Importing Source Adaptor Metadata Content into the New ODI Repository

In this procedure, you import source-specific metadata content into the new ODI Repository by running the command line utility.

Preparing to Import Source Adaptor Metadata Content

This information is how to prepare to import source-specific metadata content into the new ODI Repository.

  1. Locate the directory ORACLE_HOME\biapps\admin\provisioning\odi.

    The .zip files in this directory contain the source-specific metadata content you will import into the new repository. The naming convention for the .zip files is <Source adaptor>_<database technology>

  2. Unzip the appropriate metadata content file for your source adaptor and database technology.
  3. Locate the file bia-odi-util.jar, which is stored in ORACLE_HOME\biapps\biaodiutil\lib.
  4. Locate the file jps-config-jse.xml, which is stored in MW_HOME\user_projects\domains\bifoundation_domain\odi-client-config\embedded.

    In the command, this file is referred to as JPSCONFIGFILE.

  5. Create a logs directory to store the logs of the import process.

    In the command, this directory is referred to as LOGDIR.

  6. Locate the ODI Home directory.

    In the command, this directory is referred to as ODI_HOME.

  7. Obtain these ODI Repository connection details:
    • JDBC URL for the ODI Repository database

    • JDBC driver

    • Work Repository name

    • ODI Repository database user name and password

    • ODI user and password

    This connection information is displayed in ODI Studio in the Repository Connection Details dialog.

Running the Command Line Utility to Import Source Adaptor Metadata Content

Use this procedure to import the metadata content files into the new ODI Repository. You will first import the metadata for Oracle BI Applications, after which you will import the metadata for the appropriate source adaptors.

For potential performance enhancement, Oracle recommends running the command line utility on the database server.

To import metadata content by running the command line utility:

  1. Open a command line utility.
  2. Navigate to the ORACLE_HOME\biapps\biaodiutil\lib directory.
  3. Run the following command to import the Oracle BI Applications metadata.

    The PLV code for this adaptor is BIA_11.

    On Windows:

    JAVA_HOME\bin\java.exe \-client \-Xms32m \-Xmx1024m \-classpath ODI_HOME\oracledi.sdk\lib\*;ODI_HOME\inventory\Scripts\ext\jlib\*;ODI_HOME\modules\oracle.idm_11.1.1\*;ODI_HOME\modules\oracle.jps_11.1.1\*;BIAODIUTIL_HOME\import\core\import\*;BIAODIUTIL_HOME\import\core\lib\bia-odi-util.jar oracle.apps.biaodiutil.Import MODE=IMPREGEN FILEDIR=<EXP_FILE_DIR> PLV=<PLV_CODE> JPSCONFIGFILE=<JPS_CONFIG_FILE> LOGDIR=<LOG_DIR>

    For example:

    C:\Java64\jdk1.6.0_35\bin\java.exe \-client \-Xms32m \-Xmx1024m \-classpath C:\oracle\product\odi11.1.1.7\oracledi.sdk\lib\*;C:\oracle\product\odi11.1.1.7\inventory\Scripts\ext\jlib\*;C:\oracle\product\odi11.1.1.7\modules\oracle.idm_11.1.1\*;C:\oracle\product\odi11.1.1.7\modules\oracle.jps_11.1.1\*;C:\temp\biaodiutil\import\core\import\*;C:\temp\biaodiutil\import\core\lib\bia-odi-util.jar oracle.apps.biaodiutil.Import MODE=IMPREGEN FILEDIR=c:/temp/export2/ PLV=BIA_11

    On UNIX/Linux:

    JAVA_HOME\bin\java.exe \-client \-Xms32m \-Xmx1024m \-classpath "ODI_HOME/oracledi.sdk/lib/*:ODI_HOME/inventory/Scripts/ext/jlib/*:ODI_HOME/modules/oracle.idm_11.1.1/*:ODI_HOME/modules/oracle.jps_11.1.1/*:BIAODIUTIL_HOME/import/core/import/*:BIAODIUTIL_HOME/import/core/lib/bia-odi-util.jar" oracle.apps.biaodiutil.Import MODE=IMPREGEN FILEDIR=<EXP_FILE_DIR> PLV=<PLV_CODE> JPSCONFIGFILE=<JPS_CONFIG_FILE> LOGDIR=<LOG_DIR>

