Charts (D to N)

Database Usage (Customer Dashboard)

Location: On the Customer Dashboard, tap Storage.

This widget shows the storage used by databases for all your organization's Managed Cloud Services.

Chart View: The chart view shows the storage consumed by databases for all your organization's Managed Cloud Services.

Data View: The data view provides detailed information about the storage used by databases for all your organization's Managed Cloud Services, per associated environment, category, and subcategory.

Environment Transactions (Environment Dashboard)

Location: Open the Environment Dashboard. The Overview is displayed by default.

This widget shows records of all monitored transactions for the selected environment.


Where Business Transaction Monitoring (BTM) has been implemented, the Environment Transactions widget displays populated transactions reports.

If BTM has not been implemented, the Transactions option and widget are hidden.

Your Oracle Service Delivery Manager (SDM) can work with you to identify these transactions and set up monitoring.

You cannot flip the Environment Transactions widget.

One or more beacons measure the response time of each monitored transaction. Transaction response times give a sense of the performance of your services and environments and can indicate potential and actual issues.

Each transaction record shows:

Field Description
Name Name of the transaction being monitored
Collection Point Name of the beacon(s) from which data is collected as part of monitoring
Last Capture Time of the last data collection from the beacon(s)
30 Day Average Average transaction time over the last 30 days

Incident Backlogs (Customer Dashboard)

Location: On the Customer Dashboard, tap Incidents.

This widget shows the number of SRs created for all your organization's Managed Cloud Services over the selected time interval, grouped by time elapsed since they were raised.

Chart View: The chart view shows the number of SRs created for all your organization's Managed Cloud Services in each month over the selected time interval. SR counts are presented in color coded bands that indicate the time elapsed since SR creation:

  • 7 days or less

  • 8 to 30 days

  • 31 to 60 days

  • 61 to 90 days

  • 91 days or more

SRs that were open during the month, but have been closed since then, are included in the monthly count.

Data View: The data view shows detailed records for all SRs, open and closed, for all your organization's Managed Cloud Services.

Incident Backlogs (Service Dashboard)

Location: On the Service Dashboard, tap Incidents.

This widget shows the number of SRs created for this service over the selected time interval, grouped by time elapsed since they were raised.

Chart View: The chart view shows the number of SRs created for this service in each month over the selected time interval. SR counts are presented in color coded bands that indicate the time elapsed since SR creation:

  • 7 days or less

  • 8 to 30 days

  • 31 to 60 days

  • 61 to 90 days

  • 91 days or more

SRs that were open during the month, but have been closed since then, are included in the monthly count.

Data View: The data view shows detailed records for all SRs, open and closed, for this service.

Incident Backlogs (Environment Dashboard)

Location: On the Environment Dashboard, tap Incidents.

This widget shows the number of SRs created for this environment over the previous three months, grouped by time elapsed since they were raised.

Chart View: The chart view shows the number of SRs open in each month for this environment over the previous three months. Color coded bands indicate the time elapsed since SR creation:

  • 7 days or less

  • 8 to 30 days

  • 31 to 60 days

  • 61 to 90 days

  • 91 days or more

SRs that were open during the month, but have been closed since then, are included in the monthly count.

Data View: The data view shows detailed records for all SRs, open and closed, for this environment over the previous three months.

Incidents for Review (Landing Pad)

Location: On the landing pad, which is the Oracle Pulse home screen.

This tile displays all open Severity 1 incidents - that is, service requests (SRs) - created on production instances up to the date and time listed that are awaiting your input or approval. Severity 1 indicates a complete loss of service for mission critical operations where work cannot reasonably continue.

Tap the tile to see the following figures for each environment (labeled 'instance') and associated environment alias (labeled 'instance ID'):

  • Sev 1 Incidents - The number of open Severity 1 SRs for the instance.

  • EM Generated - The number of SRs automatically generated by Oracle Enterprise Manager (EM).

  • BTM Failures - Where business transaction monitoring (BTM) has been implemented, the number of monitored transactions that have exceeded the performance threshold.

  • Awaiting Customer - The number of SRs awaiting your input or approval to progress.


If your My Oracle Support (MOS) user account does not have privileges to view SRs, this tile is hidden.

Incident Records (Customer, Service, Environment Dashboards)

Location: On the Customer Dashboard, Service Dashboard, or Environment Dashboard, tap the incident record under Incidents.

Each incident record provides the following information about the incident:

Field Description
Name, including
  • SR Number

  • Summary

  • Contact

Identifying information about this SR, including:
  • SR number listed in MOS.

  • A very brief description of the SR entered in MOS

  • Name of the contact person for this SR

Status Status of this SR from MOS:
  • Open - The SR has been created but is not yet resolved, or has been resolved but is awaiting approval.

