Oracle NoSQL Database
version 12cR1.2.1.54
A B C D E F G H I J K M N O P R S T U V W 


ABSOLUTE - Static variable in class oracle.kv.Consistency
A consistency policy that requires that a transaction be serviced on the Master so that consistency is absolute.
AdminMXBean - Interface in oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx
This MBean represents an Admin's operational parameters.
AvroBinding<T> - Interface in oracle.kv.avro
The AvroBinding interface has the same methods as ValueBinding, but adds semantics and exceptions that are specific to the Avro data format.
AvroCatalog - Interface in oracle.kv.avro
A catalog of Avro schemas and bindings for a store.
AvroFormatter - Interface in oracle.kv.hadoop
Avro Formatter is an interface implemented by user-specified classes that can format NoSQL Database records into AvroRecords to be returned by a KVAvroRecordReader.


batchSize - Variable in class oracle.kv.SelectionParams


CacheKeyMapper - Interface in oracle.kv.coherence
This interface defines a mechanism for translating an Oracle Coherence cache key object into an Oracle NoSQL Database Key.
clone() - Method in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
close() - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Close the K/V Store handle and release resources.
close() - Method in interface oracle.kv.ParallelScanIterator
Close (terminate) a Parallel Scan.
COMMIT_NO_SYNC - Static variable in class oracle.kv.Durability
A convenience constant that defines a durability policy with COMMIT_NO_SYNC for Master commit synchronization.
COMMIT_SYNC - Static variable in class oracle.kv.Durability
A convenience constant that defines a durability policy with COMMIT_SYNC for Master commit synchronization.
COMMIT_WRITE_NO_SYNC - Static variable in class oracle.kv.Durability
A convenience constant that defines a durability policy with COMMIT_WRITE_NO_SYNC for Master commit synchronization.
compareTo(Key) - Method in class oracle.kv.Key
Compares this Key with the specified Key for order.
compareTo(KVVersion) - Method in class oracle.kv.KVVersion
Consistency - Class in oracle.kv
Used to provide consistency guarantees for read operations.
consistency - Variable in class oracle.kv.SelectionParams
Consistency.Time - Class in oracle.kv
A consistency policy which describes the amount of time the Replica is allowed to lag the Master.
Consistency.Time(long, TimeUnit, long, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class oracle.kv.Consistency.Time
Specifies the amount of time by which the Replica is allowed to lag the master when initiating a transaction.
Consistency.Version - Class in oracle.kv
A consistency policy which ensures that the environment on a Replica node is at least as current as denoted by the specified Key-Value pair Version.
Consistency.Version(Version, long, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class oracle.kv.Consistency.Version
Defines how current a Replica needs to be in terms of a specific write operation that was previously completed.
ConsistencyException - Exception in oracle.kv
Thrown when a single or multiple-operation transaction fails because the specified Consistency could not be met, within the allowed timeout period.
ContingencyException - Exception in oracle.kv
Used to indicate a status condition or result that is not expressed through the return value, and that should normally be handled by the caller of the method.
createDelete(Key) - Method in interface oracle.kv.OperationFactory
Create a Delete operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method.
createDelete(Key, ReturnValueVersion.Choice, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.kv.OperationFactory
Create a Delete operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method.
createDeleteIfVersion(Key, Version) - Method in interface oracle.kv.OperationFactory
Create a Delete operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method.
createDeleteIfVersion(Key, Version, ReturnValueVersion.Choice, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.kv.OperationFactory
Create a Delete operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method.
createKey(List<String>, List<String>) - Static method in class oracle.kv.Key
Creates a Key from a Major Path list and a Minor Path list.
createKey(String, List<String>) - Static method in class oracle.kv.Key
Creates a Key from a single component Major Path and a Minor Path list.
createKey(List<String>, String) - Static method in class oracle.kv.Key
Creates a Key from a Major Path list and a single component Minor Path.
createKey(String, String) - Static method in class oracle.kv.Key
Creates a Key from a single component Major Path and a single component Minor Path.
createKey(List<String>) - Static method in class oracle.kv.Key
Creates a Key from a Major Path list; the Minor Path will be empty.
createKey(String) - Static method in class oracle.kv.Key
Creates a Key from a single component Major Path; the Minor Path will be empty.
createPut(Key, Value) - Method in interface oracle.kv.OperationFactory
Create a Put operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method.
createPut(Key, Value, ReturnValueVersion.Choice, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.kv.OperationFactory
Create a Put operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method.
createPutIfAbsent(Key, Value) - Method in interface oracle.kv.OperationFactory
Create a Put operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method.
createPutIfAbsent(Key, Value, ReturnValueVersion.Choice, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.kv.OperationFactory
Create a Put operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method.
createPutIfPresent(Key, Value) - Method in interface oracle.kv.OperationFactory
Create a Put operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method.
createPutIfPresent(Key, Value, ReturnValueVersion.Choice, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.kv.OperationFactory
Create a Put operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method.
createPutIfVersion(Key, Value, Version) - Method in interface oracle.kv.OperationFactory
Create a Put operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method.
createPutIfVersion(Key, Value, Version, ReturnValueVersion.Choice, boolean) - Method in interface oracle.kv.OperationFactory
Create a Put operation suitable for use as an argument to the execute method.
createValue(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.kv.Value
Creates a Value from a value byte array.
CURRENT_VERSION - Static variable in class oracle.kv.KVVersion
Release version.


decodeBinaryKey(String) - Static method in class oracle.kv.coherence.NoSQLBinaryStore
Decode a binary key from ascii form.
DEFAULT_LOB_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
The default timeout value (10000 ms) associated with internal LOB access during operations on LOBs.
DEFAULT_MAX_ACTIVE_REQUESTS - Static variable in class oracle.kv.RequestLimitConfig
The default values for limiting requests to a particular node.
DEFAULT_NODE_LIMIT_PERCENT - Static variable in class oracle.kv.RequestLimitConfig
DEFAULT_OPEN_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
The default open timeout in ms associated with the sockets used to make KVStore requests.
DEFAULT_READ_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
The default read timeout in ms associated with the sockets used to make KVStore requests.
DEFAULT_REQUEST_THRESHOLD_PERCENT - Static variable in class oracle.kv.RequestLimitConfig
DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
The default timeout in ms associated with KVStore requests.
delete(Key) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Delete the key/value pair associated with the key.
delete(Key, ReturnValueVersion, Durability, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Delete the key/value pair associated with the key.
deleteIfVersion(Key, Version) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Delete a key/value pair, but only if the version of the existing value matches the matchVersion argument.
deleteIfVersion(Key, Version, ReturnValueVersion, Durability, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Delete a key/value pair, but only if the version of the existing value matches the matchVersion argument.
deleteLOB(Key, Durability, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface oracle.kv.lob.KVLargeObject
Deletes the LOB associated with the key.
Depth - Enum in oracle.kv
Used with multiple-key and iterator operations to specify whether to select (return or operate on) the key-value pair for the parent key, and the key-value pairs for only immediate children or all descendants.
depth - Variable in class oracle.kv.SelectionParams
DetailedMetrics - Interface in oracle.kv.stats
Interface to the per-partition and per-shard metrics returned by and oracle.kv.ParallelScanIterator#getShardMetrics().
Direction - Enum in oracle.kv
Used with iterator operations to specify the order that keys are returned.
direction - Variable in class oracle.kv.SelectionParams
Durability - Class in oracle.kv
Defines the durability characteristics associated with a standalone write (put or update) operation, or in the case of KVStore.execute with a set of operations performed in a single transaction.
Durability(Durability.SyncPolicy, Durability.SyncPolicy, Durability.ReplicaAckPolicy) - Constructor for class oracle.kv.Durability
Creates an instance of a Durability specification.
Durability.ReplicaAckPolicy - Enum in oracle.kv
A replicated environment makes it possible to increase an application's transaction commit guarantees by committing changes to its replicas on the network.
Durability.SyncPolicy - Enum in oracle.kv
Defines the synchronization policy to be used when committing a transaction.
DurabilityException - Exception in oracle.kv
Thrown when write operations cannot be initiated because a quorum of Replicas as determined by the Durability.ReplicaAckPolicy was not available.


EMPTY_VALUE - Static variable in class oracle.kv.Value
An instance that represents an empty value for key-only records.
encodeBinaryKey(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.kv.coherence.NoSQLBinaryStore
Encode a binary key in ascii form so that it is suitable for use as a NoSQL key.
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.kv.avro.JsonRecord
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.kv.avro.RawRecord
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.kv.Consistency.Time
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.kv.Consistency.Version
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.kv.Durability
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.kv.Key
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.kv.KeyRange
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.kv.KVVersion
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.kv.Value
equals(Object) - Method in class oracle.kv.Version
execute(List<Operation>) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
This method provides an efficient and transactional mechanism for executing a sequence of operations associated with keys that share the same Major Path.
execute(List<Operation>, Durability, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
This method provides an efficient and transactional mechanism for executing a sequence of operations associated with keys that share the same Major Path.
ExternalTableException - Exception in oracle.kv.exttab
Runtime Exception for anything related to ExternalTables.
ExternalTableException(String) - Constructor for exception oracle.kv.exttab.ExternalTableException
ExternalTableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception oracle.kv.exttab.ExternalTableException


FaultException - Exception in oracle.kv
Used to indicate an error condition that cannot normally be handled by the caller of the method, except by retrying the operation.
Formatter - Interface in oracle.kv.exttab
Formatter is an interface to a user-specified class used for formatting NoSQL Database records into Strings which are appropriate for importing into a specific Oracle External Table.
fromByteArray(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.kv.Consistency
Deserializes the given bytes that were returned earlier by Consistency.toByteArray() and returns the resulting Consistency.
fromByteArray(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.kv.Durability
Deserializes the given bytes that were returned earlier by Durability.toByteArray() and returns the resulting Durability.
fromByteArray(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.kv.Key
Deserializes the given bytes that were returned earlier by Key.toByteArray() and returns the resulting Key.
fromByteArray(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.kv.KeyRange
Deserializes the given bytes that were returned earlier by KeyRange.toByteArray() and returns the resulting KeyRange.
fromByteArray(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.kv.Value
Deserializes the given bytes that were returned earlier by Value.toByteArray() and returns the resulting Value.
fromByteArray(byte[]) - Static method in class oracle.kv.Version
Deserializes the given bytes that were returned earlier by Version.toByteArray() and returns the resulting Version.
fromString(String) - Static method in class oracle.kv.Key
Decodes a key path string and returns the resulting Key object.
fromString(String) - Static method in class oracle.kv.KeyRange
Converts an encoded KeyRange back to a KeyRange.


GenericAvroBinding - Interface in oracle.kv.avro
The GenericAvroBinding interface has the same methods as AvroBinding, but represents values as instances of GenericRecord.
get(Key) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Get the value associated with the key.
get(Key, Consistency, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Get the value associated with the key.
getAbortIfUnsuccessful() - Method in interface oracle.kv.Operation
Returns whether this operation should cause the KVStore.execute transaction to abort when the operation fails.
getAdminHttpPort() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.StorageNodeMXBean
Returns the http port used by the Admin Console web application.
getAdminId() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.AdminMXBean
Returns the AdminId number of an Admin instance.
getAvailableReplicas() - Method in exception oracle.kv.DurabilityException
Returns the set of Replicas that were available at the time of the operation.
getAverageBlockedResultsQueueGetTime() - Method in interface oracle.kv.stats.StoreIteratorMetrics
Returns the average time (in milliseconds) spent waiting for Results Queue take() operations, exclusive of the first take() operation.
getAverageBlockedResultsQueuePutTime() - Method in interface oracle.kv.stats.StoreIteratorMetrics
Returns the average time (in milliseconds) spent waiting for put() operations to the Results Queue.
getAverageLatencyMs() - Method in interface oracle.kv.stats.OperationMetrics
Returns the average request latency in milliseconds.
getAvLatencyMs() - Method in interface oracle.kv.stats.NodeMetrics
Returns the trailing average latency (in ms) over all requests made to this node.
getAvroCatalog() - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Returns the catalog of Avro schemas and bindings for this store.
getBatchSize() - Method in class oracle.kv.SelectionParams
getBlockedResultsQueueGets() - Method in interface oracle.kv.stats.StoreIteratorMetrics
Returns the number of Results Queue take() operations on the application side which have blocked.
getBlockedResultsQueuePuts() - Method in interface oracle.kv.stats.StoreIteratorMetrics
Returns the number of put() operations to the Results Queue on the producer side of the queue which have blocked.
getCacheSize() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the size of the BDB-JE cache, in MBytes.
getCapacity() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.StorageNodeMXBean
Returns the number of Replication Nodes that can be hosted on this Storage Node.
getCollectEnvStats() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
If true, then the underlying BDB-JE subsystem will dump statistics into a local .stat file.
getCommitPolicy() - Method in exception oracle.kv.DurabilityException
Returns the Replica ack policy that was in effect for the operation.
getConfigProperties() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns Non-default BDB-JE configuration properties.
getConsistency() - Method in exception oracle.kv.ConsistencyException
Returns the consistency policy that could not be satisfied.
getConsistency() - Method in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
Returns the default read Consistency.
getConsistency() - Method in class oracle.kv.SelectionParams
getCumulativeEnd() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the timestamp at the end of a cumulative measurement period.
getCumulativeLatAvg() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the average latency for single operations since service startup.
getCumulativeLatMax() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the highest latency measured for single operations since service startup.
getCumulativeLatMin() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the lowest latency measured for single operations since service startup.
getCumulativePct95() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the 95th percentile latency for single operations since service startup.
getCumulativePct99() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the 99th percentile latency for single operations since service startup.
getCumulativeStart() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the timestamp at the beginning of a cumulative measurement period.
getCumulativeThroughput() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns single operations per second since service startup.
getCumulativeTotalOps() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the total number of single operations since service startup.
getCurrentSchemas() - Method in interface oracle.kv.avro.AvroCatalog
Returns an immutable Map containing the most current version of all schemas from the KVStore client schema cache.
getDataCenterName() - Method in interface oracle.kv.stats.NodeMetrics
Returns the data center that hosts the node.
getDefault() - Static method in class oracle.kv.RequestLimitConfig
getDepth() - Method in class oracle.kv.SelectionParams
getDirection() - Method in class oracle.kv.SelectionParams
getDurability() - Method in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
Returns the default write Durability.
getEnd() - Method in class oracle.kv.KeyRange
Returns the String component that defines upper bound of the key range, or null if no upper bound is enforced.
getEndInclusive() - Method in class oracle.kv.KeyRange
Returns whether end is included in the range, i.e., end is greater than or equal to the last String component in the key range.
getEventExpiryAge() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.AdminMXBean
Returns how long to keep critical event records.
getFailedOperation() - Method in exception oracle.kv.OperationExecutionException
The operation that caused the execution to be aborted.
getFailedOperationIndex() - Method in exception oracle.kv.OperationExecutionException
The list index of the operation that caused the execution to be aborted.
getFailedOperationResult() - Method in exception oracle.kv.OperationExecutionException
The result of the operation that caused the execution to be aborted.
getFailedRequestCount() - Method in interface oracle.kv.stats.NodeMetrics
Returns the number of requests that were tried at this node but did not result in a successful response.
getFaultClassName() - Method in exception oracle.kv.FaultException
Returns the name of the class associated with the original fault exception, or the name of the local exception class if the error occurred locally.
getFormat() - Method in class oracle.kv.Value
Returns the value's format.
getFullPath() - Method in class oracle.kv.Key
Returns the Full Path of the Key as new mutable list.
getGenericBinding(Schema) - Method in interface oracle.kv.avro.AvroCatalog
Returns a binding for representing a value as an Avro GenericRecord, for values that conform to a single given expected schema.
getGenericMultiBinding(Map<String, Schema>) - Method in interface oracle.kv.avro.AvroCatalog
Returns a binding for representing a value as an Avro GenericRecord, for values that conform to multiple given expected schemas.
getHAHostname() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.StorageNodeMXBean
Returns the name of the network interface used for communication between Replication Nodes
getHaPortRange() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.StorageNodeMXBean
Returns the range of port numbers available for assigning to Replication Nodes that are hosted on this Storage Node.
getHeapMB() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the size of the Java heap for this Replication Node, in MB.
getHelperHosts() - Method in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
Returns the helper host/port pairs.
getHostname() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.StorageNodeMXBean
Returns the name associated with the network interface on which this Storage Node's registry listens.
getHttpPort() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.AdminMXBean
Returns the port number used by the Admin Console web application.
getInputStream() - Method in class oracle.kv.lob.InputStreamVersion
Returns the InputStream part of the InputStream and Version pair.
getIntervalEnd() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the timestamp at the end of a measured interval.
getIntervalLatAvg() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
The average latency for single operations during a measured interval.
getIntervalLatMax() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the highest latency for single operations measured during an interval.
getIntervalLatMin() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the lowest latency for singleton operations measured during an interval.
getIntervalPct95() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the 95th percentile latency for single operations during a measured interval.
getIntervalPct99() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the 99th percentile latency for single operations during a measured interval.
getIntervalStart() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the timestamp at the beginning of a measured interval.
getIntervalThroughput() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns singleton operations per second during a measured interval."
getIntervalTotalOps() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the total number of singleton operations during a measured interval.
getJavaMiscParams() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns a string that is added to the command line when the Replication Node process is started.
getJsonBinding(Schema) - Method in interface oracle.kv.avro.AvroCatalog
Returns a binding for representing a value as a JsonRecord, for values that conform to a single given expected schema.
getJsonMultiBinding(Map<String, Schema>) - Method in interface oracle.kv.avro.AvroCatalog
Returns a binding for representing a value as a JsonRecord, for values that conform to multiple given expected schemas.
getJsonNode() - Method in class oracle.kv.avro.JsonRecord
Returns the JsonNode for this JsonRecord.
getKey() - Method in class oracle.kv.KeyValueVersion
Returns the Key part of the KV pair.
getKey() - Method in interface oracle.kv.Operation
Returns the Key associated with the operation.
getKey() - Method in exception oracle.kv.StoreIteratorException
Returns the key which was used to retrieve the current batch of records in the iteration.
getLatencyCeiling() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
If the Replication Node's latency exceeds this value, a latency ceiling notification will be sent.
getLOB(Key, Consistency, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface oracle.kv.lob.KVLargeObject
Returns an InputStream representing the underlying LOB value associated with the key.
getLOBSuffix() - Method in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
Returns the default suffix associated with LOB keys.
getLOBTimeout(TimeUnit) - Method in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
Returns the default timeout value (in ms) associated with chunk access during operations on LOBs.
getLOBVerificationBytes() - Method in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
Returns the number of trailing bytes of a partial LOB that must be verified against the user supplied LOB stream when resuming a LOB put operation.
getLogFileCount() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.AdminMXBean
Returns number of log files that are kept.
getLogFileCount() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.StorageNodeMXBean
Returns the number of log files that are kept.
getLogFileLimit() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.AdminMXBean
Returns the maximum size of log files.
getLogFileLimit() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.StorageNodeMXBean
Returns the maximum size of log files.
getLoggingConfigProps() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns property settings for the Logging subsystem.
getMajor() - Method in class oracle.kv.KVVersion
Major number of the release version.
getMajorPath() - Method in class oracle.kv.Key
Returns the Major Path of the Key as an immutable list.
getMasterSync() - Method in class oracle.kv.Durability
Returns the transaction synchronization policy to be used on the Master when committing a transaction.
getMaxActiveRequestCount() - Method in interface oracle.kv.stats.NodeMetrics
Returns the number of requests that were concurrently active for this node at this KVS client.
getMaxActiveRequests() - Method in class oracle.kv.RequestLimitConfig
Returns the maximum number of active requests permitted by the KVS client.
getMaxBlockedResultsQueueGetTime() - Method in interface oracle.kv.stats.StoreIteratorMetrics
Returns the maximum time (in milliseconds) spent waiting for Results Queue take() operations, exclusive of the first take() operation.
getMaxBlockedResultsQueuePutTime() - Method in interface oracle.kv.stats.StoreIteratorMetrics
Returns the maximum time (in milliseconds) spent waiting for put() operations to the Results Queue.
getMaxConcurrentRequests() - Method in class oracle.kv.StoreIteratorConfig
Returns the maximum number of concurrent requests.
getMaxLatencyMs() - Method in interface oracle.kv.stats.OperationMetrics
Returns the maximum request latency in milliseconds.
getMaxResultsBatches() - Method in class oracle.kv.StoreIteratorConfig
Returns the maximum number of results batches that can be held in the NoSQL Database client process.
getMaxTrackedLatency() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the highest latency that will be included in the calculation of latency percentiles.
getMemoryMB() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.StorageNodeMXBean
Returns the amount of memory known to be available on this Storage Node, in megabytes.
getMessage() - Method in exception oracle.kv.NoSQLRuntimeException
getMessage() - Method in exception oracle.kv.RequestTimeoutException
getMinBlockedResultsQueueGetTime() - Method in interface oracle.kv.stats.StoreIteratorMetrics
Returns the minimum time (in milliseconds) spent waiting for Results Queue take() operations, exclusive of the first take() operation.
getMinBlockedResultsQueuePutTime() - Method in interface oracle.kv.stats.StoreIteratorMetrics
Returns the minimum time (in milliseconds) spent waiting for put() operations to the Results Queue.
getMinLatencyMs() - Method in interface oracle.kv.stats.OperationMetrics
Returns the minimum request latency in milliseconds.
getMinor() - Method in class oracle.kv.KVVersion
Minor number of the release version.
getMinorPath() - Method in class oracle.kv.Key
Returns the Minor Path of the Key as an immutable list.
getMountPoint() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the path to the file system mount point where this Replication Node's files are stored.
getMountPoints() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.StorageNodeMXBean
Returns a list of file system mount points on which Replication Nodes can be deployed
getMultiCumulativeEnd() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the timestamp at the end of a cumulative measurement period.
getMultiCumulativeLatAvg() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the average latency for multi-operation sequences since service startup
getMultiCumulativeLatMax() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the highest latency measured for multi-operation sequences since service startup.
getMultiCumulativeLatMin() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the lowest latency measured for multi-operation sequences since service startup.
getMultiCumulativePct95() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the 95th percentile latency for multi-operation sequences since service startup.
getMultiCumulativePct99() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the 99th percentile latency for multi-operation sequences since service startup.
getMultiCumulativeStart() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns Timestamp of service startup; the start time of a cumulative measurement.
getMultiCumulativeThroughput() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns Multi-operations sequences per second since service startup.
getMultiCumulativeTotalOps() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the total number of single operations performed in multi-operation sequences since service startup.
getMultiCumulativeTotalRequests() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the total number of multi operation sequences since service startup.
getMultiIntervalEnd() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the timestamp at the end of a measured interval.
getMultiIntervalLatAvg() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the average latency for multi-operation sequences during a measured interval.
getMultiIntervalLatMax() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the highest latency measured for multi-operation sequences during a measured interval.
getMultiIntervalLatMin() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the lowest latency measured for multi-operation sequences during a measured interval.
getMultiIntervalPct95() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the 95th percentile latency for multi-operation sequences during a measured interval.
getMultiIntervalPct99() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the 99th percentile latency for multi-operation sequences during a measured interval.
getMultiIntervalStart() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the timestamp at the beginning of a measured interval.
getMultiIntervalThroughput() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns multi-operations sequences per second during a measured interval.
getMultiIntervalTotalOps() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the total number of single operations performed in multi-operation sequences during a measured interval.
getMultiIntervalTotalRequests() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the total number of multi-operation sequences during a measured interval.
getName() - Method in class oracle.kv.Consistency
Returns the name used to identify the policy.
getName() - Method in class oracle.kv.Consistency.Time
getName() - Method in class oracle.kv.Consistency.Version
getName() - Method in interface oracle.kv.stats.DetailedMetrics
Return the name of the Shard or a Partition.
getNewVersion() - Method in interface oracle.kv.OperationResult
For a put operation, the version of the new key/value pair.
getNodeLimit() - Method in class oracle.kv.RequestLimitConfig
Returns the maximum number of requests that may be active at a node.
getNodeLimitPercent() - Method in class oracle.kv.RequestLimitConfig
Returns the percentage used to compute the maximum number of requests that may be active at a node.
getNodeMetrics() - Method in class oracle.kv.stats.KVStats
Returns the metrics associated with each node in the KVStore.
getNodeName() - Method in interface oracle.kv.stats.NodeMetrics
Returns the internal name associated with the node.
getNumCPUs() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.StorageNodeMXBean
Returns the number of CPUs known to be available on this Storage Node.
getNumericVersionString() - Method in class oracle.kv.KVVersion
The numeric version string, without the patch tag.
getOpenTimeout(TimeUnit) - Method in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
getOperationFactory() - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Returns a factory that is used to creation operations that can be passed to execute.
getOperationName() - Method in interface oracle.kv.stats.OperationMetrics
Returns the name of the KVS operation associated with the metrics.
getOpMetrics() - Method in class oracle.kv.stats.KVStats
Returns a list of metrics associated with each operation supported by KVStore.
getOracleMajor() - Method in class oracle.kv.KVVersion
Oracle Major number of the release version.
getOracleMinor() - Method in class oracle.kv.KVVersion
Oracle Minor number of the release version.
getParentKey() - Method in class oracle.kv.SelectionParams
getPartitionMetrics() - Method in interface oracle.kv.ParallelScanIterator
Gets the per-partition metrics for this Parallel Scan.
getPatch() - Method in class oracle.kv.KVVersion
Patch number of the release version.
getPermissibleLag(TimeUnit) - Method in class oracle.kv.Consistency.Time
Returns the allowed time lag associated with this policy.
getPollPeriodMillis() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.AdminMXBean
Returns The polling period for collecting metrics.
getPreviousValue() - Method in interface oracle.kv.OperationResult
For a put or delete operation, the previous value associated with the key.
getPreviousVersion() - Method in interface oracle.kv.OperationResult
For a put or delete operation, the version of the previous value associated with the key.
getRawBinding() - Method in interface oracle.kv.avro.AvroCatalog
Returns a binding for representing a value as a RawRecord containing the raw Avro serialized byte array and its associated schema.
getRawData() - Method in class oracle.kv.avro.RawRecord
Returns the Avro serialized data for this RawRecord.
getRegistryPort() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.StorageNodeMXBean
Returns the port number of the Storage Node's RMI registry.
getReleaseDate() - Method in class oracle.kv.KVVersion
getReleaseId() - Method in class oracle.kv.KVVersion
getRemoteStackTrace() - Method in exception oracle.kv.FaultException
Returns the textual stack trace associated with the remote fault exception, or null if the error occurred locally.
getReplicaAck() - Method in class oracle.kv.Durability
Returns the replica acknowledgment policy used by the master when committing changes to a replicated environment.
getReplicaSync() - Method in class oracle.kv.Durability
Returns the transaction synchronization policy to be used by the replica as it replays a transaction that needs an acknowledgment.
getRepNodeId() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the RepNodeId, in its String form.
getRequestCount() - Method in interface oracle.kv.stats.NodeMetrics
Returns the total number of requests processed by the node.
getRequestLimit() - Method in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
Returns the configuration describing how the number of active requests to a node are limited.
getRequestRetryCount() - Method in class oracle.kv.stats.KVStats
Returns the total number of times requests were retried.
getRequestThreshold() - Method in class oracle.kv.RequestLimitConfig
Returns the threshold number of requests above which the request limiting mechanism is activated.
getRequestThresholdPercent() - Method in class oracle.kv.RequestLimitConfig
Returns the percentage used to compute the active request threshold above which the request limiting mechanism is activated.
getRequestTimeout(TimeUnit) - Method in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
Returns the default request timeout.
getRequiredNodeCount() - Method in exception oracle.kv.DurabilityException
Returns the number of nodes that were required to be active in order to satisfy the Replica ack policy associated with the operation.
getReturnChoice() - Method in class oracle.kv.ReturnValueVersion
Returns the ReturnValueVersion.Choice used to create this object.
getRootDirPath() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.StorageNodeMXBean
Returns the pathname of the store's root directory.
getScanRecordCount() - Method in interface oracle.kv.stats.DetailedMetrics
Return the record count for the Shard or Partition.
getScanTime() - Method in interface oracle.kv.stats.DetailedMetrics
Return the total time in Milli Seconds for scanning the Shard or Partition.
getSchema() - Method in class oracle.kv.avro.JsonRecord
Returns the Avro Schema for this JsonRecord.
getSchema() - Method in class oracle.kv.avro.RawRecord
Returns the Avro Schema for this RawRecord.
getSchemaName() - Method in exception oracle.kv.avro.SchemaNotAllowedException
Returns the full name of the schema that is not allowed.
getSchemaName() - Method in exception oracle.kv.avro.UndefinedSchemaException
Returns the full name of the undefined schema.
getServiceStatus() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.AdminMXBean
Returns the reported service status of the Admin.
getServiceStatus() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the reported service status of the Replication Node.
getServiceStatus() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.StorageNodeMXBean
Returns the reported service status of the Storage Node.
getShardMetrics() - Method in interface oracle.kv.ParallelScanIterator
Gets the per-shard metrics for this Parallel Scan.
getSnId() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.StorageNodeMXBean
Returns the StorageNodeId number of this Storage Node.
getSocketOpenTimeout(TimeUnit) - Method in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
Returns the socket open timeout.
getSocketReadTimeout(TimeUnit) - Method in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
Returns the read timeout associated with the sockets used to make requests.
getSpecificBinding(Class<T>) - Method in interface oracle.kv.avro.AvroCatalog
Returns a binding for representing values as instances of a generated Avro specific class, for a single given class.
getSpecificMultiBinding() - Method in interface oracle.kv.avro.AvroCatalog
Returns a binding for representing values as instances of generated Avro specific classes, for any Avro specific class.
getStart() - Method in class oracle.kv.KeyRange
Returns the String component that defines lower bound of the key range, or null if no lower bound is enforced.
getStartInclusive() - Method in class oracle.kv.KeyRange
Returns whether start is included in the range, i.e., start is less than or equal to the first String component in the key range.
getStats(boolean) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Returns the statistics related to the K/V Store client.
getStatsInterval() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the collection period for latency statistics, in sec.
getStore(KVStoreConfig) - Static method in class oracle.kv.KVStoreFactory
Get a handle to an existing KVStore.
getStoreIteratorMetrics() - Method in class oracle.kv.stats.KVStats
getStoreName() - Method in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
Returns the store name.
getStoreName() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.StorageNodeMXBean
Returns the configured name of the store to which this Storage Node belongs.
getSubRange() - Method in class oracle.kv.SelectionParams
getSuccess() - Method in interface oracle.kv.OperationResult
Whether the operation succeeded.
getThroughputFloor() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.RepNodeMXBean
Returns the lower bound on Replication Node throughput.
getTimeout(TimeUnit) - Method in class oracle.kv.Consistency.Time
Returns the consistency timeout associated with this policy.
getTimeout(TimeUnit) - Method in class oracle.kv.Consistency.Version
Return the timeout specified when creating this consistency policy.
getTimeout() - Method in class oracle.kv.SelectionParams
getTimeoutMs() - Method in exception oracle.kv.RequestTimeoutException
Returns the timeout that was in effect for the operation.
getTimeoutUnit() - Method in class oracle.kv.SelectionParams
getTotalOps() - Method in interface oracle.kv.stats.OperationMetrics
Returns the number of operations that were executed.
getTotalRequests() - Method in interface oracle.kv.stats.OperationMetrics
Returns the number of requests that were executed.
getType() - Method in interface oracle.kv.Operation
Returns the operation Type.
getValue() - Method in class oracle.kv.KeyValueVersion
Returns the Value part of the KV pair.
getValue() - Method in class oracle.kv.Value
Returns the value byte array.
getValue() - Method in class oracle.kv.ValueVersion
Returns the Value part of the KV pair.
getVersion() - Method in class oracle.kv.Consistency.Version
Return the Version used to create this consistency policy.
getVersion() - Method in class oracle.kv.KeyValueVersion
Returns the Version of the KV pair.
getVersion() - Method in class oracle.kv.lob.InputStreamVersion
Returns the Version of the InputStream and Version pair.
getVersion() - Method in class oracle.kv.ValueVersion
Returns the Version of the KV pair.
getVersion() - Method in class oracle.kv.Version
For an implied Key associated with this Version, returns a unique identifier for this Version.
getVersionString() - Method in class oracle.kv.KVVersion
Release version, suitable for display.


hashCode() - Method in class oracle.kv.avro.JsonRecord
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.kv.avro.RawRecord
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.kv.Consistency.Time
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.kv.Consistency.Version
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.kv.Durability
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.kv.Key
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.kv.KeyRange
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.kv.KVVersion
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.kv.Value
hashCode() - Method in class oracle.kv.Version


InputStreamVersion - Class in oracle.kv.lob
Holds a Stream and Version that are associated with a LOB.
InputStreamVersion(InputStream, Version) - Constructor for class oracle.kv.lob.InputStreamVersion
Used internally to create an object with an inputStream and version.
inRange(Key, Key) - Method in class oracle.kv.KeyRange
Returns true if a Key is within the bounds of this range with respect to a parent Key.
isActive() - Method in interface oracle.kv.stats.NodeMetrics
Returns true is the node is currently active, that is, it's reachable and can service requests.
isHostingAdmin() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.StorageNodeMXBean
Returns true if this Storage Node hosts an Admin instance.
isMaster() - Method in interface oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx.AdminMXBean
Tells whether this Admin is the master among Admin instances.
isMaster() - Method in interface oracle.kv.stats.NodeMetrics
Returns true if the node is currently a master.
isPartiallyDeleted() - Method in exception oracle.kv.lob.PartialLOBException
Returns true if the exception resulted from a partially deleted LOB, false if the operation encountered a partially inserted LOB.
isPrefix(Key) - Method in class oracle.kv.Key
Returns true if this key is a prefix of the key supplied as the argument.
isPrefix() - Method in class oracle.kv.KeyRange
Returns whether this is a prefix range, i.e., whether start and end are equal and both inclusive.


JsonAvroBinding - Interface in oracle.kv.avro
The JsonAvroBinding interface has the same methods as AvroBinding, but represents values as instances of JsonRecord.
JsonRecord - Class in oracle.kv.avro
A JsonRecord a represents an Avro object as a Schema along with a JsonNode.
JsonRecord(JsonNode, Schema) - Constructor for class oracle.kv.avro.JsonRecord
Creates a JsonRecord from a Schema and a JsonNode.


