
Commissions Pre Payment (prepayment with TAC3.FMX)

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This report is available when the OPP_COM Commission Handling add-on license is active.

This report can be run from within Commission Processing or by selecting the Miscellaneous>Reports menu bar option.   When accessed from Commissions Processing (by selecting the Reports button on the Commissions Processing screen), the selected Bank Account and Travel Agent/Source are pre-populated into the selection criteria FMX.

The Commission Pre Payment report will provide the same information displayed in the Commission Processing screen.  The filter criteria on the TAC3.FMX allows the report output to be fine tuned to only display very specific records.

TAC3.FMX Selection Criteria

Departure Date Range

Departure Date Range. Enter a From and To date that define the period when the Reservations checked out.  These fields can be left blank and the report will return data based on the other selection criteria.  For example, if property wants to see all Commissions to be processed for a specific Bank Account, select only the Bank Account and the report output will include all Travel Agents and Reservations that have not been processed.


Bank Account.  Multi-select LOV of all configured Bank Accounts.

Travel Agent/Source.  Multi-select LOV of all Travel Agent or Source Profiles that have a record in the Commissions Processing screen.  If a specific Bank Account is selected, the LOV for Travel Agent/Source will only return those Travel Agent/Source Profiles that are in that Bank Account. Source is available when the Profiles>Source application function is set to Y.

City.  Multi-select LOV of all configured Cities.  The LOV will work in conjunction with the Bank Account and Travel Agent/Source fields.  Meaning, the Cities displayed will validate on the Travel Agent Source Profiles that have been selected or are attached to the Bank Account selected.

IATA Number.  Enter an IATA number configured on a Travel Agent/Source Profile.  The value must be an exact match.


On Hold. When selected, the report output will include those reservations that are marked as Hold.  This includes those Reservations and/or Travel Agent/Source Profiles that have the column ‘H’ marked in Commission Processing.

AR. When selected, the report output will include those reservations that are marked as AR.  This includes those Reservations that have the column ‘A’ marked in Commission Processing.

Pre-Paid. When selected, the report output will include those reservations that are marked as Prepaid.  This includes those Reservations that have the column ‘P’ marked in Commission Processing.

Open. When selected, the report output will include all Reservations in the Commission processing module that are not marked as Hold (H), AR (A), or Prepaid (P).

Notes. Available when the Pre-Paid check box is selected, displays the notes associated with the prepayment will be printed on the report.

Note: The Batch Total row at the bottom of the Commissions Pre Payment (prepayment.rep) report is a total of each of the following columns: Net Commission, TAX Amount, Prepaid Comm., Comm. Revenue, Local Comm. Amt. and Comm. Amt.  In the event that the report is run for multiple bank accounts which are configured with different currency codes, the Comm. Amt column will not display a total.  This is due to the fact that different currencies may be configured with different decimals.

Function Buttons

Preview. Use the preview option to view the generated output of this report in PDF format.

Print. Use the Print button to print the report to the selected output.

File. Prints the generated report output to an *.rtf file.

Close. Closes this report screen.