
Rate Information Options

Select Miscellaneous>Show Quick Keys>Rate Plan Query (F5) or press F5 from any area in OPERA to display the Rate Information menu. F5 provides the user with all necessary information about rates, rate codes and packages. Pressing F5 displays the following Rate Information Options screen. Once the Rate Information Options is displayed, pressing the Enter key on the keyboard will open up the Rate Query screen.

rate info options menu

Button Functions

Rate Query. Lets you see at a glance which rates are available for each room type on any given arrival date, departure date and number of persons.

Rate Lookup. Shows full rate code information including rate splitting for any particular rate code, room type or room number.

Package Elements. Displays all available packages.

Rate Availability Grid. Shows the availability of all rate codes for a given month. The Rate Availability grid option will be visible when the Application Settings>Rates>Advance Rate Restriction (Activate the Advance Rate Restriction Functionality which include Rate Availability and Rate Strategy screens) function is set to Y. The Promotions option displays rate codes available that are attached to promotions only with the Application Settings>Membership>Promotions Module (Activate Reservation Promotions Functionality) function set to Yes.

Item Inventory. Shows the quantity of each item in inventory (green background) and the quantity available (white background) for any given date.

Rate Shopper. Displays the Rate Shopper screen where you can view competitor property's rates for a specific date and compare them to your own rates. This option is available when the PMS OPP_SHOP add-on license or the ORMS license code (OPO_<version number>, OPK_<version number>, or OPH_<version number>) is active.

See Also