
Market Segment Totals (res_forecast2 with FOR2.FMX)

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The Market Segment Forecast report is a business on the books report displaying a forecast of reservations, one line per day, for a selected future date range. The date range can be from current Business Date to any date in the future. The output displays by Individual Deduct and Non-deduct reservation and Block deduct and Non-deduct reservations. You have the ability to choose which reservation types to display, however only Picked Up Block rooms will be used and will not include block rooms when the block status is INQUIRY, REGRET and LOST.

In PMS, this report is available under the Forecast report group. In ORS/OCIS, it is available under the ORS/OCIS General report group.

Selection Criteria

Date Range

From Date/To Date. The selected From Date and To Date can be from the current business date of the property, to any date in the future.


Room Class. Multi select LOV for filtering on specific Room Classes.  Only include Reservations that are made for a Room Type that is in the selected Room Class.  The Room Class filter is only displayed when the General>Room Class application function is active.

Room Type. Multi select LOV for filtering on specific Room Types.  Only include those reservations that have the selected Room Type(s) attached to the Reservation.

Market Code. Multi select LOV for filtering on specific Market Codes that are attached to a Reservation.  Only include those reservations that have the selected Market Code(s) attached to the Reservation.

Include Pseudo Rooms. Include Reservations made for a Room type configured as a Pseudo Room.

Reservation Types

Individual. Select to include only Individual Rooms that have not yet been picked up.

Block. Select to include reservations that have been made against the block and rooms that are not yet Picked Up for the block. When selecting the Block check box, a multi select LOV is displayed with all Block Statuses. Only Block Statuses that are in use for the date range selected will be displayed.


Net Room Rate. Room Revenue will only reflect the revenues posted with transactions marked as Room Revenue.  For each reservation, this can be matched to Reservation>Options>Rate Info>column of Room Revenue for selected date.

Package Rate. Room Revenue will reflect all room revenue, package revenue and taxes per night per reservation.  For each reservation, this can be matched to Reservation>Options>Rate Info>Total value for selected date. The taxes include tax on the room as well as any taxes generated by a package.

Note: Prices and allowances displayed for packages will be the price and allowance from the configuration of the package when it was attached to the reservation. Since the package price and allowance is stored at the reservation level, package prices and allowances can be different from reservation to reservation and from within the Package configuration to the reservation.

Other Options

Currency. Select the down arrow to choose the currency for reporting. By default, the property's local currency is used.

Sort Order. Select the down arrow to choose a sort order: