User’s Guide

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Inbound Transaction Routing

This section discusses the following topics:



CICS transaction routing allows terminals connected to one CICS system to run with transactions in another connected CICS system. This means that you can distribute terminals and transactions around your CICS systems and still have the ability to run any transaction with any terminal.

This feature aims that TMA SNA supports inbound terminal initiated transaction routing in MF CICS/ART CICS integration, in such a scenario, MF CICS can only be TOR and ART CICS can only be AOR.

Figure 8-1 Inbound Transaction Routing Support Configuration

Inbound Transaction Routing Support Configuration



Transactions can be triggered from a TOR terminal and run on AOR; the execution process is exactly as same as it running local.

MF CICS Configuration

  1. Define terminals, alternatively, auto installed terminal can be used as well.
  2. Do not specify program parameter for relevant transactions, instead, specify remote system for them.
  3. Define connection session for TMA SNA as usual.

ARTCICS and TMA SNA Configuration

  1. Configure ARTCICS servers and GWSNAX server in the UBBCONFIG file.
  2. Create a DMCONFIG for TMA SNA, and define ARTSTRN exported services in the DM_EXPORT section, which corresponds to the TOR-invoked transactions.
  3. "CONV=Y" is mandatory here because ARTSTRN is a conversational server.

  4. Define transactions/programs/mapsets in ARTCICS as usual.



Figure 8-2 shows a typical example.

Figure 8-2 Example 1

Example 1

There is a TOR with terminals on mainframe, and an ART AOR on open system, they communicate each other via APPC connection provided by TMA SNA.

A pseudo conversation transaction HAI1 starts from a TOR terminal. This transaction is defined as a remote transaction on AOR, so TOR forwards the request to AOR. This causes the transaction to execute; the terminal and transaction exchange screen data via the transaction routing mechanism.


  1. Transactions on mainframe TOR


Note: CR01 is a CICA connection, which points to TMA SNA LU

  1. Services in TMA DMCONFIG

    "HAI1" CONV=Y

    "HAI2" CONV=Y

  3. Transactions on ART AOR
  4. HAI1;SIMPAPP;pg for simpapp;HANDAID

    HAI2;SIMPAPP;pg for simpapp;HANDAID

  5. Program on ART AOR
  6. HANDABD;SIMPAPP; pg for simpapp; COBOL; ;ENABLED

Note: The relevant mapset definition is not mandatory in ARTKIX.

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