
Business Rules for Sending and Receiving between V3 and ORS

Business Rules for Sending and Receiving Profiles (Receiving)

PMS supports only two (2) addresses; the INTERFACE will only download addresses defined with the sequence numbers one (1) and two (2).

The Primary address will ALWAYS be downloaded in the standard PMS address fields, the second address will be downloaded in B field (if the B field is available).

A parameter is available at the property that will allow the user to have the home address always go in the standard PMS address fields and business address always go into the custom “B” address fields (providing these fields are defined in PMS).

Profiles created at PMS can be changed by ORS.

Profiles created in ORS can be changed by PMS.

Profile comments will not be supported for downloads.

Remarks will be sent  to ORS and show in Notes.

Rate Entitlements attached to a profile will be downloaded

PMS does not have the begin and end date attached to the rate entitlement. Until this feature is supported in a later version, the

INTERFACE will download the rate entitlements as listed below:


Rate entitlements attached to a profile will be uploaded.

Profile comments will be uploaded.

See Also