
Userlog Transfers (finuserlogtransfers with CAS8.FMX)

Note: We recommend printing this in Landscape pager orientation.

Displays all folios that have been transferred to another guest or account for a specific date or range of dates.

The multi-select box for 'Users' will include inactive users as the report can be run for past days and the property would want to see transactions even if the user is inactive at the time the report is run.

The 'Revenue' column represents the financial_transactions.revenue_amt column, the 'Credit' column represents one of the credit columns of financial_transaction depending on the type of transaction (guest_account_credit,ar_led_credit,package_credit,dep_led_credit).

Selection Criteria

Date Range

From Date. Manually enter, or select the Calendar button to choose, the beginning date for the date range used in the results of the report.

To Date. Manually enter, or select the Calendar button to choose, the ending date for the date range used in the results of the report.


User. Multi-Select LOV that allows the filtration by user or users.

Sort Order. Available sort order options are: Chronological (default), Cashier, User, Transaction Code, Room No.

Button Functions

Preview. Select to preview the report in a PDF format.

Print. select to print the report.

File. Select to save the report as a file.

Close. Select to exit the specific report