
Convert Production Data

Note: A password, available from MICROS Systems Development, is required to run this utility. This utility should be used with extreme caution and understanding of its impact.

The production data conversion utility (Utilities>Data>Convert Production Data) is used in an environment where S&C is activated on a date after PMS or ORS properties have already been operational. The utility creates the net production data that did not exist before S&C became active and balances the net production data back into on-the-books revenue. This utility must be run separately for each property in a multi-property environment and requires the start date of when S&C was activated. It allows you to select ALL blocks or specific block(s) you want converted.

Several database tables are used during the process, including:

Converting Production Data


The Convert Production Data processing screen displays.


Select OK to begin the production data conversion process.

The following 'Converting Production Data...' message displays.


When successfully converted, the following 'Successfully Completed' message will appear.
