51 Configuring User Objects

The user configuration object allows you to define in your configuration which users can pass SIP traffic on this VSP. This feature is only used if your SIP configuration requires local authentication. (Local authentication is set either in the default-session-configuration object under VSP, or the session-configuration object under policy/rule.) This object can also be used to authenticate users when stun-server > authentication-mode is set to local (used for long-term authentication).

When you enable the local authentication file, you configure ME to prompt users that are passing SIP traffic to log in. The user name and password they enter must match the entries in this file. However, you can also create policy that, for example, does not attempt to authenticate users listed in the Active Directory.


Configures user access to participation in SIP traffic on this VSP by adding an entry to the local authentication file. You enter each user individually, and assign a password. Use the admin property to allow or deny permission to pass SIP traffic. This file is only used if authentication is set to local in the default-session-configuration or session-configuration objects.

Enter the name of the user, up to 32 alphanumeric characters, to open the object. If the string contains delimiters (white space or \ character), it must be enclosed in double quotes (for example, ”user name”). The name (and in the next level, password) that you configure are the logins needed by the user when the ME prompts.


config vsp user name 


admin: Enables or disables ability to pass SIP traffic on the VSP. You can use this property to temporarily disable a user without removing the user entry from the configuration.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

password-tag: Specifies the tag associated with the shared secret used to authenticate transactions between the system and this VSP user. See Understanding Passwords and Tags for information on the ME two-part password mechanism.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set password-tag abc123xyz