Key - Class in oracle.kv
The Key in a Key/Value store.
KeyRange - Class in oracle.kv
Defines a range of Key components for use in multiple-key operations and iterations.
KeyRange(String, boolean, String, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.kv.KeyRange
Creates a start/end KeyRange.
KeyRange(String) - Constructor for class oracle.kv.KeyRange
Creates a prefix KeyRange.
KeyValueVersion - Class in oracle.kv
Represents a key/value pair along with its version.
KeyValueVersion(Key, Value, Version) - Constructor for class oracle.kv.KeyValueVersion
Creates a KeyValueVersion with non-null properties.
KVAvroInputFormat - Class in oracle.kv.hadoop
A Hadoop InputFormat class for reading data from Oracle NoSQL Database and returning Avro IndexedRecords as the map-reduce value and the record's Key as the map-reduce key.
KVAvroInputFormat() - Constructor for class oracle.kv.hadoop.KVAvroInputFormat
KVInputFormat - Class in oracle.kv.hadoop
A Hadoop InputFormat class for reading data from an Oracle NoSQL Database.
KVInputFormat() - Constructor for class oracle.kv.hadoop.KVInputFormat
KVInputFormatBase<K,V> - Class in oracle.kv.hadoop
This is the base class for Oracle NoSQL Database InputFormat classes.
KVLargeObject - Interface in oracle.kv.lob
The KVLargeObject interface defines the operations used to read and write Large Objects (LOBs) such as audio and video files.
KVStats - Class in oracle.kv.stats
Statistics associated with accessing the KVStore from a client via the KVStore handle.
KVStore - Interface in oracle.kv
KVStore is the handle to a store that is running remotely.
KVStoreConfig - Class in oracle.kv
Represents the configuration parameters used to create a handle to an existing KV store.
KVStoreConfig(String, String...) - Constructor for class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
Creates a config object with the minimum required properties.
KVStoreFactory - Class in oracle.kv
Factory class used to produce handles to an existing KVStore.
KVStoreFactory() - Constructor for class oracle.kv.KVStoreFactory
KVVersion - Class in oracle.kv
Oracle NoSQL DB version information.
KVVersion(int, int, int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class oracle.kv.KVVersion


main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.kv.exttab.Preproc
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.kv.exttab.Publish
Invokes the Publish utility.
main(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.kv.KVVersion
mapCacheKey(Object) - Method in interface oracle.kv.coherence.CacheKeyMapper
Given an object that represents an Oracle Coherence cache key, return an Oracle NoSQL Database Key.
multiDelete(Key, KeyRange, Depth) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Deletes the descendant Key/Value pairs associated with the parentKey.
multiDelete(Key, KeyRange, Depth, Durability, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Deletes the descendant Key/Value pairs associated with the parentKey.
multiGet(Key, KeyRange, Depth) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Returns the descendant key/value pairs associated with the parentKey.
multiGet(Key, KeyRange, Depth, Consistency, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Returns the descendant key/value pairs associated with the parentKey.
multiGetIterator(Direction, int, Key, KeyRange, Depth) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
multiGetIterator(Direction, int, Key, KeyRange, Depth, Consistency, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
multiGetKeys(Key, KeyRange, Depth) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Returns the descendant keys associated with the parentKey.
multiGetKeys(Key, KeyRange, Depth, Consistency, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Returns the descendant keys associated with the parentKey.
multiGetKeysIterator(Direction, int, Key, KeyRange, Depth) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
multiGetKeysIterator(Direction, int, Key, KeyRange, Depth, Consistency, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore


NodeMetrics - Interface in oracle.kv.stats
The metrics associated with a node in the KVS.
NONE_REQUIRED - Static variable in class oracle.kv.Consistency
A consistency policy that lets a transaction on a replica using this policy proceed regardless of the state of the Replica relative to the Master.
NoSQLAvroCacheStore - Class in oracle.kv.coherence
This is an Oracle NoSQL Database-based implementation of the CacheStore interface.
NoSQLAvroSerializer - Class in oracle.kv.coherence
This is an Oracle NoSQL Database-based implementation of the Oracle Coherence Serializer interface.
NoSQLBinaryStore - Class in oracle.kv.coherence
Oracle NoSQL Database implementation of the BinaryEntryStore interface.
NoSQLRuntimeException - Exception in oracle.kv
Generic exception class for generating runtime exceptions whose messages are derived from a locale specific message file.


Operation - Interface in oracle.kv
Denotes an Operation in a sequence of operations passed to the KVStore.execute method.
Operation.Type - Enum in oracle.kv
The type of operation, as determined by the method used to create it.
OperationExecutionException - Exception in oracle.kv
Used to indicate a failure to execute a sequence of operations.
OperationFactory - Interface in oracle.kv
A factory to create operations that can be batched for execution by KVStore.execute.
OperationMetrics - Interface in oracle.kv.stats
Aggregates the metrics associated with a KVS operation.
OperationResult - Interface in oracle.kv
The Result associated with the execution of an Operation.
oracle.kv - package oracle.kv
This package contains the public API for using Oracle NoSQL Database.
oracle.kv.avro - package oracle.kv.avro
Binding classes for serializing and deserializing Values as Avro binary data.
oracle.kv.coherence - package oracle.kv.coherence
This package contains the public API for integration of the Oracle NoSQL Database with Oracle Coherence.
oracle.kv.exttab - package oracle.kv.exttab
This package contains the public API and Utilities for accessing Oracle NoSQL Database data through Oracle Database External Tables.
oracle.kv.hadoop - package oracle.kv.hadoop
Support for loading Oracle NoSQL Database into Hadoop.
oracle.kv.lob - package oracle.kv.lob
The KVLargeObject interface defines the operations used to read and write Large Objects (LOBs) such as audio and video files.
oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx - package oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx
MBeans for Oracle NoSQL Database.
oracle.kv.stats - package oracle.kv.stats
Statistics for Oracle NoSQL Database.


ParallelScanIterator<K> - Interface in oracle.kv
Interface to the specialized Iterator type returned by the Parallel Scan version of storeIterator().
parentKey - Variable in class oracle.kv.SelectionParams
parseVersion(String) - Static method in class oracle.kv.KVVersion
Returns a KVVersion object representing the specified version string without the release ID, release date,and name parts filled in.
PartialLOBException - Exception in oracle.kv.lob
PartialLOBException(String, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception oracle.kv.lob.PartialLOBException
PofKeySerializer - Class in oracle.kv.coherence
This class provides Coherence Portable Object Format (POF) serialization of the Key class.
Preproc - Class in oracle.kv.exttab
The Preproc utility is invoked by Oracle Database whenever a SELECT is performed on an External Table that has been associated with an Oracle NoSQL Database using the Publish utility.
PREREQUISITE_VERSION - Static variable in class oracle.kv.KVVersion
Prerequisite version.
Publish - Class in oracle.kv.exttab
The Publish utility writes information about how to connect to an Oracle NoSQL Database from an Oracle Database External Table.
put(Key, Value) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Put a key/value pair, inserting or overwriting as appropriate.
put(Key, Value, ReturnValueVersion, Durability, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Put a key/value pair, inserting or overwriting as appropriate.
putIfAbsent(Key, Value) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Put a key/value pair, but only if no value for the given key is present.
putIfAbsent(Key, Value, ReturnValueVersion, Durability, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Put a key/value pair, but only if no value for the given key is present.
putIfPresent(Key, Value) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Put a key/value pair, but only if a value for the given key is present.
putIfPresent(Key, Value, ReturnValueVersion, Durability, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Put a key/value pair, but only if a value for the given key is present.
putIfVersion(Key, Value, Version) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Put a key/value pair, but only if the version of the existing value matches the matchVersion argument.
putIfVersion(Key, Value, Version, ReturnValueVersion, Durability, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Put a key/value pair, but only if the version of the existing value matches the matchVersion argument.
putLOB(Key, InputStream, Durability, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface oracle.kv.lob.KVLargeObject
Put a key/LOB value pair, inserting new value or overwriting an existing pair as appropriate.
putLOBIfAbsent(Key, InputStream, Durability, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface oracle.kv.lob.KVLargeObject
Put a key/LOB value pair, but only if no value or a partial LOB for the given key is present.
putLOBIfPresent(Key, InputStream, Durability, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface oracle.kv.lob.KVLargeObject
Put a key/LOB value pair, but only if a complete value for the given key is present.


