Part 3: Developing a More Refined ADF Desktop Integration-enabled Excel Workbook
In Part 2 you created a basic Excel workbook, integrated with a Fusion Web application. In this part of the tutorial you add detail to that workbook to create one that is more functional.

The EditDept_LOV workbook contains a list of values field and a table that has insert/update/delete functionality. You also add ribbon commands to the Excel ribbon in the workbook.

The EditDept_LOV workbook

Step 1: Reopen the EditDept_LOV Workbook
The EditDept_LOV workbook is based on the EditTable_LOV.jspx page definition.

  1. In this section you'll be working on the EditDept_LOV_src.xlsx workbook that you created in the previous part.
    If it is not open, double click the workbook to invoke it in Excel.

    Application Navigator
  2. In Excel, the ADF Desktop Integration 12c bindings pane displays the available bindings from the page definition.

    ADFdi bindings pane
  3. The page definition (ADFdi_view_EditTable_LOVPageDef) contains several different types of bindings, in addition to the tree binding that you used in the previous part of this tutorial.

    Notice the bindings in the screen shot of the data bindings for the EditTable_LOV.jspx page: the action bindings represent the button actions that the JSF page contains.

    Action bindings in JDeveloper
  4. Click the Save button to make sure your worksheet is current.

Step 2: Setting Workbook and Table Properties
  1. Click the Workbook Properties button in the Oracle ADF tab of the Excel ribbon.

    Excel worksheet
  2. In the Edit Workbook Properties, next to the WebAppRoot field, confirm is the value and click OK. This was set in the previous part and is the URL for the Fusion Web application with which the workbook is integrated.
    If the value is correct click OK.

    Edit Workbook Properties
  3. In the Excel worksheet, select the top left cell of your table (i.e. F5), and click the Edit Properties icon Properties Icon in the ADF Components group of the Oracle ADF tab in the Excel ribbon.

    Edit Properties
  4. In the Edit Component: ADF Table dialog, expand the RowActions node and click the more button Icon More next to the DeleteRowActionID field.

    Edit Component: ADF Table dialog
  5. In the Select Binding dialog, select Delete (action) and click OK.

    Select Binding dialog

  6. The RowActions set of properties defines the behavior of rows in the table in the worksheet.

    For example selecting Delete in this step defines the action binding that should be invoked for each flagged row during DeleteFlaggedRows. The steps that follow define behaviors for other rows in the worksheet.
  7. Repeat the previous step for the InsertBeforeRowActionID field and select the CreateInsert (action).

    Select Binding dialog

    Click OK.

  8. In the RowActions section, set the following additional values from drop-down list:

    Option Value
    DeleteRowEnabled True
    InsertRowEnabled True
    UpdateRowEnabled True

    The RowActions properties should look as follows:

    RowActions properties
  9. In the BatchOptions section, set the CommitBatchActionID to Commit and click OK.

    Batch Options section
  10. In the Edit Component dialog, click the more button Icon More next to the Columns field.

    Edit Component dialog
  11. Select column 6 (LocationId) in the Members pane and click the more button Icon More next to the UpdateComponent field.

  12. In the Select Component dialog, select TreeNodeList and click OK.

    Select Component dialog
  13. Select column number 3 (DepartmentId) and expand the UpdateComponent node. Change the ReadOnly property to True.

    Edit Columns dialog

  14. The application that you are designing requires that users should not be allowed to change Department Ids.
    To implement this requirement you set the ReadOnly property to True (which you have just done in this step) and you also apply a style to the field as a visual indicator to users that they cannot update the DepartmentId field.
  15. With column number 3 (DepartmentId) still selected, click the more Edit Columns dialog button in the CellStyleName field.

    Edit Columns dialog
  16. In the Edit Expression dialog, expand the Styles node.

    Edit Expression dialog
  17. Select _ADFDI_TableCellROStyle (this is the style that visually indicates that a column is read-only) and click Insert Into Expression.

    t Expression dialog

    Click OK, then OK again and OK one more time to get back to Excel..

  18. Save your Excel workbook.

Step 3: Defining a Query Ribbon Command
In this step you add a ribbon command to the Excel ribbon at the top of the worksheet. In the DepartmentsList worksheet you specified that data should be downloaded to the worksheet at startup. Here you create a ribbon command that a user must click to populate the worksheet table with data.
  1. In the Oracle ADF tab, click the Worksheet Properties button. Locate Ribbon Commands and click the more More icon button.

    Edit Worksheet Properties

    Edit Worksheet Properties
  2. In the Edit Ribbon Commands dialog click Add.

    Edit Ribbon Commands
  3. In the right-hand pane, expand the SelectActionSet node, then click the more button Icon More next to the Actions field.

    Edit Ribbon Commands dialog
  4. In the Edit Actions dialog, click the triangle in the Add button and select ADFmAction from the drop down list.

    Edit Actions dialog
  5. In the Edit Actions dialog for the ADFmAction properties, click the more button Icon More next to the ActionID field.

    Edit Actions dialog
  6. In the Select Binding dialog, select Execute and click OK.

