Installation Guide

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Installing Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP Using GUI-Mode Installation

The following sections describe how to install Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP using graphical user interface (GUI) mode installation on UNIX systems:


What Is GUI-Mode Installation?

The graphical user interface mode installation is the graphics-based method of executing the Oracle Installation program. It can be run on UNIX system.

To run GUI-mode installation, the console attached to the machine on which you are installing the software must support a Java-based GUI. Not all consoles for UNIX systems support Java-based GUIs.

Note: To install Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP on a UNIX system with a non-graphics console, use silent install mode.

The Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP installer program can be displayed in English or Japanese. You can set certain language-related environment variable on the target platform to specify the language displayed during the installation and the language-specific message catalog installed during the installation. If the language-related environment variable is not set or set to an unknown value, the installer program displays in English.


Starting GUI-Mode Installation on a UNIX System

To start the GUI-mode installation process on a UNIX system, follow these steps:

  1. Select a UNIX system that meets the hardware and software requirements described in Hardware and Software Prerequisites.
  2. Log in to the UNIX system as the Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP administrator.
  3. Ensure that you have enough free space for the Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP installation.
  4. Install Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP by downloading from the Oracle Web site:
    1. Go to and download the Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP 12c Release 2 (12.1.3) installation file specific to your platform.
    2. Go to the directory where you downloaded the installer, unzip the installer file, and then go to the Disk1\install directory, run the runInstaller to invoke the installation procedure.
    3. Note: GUI mode is the default for Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP 12c Release 2 (12.1.3) installation. If a GUI interface is not available on your Unix platform, you will receive an error message and the installation process is aborted.
      Note: If a GUI interface is not available on your Unix platform, you must use silent mode installation. For more information, see What Is Silent Installation?.
  5. Proceed to Running GUI-Mode Installation.


Running GUI-Mode Installation

The Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP installer program prompts you to enter specific information about your system and configuration. For instructions on responding to the prompts during installation, see Table 2-1.

Table 2-1 Instructions
In This Window . . .
Perform the Following Action . . .
Click Next to proceed with the installation. You may cancel the installation at any time by clicking Cancel.
Specify Home Details
Name: Enter a name for the Oracle home. This name identifies the program group associated with a particular home and the Oracle services installed on this home. The Oracle home name must be between 1 to 127 characters long, and can include only alphanumeric characters and underscores.
Path: Enter the full path to an Oracle home, or select an Oracle home from the drop-down list of existing Oracle homes. The Oracle home location is the directory where Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP is installed.
If you enter an invalid path for Oracle Home directory, you cannot continue the installation.
If the selected ORACLE_HOME is not empty and does not recorded in inventory, the installer will show a warning.
If the selected ORACLE_HOME does not include Tuxedo Server component, you cannot continue the installation.
Click Install to start the installation.
If previous version components are already installed, the installation program just upgrades the higher version sub-components in the same ORACLE_HOME by default. If you want to reinstall the same version sub-components, you can specify the value of DEPENDENCY_LIST. For example:
./runInstaller -force "DEPENDENCY_LIST={"TMATCP:"}"
When this panel appears, files of the selected installation type are being copied to the target installation directory.
End of Installation
Click Exit to exit the installation program.

Congratulations! Your installation of the Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP software is complete!


Assigning File Ownership on a UNIX System

If you installed the Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP on a UNIX system, Oracle strongly recommends that you create a separate user account for the Oracle Tuxedo administrator and grant the Oracle TMA files ownership to that account. To change ownership of the Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP on a UNIX machine, enter the following command:

chown -R adm_account full_path_of_tux_prod_dir
chgrp -R adm_group full_path_of_tux_prod_dir

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