When set to full, a password is required to perform any action including normal operations, such as boot. When set to command, a password is not required for the boot or go commands, but all other commands require a password. For business continuity reasons, set the security-mode parameter to command, as in the following example.
{0} ok setenv security-mode command {0} ok
After setting the security mode as described above, there are two ways to obtain the security mode prompt.
{0} ok logout Type boot , go (continue), or login (command mode) > > login Firmware Password: password Type help for more information {0} ok
To exit the security mode, use the logout and login names, as shown in the example.
{0} ok reset-all
This word resets the system. When the system comes back up, OpenBoot goes to the security mode prompt. To log back in to the command prompt (or log out of the security mode), use the logout and login names, and then enter the password, as described above.