RawAvroBinding - Interface in oracle.kv.avro
The RawAvroBinding interface has the same methods as AvroBinding, but represents values as instances of RawRecord.
RawRecord - Class in oracle.kv.avro
A RawRecord represents an Avro object as a Schema along with the raw Avro serialized data.
RawRecord(byte[], Schema) - Constructor for class oracle.kv.avro.RawRecord
Creates a RawRecord from a Schema and Avro serialized data.
refreshSchemaCache(Consistency) - Method in interface oracle.kv.avro.AvroCatalog
Refreshes the cache of stored schemas, adding any new schemas or new versions of schemas to the cache that have been stored via the administration interface since the cache was last refreshed.
RepNodeMXBean - Interface in oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx
This MBean represents the RepNode's status, performance metrics, and operational parameters.
RequestLimitConfig - Class in oracle.kv
Describes how requests may be limited so that one or more nodes with long service times don't end up consuming all available threads in the KVS client.
RequestLimitConfig(int, int, int) - Constructor for class oracle.kv.RequestLimitConfig
Creates a request limiting configuration.
RequestLimitException - Exception in oracle.kv
Thrown when a request cannot be processed because it would exceed the maximum number of active requests for a node as configured via KVStoreConfig.setRequestLimit(oracle.kv.RequestLimitConfig).
RequestTimeoutException - Exception in oracle.kv
Thrown when a request cannot be processed because the configured timeout interval is exceeded.
ReturnValueVersion - Class in oracle.kv
Used with put and delete operations to return the previous value and version.
ReturnValueVersion(ReturnValueVersion.Choice) - Constructor for class oracle.kv.ReturnValueVersion
Creates an object for returning the value, version or both.
ReturnValueVersion.Choice - Enum in oracle.kv
Specifies whether to return the value, version, both or neither.


SchemaNotAllowedException - Exception in oracle.kv.avro
Thrown when a schema is passed to a binding method that is not allowed for the binding.
SelectionParams - Class in oracle.kv
A struct to hold the parameters for a storeIterator or table selection.
SelectionParams(Direction, int, Key, KeyRange, Depth, Consistency, long, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class oracle.kv.SelectionParams
setBatchSize(int) - Static method in class oracle.kv.hadoop.KVInputFormatBase
Specifies the suggested number of keys to fetch during each network round trip by the InputFormat.
setConsistency(Consistency) - Static method in class oracle.kv.hadoop.KVInputFormatBase
Specifies the read consistency associated with the lookup of the child KV pairs.
setConsistency(Consistency) - Method in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
Configures the default read Consistency to be used when a Consistency is not specified for a particular read operation.
setDepth(Depth) - Static method in class oracle.kv.hadoop.KVInputFormatBase
Specifies whether the parent and only children or all descendents are returned.
setDirection(Direction) - Static method in class oracle.kv.hadoop.KVInputFormatBase
Specifies the order in which records are returned by the InputFormat.
setDurability(Durability) - Method in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
Configures the default write Durability to be used when a Durability is not specified for a particular write operation.
setFormatterClassName(String) - Static method in class oracle.kv.hadoop.KVInputFormatBase
Specifies the name of a class that implements AvroFormatter to (optionally) format KeyValueVersion instances into Avro IndexedRecords.
setHelperHosts(String...) - Method in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
Configures the helper host/port pairs.
setKVHelperHosts(String[]) - Static method in class oracle.kv.hadoop.KVInputFormatBase
Set the KV Helper host:port pair(s) for this InputFormat to operate on.
setKVStoreName(String) - Static method in class oracle.kv.hadoop.KVInputFormatBase
Set the KV Store name for this InputFormat to operate on.
setLOBSuffix(String) - Method in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
Configures the default suffix associated with LOB keys.
setLOBTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
Configures default timeout value associated with chunk access during operations on LOBs.
setLOBVerificationBytes(long) - Method in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
Configures the number of trailing bytes of a partial LOB that must be verified against the user supplied LOB stream when resuming a putLOB operation.
setMaxConcurrentRequests(int) - Method in class oracle.kv.StoreIteratorConfig
Sets the maximum degree of parallelism (in effect the maximum number of client-side threads) to be used when running a parallel store iteration.
setMaxResultsBatches(int) - Method in class oracle.kv.StoreIteratorConfig
Specifies the maximum number of results batches that can be held in the NoSQL Database client process before processing on the Replication Node pauses.
setOpenTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
setParentKey(Key) - Static method in class oracle.kv.hadoop.KVInputFormatBase
Specifies the parent key whose "child" KV pairs are to be returned by the InputFormat.
setRequestLimit(RequestLimitConfig) - Method in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
Configures the maximum number of requests that can be active for a node in the KVStore.
setRequestTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
Configures the default request timeout.
setSocketOpenTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
Configures the open timeout used when establishing sockets used to make client requests.
setSocketReadTimeout(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
Configures the read timeout associated with the underlying sockets used to make client requests.
setStoreName(String) - Method in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
Configures the store name.
setSubRange(KeyRange) - Static method in class oracle.kv.hadoop.KVInputFormatBase
Specifies a sub range to further restrict the range under the parentKey to the major path components in this sub range.
setTimeout(long) - Static method in class oracle.kv.hadoop.KVInputFormatBase
Specifies an upper bound on the time interval for processing a particular KV retrieval.
setTimeoutMs(int) - Method in exception oracle.kv.RequestTimeoutException
Sets the timeout that was in effect for the operation.
setTimeoutUnit(TimeUnit) - Static method in class oracle.kv.hadoop.KVInputFormatBase
Specifies the unit of the timeout parameter.
setValue(Value) - Method in class oracle.kv.ValueVersion
Used internally to initialize the Value part of the KV pair.
setVersion(Version) - Method in class oracle.kv.ValueVersion
Used internally to initialize the Version of the KV pair.
SpecificAvroBinding<T extends SpecificRecord> - Interface in oracle.kv.avro
The SpecificAvroBinding interface has the same methods as AvroBinding, but represents values as instances of a generated Avro specific class which implements SpecificRecord.
StorageNodeMXBean - Interface in oracle.kv.mgmt.jmx
This MBean represents the Storage Node's operational parameters.
storeIterator(Direction, int) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Return an Iterator which iterates over all key/value pairs in unsorted order.
storeIterator(Direction, int, Key, KeyRange, Depth) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Return an Iterator which iterates over all key/value pairs (or the descendants of a parentKey, or those in a KeyRange) in unsorted order.
storeIterator(Direction, int, Key, KeyRange, Depth, Consistency, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Return an Iterator which iterates over all key/value pairs (or the descendants of a parentKey, or those in a KeyRange) in unsorted order.
storeIterator(Direction, int, Key, KeyRange, Depth, Consistency, long, TimeUnit, StoreIteratorConfig) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Return an Iterator which iterates over all key/value pairs (or the descendants of a parentKey, or those in a KeyRange) in unsorted order.
StoreIteratorConfig - Class in oracle.kv
StoreIteratorConfig() - Constructor for class oracle.kv.StoreIteratorConfig
StoreIteratorException - Exception in oracle.kv
StoreIteratorMetrics - Interface in oracle.kv.stats
Interface to the stats and metrics associated with a KVS storeIterator operation.
storeKeysIterator(Direction, int) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Return an Iterator which iterates over all keys in unsorted order.
storeKeysIterator(Direction, int, Key, KeyRange, Depth) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Return an Iterator which iterates over all keys (or the descendants of a parentKey, or those in a KeyRange) in unsorted order.
storeKeysIterator(Direction, int, Key, KeyRange, Depth, Consistency, long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Return an Iterator which iterates over all keys (or the descendants of a parentKey, or those in a KeyRange) in unsorted order.
storeKeysIterator(Direction, int, Key, KeyRange, Depth, Consistency, long, TimeUnit, StoreIteratorConfig) - Method in interface oracle.kv.KVStore
Return an Iterator which iterates over all keys (or the descendants of a parentKey, or those in a KeyRange) in unsorted order.
subRange - Variable in class oracle.kv.SelectionParams


