
Channel Management SID Data

This following SID data is loaded to the OPERA tables during installation for channel management. This data is automatically used in your channels to meet GDS/ADS and Pegasus SWITCH specifications.

GDS Host setup data. This data is required information to manage the major GDS hosts. Marketing text is also included in this data.

Error codes for Switch Company. These error codes are industry standards and apply to issues encountered during availability inquiries and reservations.

Marketing test for Switch Company. This is industry standard text that is sent to the channels for availability and booking transactions.

GDS channel conversion restrictions. These restrictions are loaded to the OPERA tables: Close, Open, CTA and On request.

Requirements codes (for setup of guarantees). These requirement codes for guarantees are loaded to the OPERA tables: CREDIT_CARD, TRAVEL_AGENT, CORPORATE, HOLD, NOT ACCEPTED and GUARANTEE_INFO.

Application parameters. These application parameters allow you to enable or disable specific GDS functionality. For example, session purge action.

See Also