    For example:

    java \-client \-Xms32m \-Xmx1024m \-classpath "/scratch/aime/oracle/product/11.1.1/Oracle_ODI_1/oracledi.sdk/lib/*:/scratch/aime/oracle/product/11.1.1/Oracle_ODI_1/inventory/Scripts/ext/jlib/*:/scratch/aime/oracle/product/11.1.1/Oracle_ODI_1/modules/oracle.idm_11.1.1/*:/scratch/aime/oracle/product/11.1.1/Oracle_ODI_1/modules/oracle.jps_11.1.1/*:/scratch/aime/biaodiutil/import/core/import/*:/scratch/aime/biaodiutil/import/core/lib/bia-odi-util.jar" oracle.apps.biaodiutil.Import MODE=IMPREGEN FILEDIR=c:/temp/export2/ PLV=BIA_11

    This table describes the parameters:

    Parameter Description


    (Mandatory) Possible values:

    • IMPREGEN - Use this mode to import the adaptor metadata content and generate scenarios for that adaptor.

    • IMPORT — Use this mode to import metadata content only, without generating scenarios. A parameter file is generated that allows you to do the scenario generation at a later time.

    • SCEREGEN — Use this mode to generate scenarios only. Before running this mode, you need to have imported content using the IMPORT mode so that the parameter file required for scenario generation is already present.


    (Mandatory) The complete path for the export file directory files.


    (Optional) The complete path of the file containing the Connection Details. If this parameter is not used, the utility will prompt for the connection details.

    An example of a connection file is as follows:

    # ===============================
    # ODI Connection Information
    # ================================
    # Connection Information for Destination Oracle Data #Integrator Repository


    (Optional) Possible values are 1, 3, or 5. The default value is 1, with 5 being the most verbose.


    The complete path for the log directory.

    The following log files are created:

    • Summary — Contains high level log information. The naming convention is Summary_ImportUtility_<DATE_TIME><ADAPTOR><SRCTECH>_log.

    • Import — Contains details about the import. Has a log and error file. The naming convention is BasicImport_<DATE_TIME>_<ADAPTOR>_log.

    • Scenario Generation — Contains details about the scenario generation. Has a log and error file. The naming convention is RegenScen_<DATE_TIME>_<ADAPTOR_MAPPING_FOLDER>_log.


    (Mandatory) The PLV code for the adaptor being imported.

    Possible values:

    • AGILE_PLM_9_3_1

    • AGPLM_9_3_2


    • EBS_11_5_10

    • EBS_12_0

    • EBS_12_1_1

    • EBS_12_1_2

    • EBS_12_1_3

    • EBS_12_2

    • JDE_9_0

    • JDE_9_1

    • PSFT_9_0

    • PSFT_9_1

    • PSFT_9_2

    • SEBL_8_1_1

    • SEBL_8_2_2


    (Mandatory) The source technology for the adaptor being imported.

    Possible values:

    • For IBM DB2/400: IBM_DB2_400

    • For IBM DB2 UDB: IBM_DB2_UDB



    • For Oracle Fusion (via BI Server): ORACLE_BI

    If you have multiple sources on both Oracle and non-Oracle databases, you need to import the PLV metadata for the Oracle database using ORACLE (or ORACLE_BI for Oracle Fusion sources) as the SRCTECH value.


    (Mandatory if the repository has already been enabled for external authentication.) The path and name of the JPSCONFIGFILE.


    (Optional) The path and name of the SSO file.

  4. Enter the ODI Repository connection details when prompted.
  5. Monitor the process by viewing the command line window or the log files being written to the logs directory.

    This process can be lengthy and can last from 45 minutes to three hours, depending on the number of adaptors for which you are importing metadata content.

  6. When the import process is complete, log into ODI Studio and verify the data stores and mappings for the new adaptor are present.
  7. Repeat steps 1 through 6 for each adaptor you need to import, substituting the appropriate PLV code.

Adding an ODI Administrator User

When the repository is refreshed, log on as the SUPERVISOR user (password welcome) and add the Administrator user.

  1. Specify the Name as Administrator1.
  2. Specify the Password as Admin12345.
  3. Select the Supervisor property.