
Rate Code (rateaction with RESORS1.FMX)

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This report displays rate codes used by property (Resort, Rate Code, Season, Begin Date, End Date, Market, Source, Amount 1, Amount 2, Amount 3, Amount 4 and Inactive).

Selection Criteria

Select  the Property, Date Range and Rate code you want to view. The report is ordered by Property.


Property. Select the down arrow and choose the property whose rate codes you want to view.

Date Range

From Date. Populated with the current business date by default, enter or select the calendar icon to choose another from date.

To Date. Populated with the current business date by default, enter or select the calendar icon to choose another To date.

From Time. Enter a specific from time.

To Time. Enter a specific to time.


Rate Code. Select specific rate codes to display from the multi-select list of values.

Function Buttons

Preview. Select to preview the report in a PDF format.

Print. Select to print the report.

File. Select to save the report as a file.

Close. Select to exit the specific report.