    Select Binding dialog
  7. Back in the Edit Actions dialog, in the Design > Annotation field, type Run query.

    Edit Actions
  8. In the Edit Action dialog, click the Add button and select ComponentAction from the drop-down list.

    Edit Actions
  9. Click the more button Icon More next to the Action field.

    Edit Actions
  10. In the Choose Component Action dialog, select Download and click OK.

    Choose Component Action dialog
  11. Then, back in the Edit Action, in the Design > Annotation field, type Download and click OK.

    Edit Actions
  12. Back in the Edit Ribbon Commands dialog, type Query in the Label field.

    Edit Ribbon Commands dialog

    Click OK and OK again to return to Excel.

  13. "Query" is the label for the command item that appears on the Excel ribbon. When the user clicks the Query command item, data is downloaded to the table in the worksheet.

    You can also create resource expressions for labels in order to create a 'localized' application.
  14. Click the Save Save Icon button to save your Excel workbook.

Step 4: Defining a Delete Rows Ribbon Command
In this step you add another ribbon command item to the Excel ribbon at the top of the worksheet. This time the ribbon command deletes flagged rows in the table and requests confirmation from the user before performing the action.
  1. In the Oracle ADF tab, click the Worksheet Properties button.

    Worksheet Properties button
  2. In the Edit Worksheet Properties dialog, locate Ribbon Commands and click the more button.

    Edit Worksheet Properties dialog
  3. In the Edit Ribbon Commands dialog click Add.

    Edit Ribbon Commands dialog
  4. In the right-hand pane, click the more button Icon More next to the Actions field.

    Edit Ribbon Commands dialog
  5. Click the triangle in the Add button and from the drop-down list select Confirmation.

    Edit Actions
  6. In the Data section, enter the following values:

    Property Value
    Prompt Are you sure you want to delete these rows?
    Title Delete Departments

    Data section
    Defining label properties.

    Refer to the dev guide for details on localizing your integrated workbook.
  7. Click the triangle in the Add button, and from the drop-down list select ComponentAction.

    Edit Actions dialog
  8. In the Edit Action dialog, click the more button Icon More next to the Action field.

    Action Collection Editors dialog
  9. In the Choose Component Action, select DeleteFlaggedRows.

    Choose Component Action dialog

    Click OK and OK again.

  10. In the Edit Ribbon Commands, type Delete Flagged in the Label field.

    Edit Ribbon Commands dialog

    Click OK. Click OK again to return to Excel..

  11. Save all your work.

Step 5: Defining an Upload Ribbon Command

In this step you add another ribbon command to the Excel ribbon at the top of the worksheet. This time the ribbon command uploads data from the table to the web application.
  1. In the Oracle ADF tab, click the Worksheet Properties button.

    Worksheet Properties button
  2. Locate Ribbon Commands and click the more button.

    Edit Worksheet Properties dialog
  3. In the Edit Ribbon Commands dialog, click Add.

    Edit Ribbon Commands editor
  4. In the right-hand pane, click the more button Icon More next to the Actions field.

    Edit Ribbon Commands editor
  5. In the Edit Actions dialog, click the Add button and select ComponentAction from the drop down list.

    Edit Actions dialog
  6. In the Edit Actions properties, click the more button Icon More next to the Action field.

    Edit Actions dialog
  7. In the Choose Component Action dialog, select Upload. Click OK.

    Choose Component Action dialog

    Click OK again.

  8. In the Edit Ribbon Commands dialog, type Upload in the Label field and click OK.

    Edit Ribbon Commands dialog
  9. Now you have three ribbon commands defined for your worksheet.

    Edit Worksheet Properties dialog

    Click OK.

  10. Save Save icon the workbook.

Step 6: Making the Workbook Easier to Use
  1. In this next few steps, explore using tooltips.
    Each column or field may display tooltips when the user places the cursor over the column.

    Get back to the design view of the EditDept_LOV_src workbook and double click in one of the workbook cells to bring up the Edit Component:ADF Table dialog.

    Oracle ADF tab in the Excel ribbon
  2. In the Edit Component:ADF Table, select the Columns node and then click the elipse button to the far right.

    Oracle ADF tab in the Excel ribbon
  3. In the Edit Columns pane, select the DepartmentId column. Notice under the Data node, a Tooltip property.

    Oracle ADF tab in the Excel ribbon
  4. You could hard code a value here and that would be used as the tooltip for the Department Id. However, it would not promote reusability. That tooltip would only be seen in this workbook and you would have to go update every workbook with a tool tip value to keep them in sync.

    The value you see here, references the DepartmentView's Tooltip UI Hint for the Department Id.

    Oracle ADF tab in the Excel ribbon
  5. So, where do you go to set or modify the value?

    Go back into JDeveloper, and in the Applications window, expand the Model project and double click the DepartmentsView view object .

    Oracle ADF tab in the Excel ribbon
  6. In the editor, select the Attributes tab.
    Then, with the DepartmentId selected, find and click the UI Hints tab .