timeout - Variable in class oracle.kv.SelectionParams
timeoutUnit - Variable in class oracle.kv.SelectionParams
toAvroRecord(KeyValueVersion, KVStore) - Method in interface oracle.kv.hadoop.AvroFormatter
Convert a KeyValueVersion into a String.
toByteArray() - Method in class oracle.kv.Consistency
Returns this Consistency as a serialized byte array, such that Consistency.fromByteArray(byte[]) may be used to reconstitute the Consistency.
toByteArray() - Method in class oracle.kv.Durability
Returns this Durability as a serialized byte array, such that Durability.fromByteArray(byte[]) may be used to reconstitute the Durability.
toByteArray() - Method in class oracle.kv.Key
Returns this Key as a serialized byte array, such that Key.fromByteArray(byte[]) may be used to reconstitute the Key.
toByteArray() - Method in class oracle.kv.KeyRange
Returns this KeyRange as a serialized byte array, such that KeyRange.fromByteArray(byte[]) may be used to reconstitute the KeyRange.
toByteArray() - Method in class oracle.kv.Value
Returns this Value as a serialized byte array, such that Value.fromByteArray(byte[]) may be used to reconstitute the Value.
toByteArray() - Method in class oracle.kv.Version
Returns this Version as a serialized byte array, such that Version.fromByteArray(byte[]) may be used to reconstitute the Version.
toObject(Value) - Method in interface oracle.kv.avro.AvroBinding
After doing a read operation using a KVStore method, the user calls toObject with the Value obtained from the read operation.
toObject(Value) - Method in interface oracle.kv.avro.GenericAvroBinding
After doing a read operation using a KVStore method, the user calls toObject with the Value obtained from the read operation.
toObject(Value) - Method in interface oracle.kv.avro.JsonAvroBinding
After doing a read operation using a KVStore method, the user calls toObject with the Value obtained from the read operation.
toObject(Value) - Method in interface oracle.kv.avro.RawAvroBinding
After doing a read operation using a KVStore method, the user calls toObject with the Value obtained from the read operation.
toObject(Value) - Method in interface oracle.kv.avro.SpecificAvroBinding
After doing a read operation using a KVStore method, the user calls toObject with the Value obtained from the read operation.
toObject(Value) - Method in interface oracle.kv.ValueBinding
After doing a read operation using a KVStore method, the user calls toObject with the Value obtained from the read operation.
toOracleLoaderFormat(KeyValueVersion, KVStore) - Method in interface oracle.kv.exttab.Formatter
Convert a KeyValueVersion into a String which can be interpreted by the Oracle External Table definition.
toString() - Method in class oracle.kv.avro.JsonRecord
toString() - Method in class oracle.kv.avro.RawRecord
toString() - Method in class oracle.kv.Consistency.Time
toString() - Method in class oracle.kv.Consistency.Version
toString() - Method in class oracle.kv.Durability
toString() - Method in exception oracle.kv.FaultException
Returns a description of the fault that includes the standard Throwable description (class name and message), followed by the fault class name, followed by the remote stack trace (if any).
toString() - Method in class oracle.kv.Key
Encodes the Key object and returns the resulting key path string, which may be used as a URI path or simply as a string identifier.
toString() - Method in class oracle.kv.KeyRange
Encodes the KeyRange object and returns the resulting String which can later be decoded using KeyRange.fromString(java.lang.String).
toString() - Method in class oracle.kv.KeyValueVersion
toString() - Method in class oracle.kv.KVStoreConfig
toString() - Method in class oracle.kv.KVVersion
toString() - Method in class oracle.kv.lob.InputStreamVersion
toString() - Method in class oracle.kv.RequestLimitConfig
toString() - Method in class oracle.kv.stats.KVStats
Returns a descriptive string containing metrics for each operation that was actually performed over during the statistics gathering interval, one per line.
toString() - Method in class oracle.kv.StoreIteratorConfig
toString() - Method in class oracle.kv.Value
toString() - Method in class oracle.kv.ValueVersion
toString() - Method in class oracle.kv.Version
toValue(T) - Method in interface oracle.kv.avro.AvroBinding
Before doing a write operation, the user calls toValue passing an object she wishes to store.
toValue(GenericRecord) - Method in interface oracle.kv.avro.GenericAvroBinding
Before doing a write operation, the user calls toValue passing an object she wishes to store.
toValue(JsonRecord) - Method in interface oracle.kv.avro.JsonAvroBinding
Before doing a write operation, the user calls toValue passing an object she wishes to store.
toValue(RawRecord) - Method in interface oracle.kv.avro.RawAvroBinding
Before doing a write operation, the user calls toValue passing an object she wishes to store.
toValue(T) - Method in interface oracle.kv.avro.SpecificAvroBinding
Before doing a write operation, the user calls toValue passing an object she wishes to store.
toValue(T) - Method in interface oracle.kv.ValueBinding
Before doing a write operation, the user calls toValue passing an object she wishes to store.


UndefinedSchemaException - Exception in oracle.kv.avro
Thrown when the application attempts to use a schema that has not been defined using the NoSQL Database administration interface.


Value - Class in oracle.kv
The Value in a Key/Value store.
Value.Format - Enum in oracle.kv
Identifies the format of a value.
ValueBinding<T> - Interface in oracle.kv
Generic interface for translating between Values (stored byte arrays) and typed objects representing that value.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.kv.Depth
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.kv.Direction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.kv.Durability.ReplicaAckPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.kv.Durability.SyncPolicy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.kv.Operation.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.kv.ReturnValueVersion.Choice
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum oracle.kv.Value.Format
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.kv.Depth
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.kv.Direction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.kv.Durability.ReplicaAckPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.kv.Durability.SyncPolicy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.kv.Operation.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.kv.ReturnValueVersion.Choice
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum oracle.kv.Value.Format
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
ValueVersion - Class in oracle.kv
Holds a Value and Version that are associated with a given Key.
ValueVersion() - Constructor for class oracle.kv.ValueVersion
Used internally to create an object with null value and version.
ValueVersion(Value, Version) - Constructor for class oracle.kv.ValueVersion
Used internally to create an object with a value and version.
Version - Class in oracle.kv
A Version refers to a specific version of a key-value pair.


wasLoggedRemotely() - Method in exception oracle.kv.FaultException
Returns whether the exception was previously logged remotely.
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Oracle NoSQL Database
version 12cR1.2.1.54

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