  • Closed - The SR has been closed, whether resolved or not.

Product Name of the product associated with this SR in MOS.
Updates All the latest actions related to this SR.
Summary MOS summary information for this SR, such as the status and the severity.

Incident Volume by Product (Customer Dashboard)

Location: On the Customer Dashboard, tap Incidents.

This widget shows the number of incidents created for all your organization's Managed Cloud Services.

Chart View: The chart view shows the number of incidents created for each of your organization's products, in each month of the selected time interval. Color coding indicates the SR priority, which is determined in MOS as critical, significant or standard.

Data View: The data view shows detailed records for all SRs, open and closed, for all your organization's Managed Cloud Services.

Incident Volume by Product (Service Dashboard)

Location: On the Service Dashboard, tap Incidents.

This widget shows the number of incidents created for this service.

Chart View: The chart view shows the number of incidents created for this service, in each month of the selected time interval. Color coding indicates the SR priority, which is determined in MOS as critical, significant or standard.

Data View: The data view shows detailed records for all SRs, open and closed, for this service.

Incident Volume by Product (Environment Dashboard)

Location: On the Environment Dashboard, tap Incidents.

This widget shows the number of incidents created or open for this environment's products.

Chart View: The chart view shows the number of incidents created for each of this environment's products, in each month of the selected time interval. Color coding indicates the SR priority in MOS, which can be critical, significant or standard.

Data View: The data view shows detailed records for all SRs, open and closed, for this environment.

Infrastructure Production Availability (Landing Pad)

Location: On the landing pad, which is the Oracle Pulse home screen.

The Infrastructure Production Availability tile displays the percentage of time that the underlying facility, network, and hardware components associated with production Managed Cloud Services environments were operating as expected. Availability is calculated based on complete unplanned outages where the root cause is identified in the security, network, OS, or hardware category. To understand more about how availability is calculated, see the Oracle Pulse for the Managed Cloud User's Guide.

Data View: Tap the tile to open the Infrastructure Production Availability table, showing the percentage of time that the underlying facility, network, and hardware components of each service were operating as expected over the previous and current month to date. You can also view the complete outage time, if any, for these components in the previous and current month.

Select any environment/row to open the Environment Dashboard populated with metrics for that environment.


If the infrastructure production availability is between 0% and 100%, tap this tile to open the data view.

If the infrastructure production availability is 0%, 100%, or N/A (not available), tapping the tile does not open the data view.

Environments are labeled 'instances' in this view and are listed along with their environment alias, 'instance ID'.

Low Performing Transactions (Landing Pad)

Location: On the landing pad, which is the Oracle Pulse home screen.

This tile displays the number of transactions that have exceeded the 30 day average since the last collection date and time. A transaction is a sequence of operations that is monitored as a single unit. Comparing transaction response times with the threshold value gives a sense of your services' performance. A significant number of transactions exceeding the 30 day average can indicate potential or actual issues with the associated service(s).


Where business transaction monitoring has not been implemented, this tile is hidden.

Managed Cloud Services Catalog (Customer Dashboard)

Location: (Web browser) Tap Catalog on the Customer Dashboard. (iPad) Tap the Menu icon in the top left of the screen to open the Services and Environments list. At the bottom of the list, tap Catalog.

The Catalog option opens the Managed Cloud Services catalog. This screen lists all service offerings available for all product lines. It also lists the available product or service releases and modules for each offering.

Non-Database Storage (Customer Dashboard)

Location: On the Customer Dashboard, tap Storage.

This widget shows the storage consumed by the application and database code trees and log files for all your organization's Managed Cloud Services.

Chart View: The chart view shows the storage consumed by the application and database code trees and log files for all your organization's Managed Cloud Services.

Data View: The data view provides detailed information about the storage consumed by the application and database code trees and log files for all your organization's Managed Cloud Services, per associated environment, category, and subcategory.

Overall Production Availability (Landing Pad)

Location: The Landing Pad is the Oracle Pulse home page.

The Overall Production Availability tile shows the percentage of time that all your organization's live, production Oracle Managed Cloud Services were operating as expected and accessible by end users for the last two months. Availability is calculated based on complete unplanned outages and does not include service interruptions or planned maintenance. To understand more about how availability is calculated, see the Oracle Pulse for the Managed Cloud User's Guide.

Data View: Tap the tile to open the Overall Production Availability table, showing the percentage availability and complete outage time (if any) of each environment for all services over the previous and current month to date.

Select any environment/row to open the Environment Dashboard populated with metrics for that environment.


If the overall production availability is between 0% and 100%, tap this tile to open the data view.

If the overall production availability is 0%, 100%, or N/A (not available), tapping the tile does not open the data view.