    Oracle ADF tab in the Excel ribbon
  7. Set the value for the Tooltip property to something like Do not change the Department Id value.
    Then, save your work.

    Oracle ADF tab in the Excel ribbon
  8. In the Application window, expand the ViewController > Web Content, right click the EditTable_LOV.jspx and select Run.
    This will take the new tooltip value and deploy it to the application server so it can then be consumed by the Excel workbook.

    Check the Log window to confirm the application deploys.

    When the workbook is run, you'll notice a red triangle in the upper right of the Department Id label. Hovering over it will display the tooltip.

    Oracle ADF tab in the Excel ribbon

    Oracle ADF tab in the Excel ribbon
  9. Next, make some modifications to the workbook. With these changes you can have the columns resize their width by the size of the data that's being displayed.

    Go back to the EditDept_LOV_src Excel workbook and from the design view, double click one of the cells.

    Oracle ADF tab in the Excel ribbon
  10. In the Appearance node select the ResizeColumnsMode and select AutoFitAllWithHeader. Then click OK.

    Oracle ADF tab in the Excel ribbon
  11. In the Oracle ADF menu, select Worksheet Properties.

    Oracle ADF tab in the Excel ribbon
  12. In the Behavior node, find the Ribbon Commands property and value. Click the elipse button on the right side of the property value.

    Oracle ADF tab in the Excel ribbon
  13. In the Members area, select the Query command and expand the SelectActionSet node.

    Oracle ADF tab in the Excel ribbon
  14. Select the Actions property and then click the elipse button.

    Oracle ADF tab in the Excel ribbon
  15. In the Edit Actions pane, select the Downalod Member and then at the botton, click Add > ComponentAction.

    Oracle ADF tab in the Excel ribbon
  16. Select the Action property and select the elipse button.

    Oracle ADF tab in the Excel ribbon
  17. From the Component Action list, select ResizeColumns.
    Then click OK, two times to return to the Edit Component: ADF Table pane.

    Oracle ADF tab in the Excel ribbon
  18. Below the Data node, expand the Columns node.

    Oracle ADF tab in the Excel ribbon
  19. Expand the RowKeyColumn (7) and set the ResizeMode to SpecificedWidth.

    Oracle ADF tab in the Excel ribbon
  20. Set the Width property to 5.
    Then, click OK,

    Oracle ADF tab in the Excel ribbon
  21. In Design mode, make the columns a bit wider, somewhere between 15 and 16.
    Save all your work

    Oracle ADF tab in the Excel ribbon

Step 7: Testing the EditDept_LOV Workbook
  1. Click the Oracle ADF tab in the Excel ribbon.

    Oracle ADF tab in the Excel ribbon
  2. Click the Run button in the Test group.

    Run button
    Clicking Validate button. Show more or less

    Notice that you could click the Validate button prior to running the worksheet to find and fix any configuration problems with your workbook.
  3. The workbook loads, displaying the ADF table, populated with data from the previous part of the tutorial.

    If you move your cursor over the Department Id, you'll see the tooltip value.

    The workbook
  4. Click the MyWorkbook tab, displayed in the Excel ribbon to the right of the Oracle ADF tab.

    My Workbook tab
  5. Notice the three command items that you have just created, in the Worksheet group. These correspond to the three ribbon items.
    Click the Query button.

    Query button
  6. The retrieved data are then displayed in the worksheet. If the data had been changed by another worksheet or by the ADF web application, the updated values would appear. Since we added an download action in the previous part, the records should be the same.

    The worksheet
  7. Notice that the DepartmentId column is shaded in a different color from the other columns. This is the read-only style that you applied to the DepartmentId column as a visual indicator to the user that the column cannot be updated. Visual clues like this can greatly enhance the usability of an application.
  8. Insert a new row, right-click anywhere within the worksheet, and select Insert from the context menu.

    Insert option

    In the Insert dialog select Entire Row and click OK.

    Insert option

  9. Type a new Department Name (New Sales) and select a city from the drop down list.

  10. Notice that the new row is automatically flagged in the Changed column.

  11. For an existing row, try changing the LocationId from the drop down list.
    Notice the Changed column reflects the update to this row.


  12. Click the newly-created Upload command item in the Excel ribbon to save the changes.

    Upload command

    On the Upload Options dialog keep the default values, and click OK. Notice the two flags for the updated rows in the changed column.

    Upload Options dialog
  13. Notice that the new row has been inserted, a Department Id has been generated, and the flags have been removed.

    The worksheet
  14. Double click in the Flagged column for the row you just inserted.

    The worksheet
  15. Click the Delete Flagged button.

    Delete Flagged button
  16. In the Delete Confirmation dialog you created previously, click Yes.

    Delete Confirmation dialog
  17. The worksheet is updated.

    The Worksheet
  18. Click the Oracle ADF tab, then click the Stop button, to return to design mode.

    Stop button

    You have created a fully-functioning workbook that is integrated with a Fusion Web application, and which allows you to insert, update and delete data from the database. The next part of this tutorial guides you through publishing your workbooks.

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