code. Select the down arrow to choose the source code to which this rule schedule appears. Not available for the default (Property) authorization rule.

Note: A reservation type or a source code or both must be specified for rule schedules other than the default (Property) rule schedule.

Authorization Rule. Select the down arrow to choose a rule number for the approval amount calculation.

Amount. Amount to be applied to all rules with an amount configured in the formula.

Percentage. Percentage to be applied to all rules with a percentage configured in the formula. A validation is performed to be sure that if a percentage is to be calculated, that the authorization rule selected is a percentage rule.

Max. Days to Authorize. Only specified for the default. Applies to all authorization rule definitions at the property level. Enter a maximum of two digits to set the number of days to authorize for a credit card. If the field is left blank, authorizations will be done for the entire stay duration of the reservation. For example, if the Max. Days to Authorize is set for 7, then reservations for more than 7 days, the credit card can't be authorized for more than 7 days. If the reservation is less than 7 days, then the credit card will be authorized for that number of days for the reservation.

Ignore Advance Payments. Only specified for the default. Applies to all authorization rule definitions at the property level. Select this check box if you want to ignore advance payments on reservations.

Show Me

Authorization Rules

Advanced Authorization Rules

See Also