52 Configuring Virtual System Partition Objects

The ME virtual system partition (VSP) is the part of the system that holds the comprehensive customer-defined configuration, which controls how the ME processes, stores, directs, and routes SIP traffic. The VSP is where you create session configurations, registration and dial plans, and policies that handle SIP request and response messages (for example, REGISTER requests and INVITE traffic). Based on the components of the VSP configuration, the ME Engine forwards traffic to SIP call destinations, authentication and accounting databases, VoIP service providers or carriers, enterprise servers, and so on.


Opens the virtual system partition (VSP) configuration object for editing. From this object you access the subobjects that set policy, session configuration characteristics, servers and directories, and many other aspects of system operation.

The properties of the VSP object include settings that limit sockets, sessions, SIP header and message sizes, and timers. You can also set the call admission control features within this object. The settings object contains a variety of advanced VSP parameters, which do not typically need modification.

Several properties within this object can be configured to allow the ME to determine the appropriate value (a setting of automatic). See Using Automatic Values for more information.


config vsp 


admin: Enables or disables this virtual system partition on this system.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin enabled

local-identity: Sets the address-of-record for this SIP proxy. Use this property when there is more than one system (or multiple interfaces on a single system) sharing a location cache. The system writes the value of the local identifier field to the From header of a REGISTER request.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set local-identity sip:boston@companyABC.com

local-normalization: Specifies whether the system changes the host portion of the SIP header to the VSP domain name. If enabled, when a SIP request comes in and the host portion matches the system interface address or domain alias, the system changes the Host header. If disabled, the Host remains as it was originally received.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set local-normalization enabled

server-normalization: Specifies a first level of control that dictates whether the system changes the Host portion of the SIP header to the matching server domain name. If enabled, and if the matching server has the normalization routing attribute enabled, the system changes the Host header when it receives a SIP request and the Host portion matches the system interface address or domain alias. If disabled, the Host remains as it was originally received.

If your configuration includes many servers, you should set server-normalization to disabled to protect performance.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set server-normalization enabled

external-inbound-normalization: Specifies whether the system should perform external normalization on inbound call legs from endpoints. If set to no, the system does not apply normalization settings. If set to yes, you must supply a tag to match against that determines the endpoints to which the system applies normalization. This name must match the table-tag column from the normalization.xml file

Default: no
Values: no | yes tableTag

Example: set external-inbound-normalization yes endpnt

registration-proxy: Specifies how the system handles registrations on this VSP. If enabled, for each AOR in its location cache, if there is a matching registration plan to an upstream server and the upstream server has registration-proxy (see below) configured and enabled, the system originates registrations to the upstream server. If disabled, the system does not originate a registration for AORs in its location cache.

You can also set registration-proxy characteristics for a server, which allows peers to receive proxy information. When set at the VSP level (this property), you are optimizing performance for your system.

Default: disabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set registration-proxy enabled

pstn-gateway: Identifies the configured PSTN gateway for an enterprise server with a PSTN backup configuration. (This is set with the server routing setting property.) The system can allow enterprises to continue call operations even if their provider server is busy or down. You do this by configuring the public switched telephone network (PSTN) gateway.

Normally, the system forwards calls to a provider application server. If the server has failed, and the system has location information for the endpoints, it forwards calls locally. Otherwise, if configured, the system forwards calls to the PSTN gateway you configured with the sip-gateway server object. Enter a path to that configured server.

Default: server
  • Values: none

  • server serverReference

  • carrier carrierReference

  • gateway gatewayReference

  • trunk trunkGrpReference

  • trunk trunkGrpReference

  • hunt-group huntGrpReference

Example: set pstn-gateway vsp enterprise servers sip-gateway pstn

external-policy-group: References a policy server configuration. That configuration sets the URL of the external server that maintains policy configurations to apply to a session. See policy-service for more information.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set external-policy-group ”external-services policy-group myPolicy”

external-location-group: References a location service configuration. That configuration sets the URL of the VoIP Positioning Center (VPC) providing location services (caller location) for VoIP subscribers using Location Information Services (LIS). See red-sky-location-service, tcs-location-service, or generic-service for more information.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set external-location-group ”external-services location-group for E911”

external-event-group: References an event server configuration. That configuration sets the URL of a server used for tracking system events. (These events are similar to SNMP traps.) See event-service for more information.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set external-event-group ”external-services external-group myEvents”


Configure a specific SIP manipulation. This lets you add, modify, and delete SIP headers and parts of the SIP headers called SIP header elements. SIP header elements are the different subparts of the header, such as the header value, header parameter, and URI parameter.


config vsp sip-manipulation-pool sip-manipulation


description: Description of this SIP manipulation object.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set description manip10092009

header-rules: Enter a list of header rules for this SIP manipulation.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set header-rule delete


Secondary object. Allows you to configure the pool of named SIP manipulation objects for the ME. These contain lists of SIP header manipulation rules and elements.


config vsp sip-manipulation-pool


sip-manipulation: Enter the SIP manipulation you want to configure.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set sip-manipulation manip1


This object moves an existing PBX infrastructure onto an ME, creating a virtual dial plan. This preserves the legacy PBX dial-plan and extension number configuration.


vsp virtual-dial-plan-pool


virtual-dial-plan: Configures individual virtual dial plans on the ME.


This object configures individual virtual dial plans on the ME.


vsp virtual-dial-plan-pool virtual-dial-plan


name: Enter the name you want to use for this virtual dial plan.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set name vdp1

dial-prefix: Applies a custom session configuration based on a dial prefix found either in the To or request URI of the SIP header.

Enter the prefix name and the prefix.

For more information on configuring dial-prefixes, see Dial Plan Objects.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set dial-prefix dialprefix1 555

normalization: Facilitates routing lookup by normalizing the SIP message.

For more information on configuring dial-prefixes, see Dial Plan Objects.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set normalization norm1

source-normalization: Facilitates routing lookup by normalizing the HOST portion of the SIP message. Enter the source-normalization name, type, and source-ipnet.

For more information on configuring dial-prefixes, see Dial Plan Objects.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set source-normalization snorm1 ipnet

arbiter: Configures an ordered set of rules to influence the routing arbitration decision. It functions as a, ”master plan,” determining which metrics to use in selecting a destination server.

For more information on configuring dial-prefixes, see Dial Plan Objects.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set arbiter arb1

route: Creates an entry based on the prefix and determines which part of the header to consider.

For more information on configuring dial-prefixes, see Dial Plan Objects.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set route route1

source-route: Configures the ME to make call routing and forwarding decisions based on the source IP address rather than the Request URI.

Enter the source-route name, type, and source-ipnet.

For more information on configuring dial-prefixes, see Dial Plan Objects.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set source-route sroute1


Configure multimedia streaming when configuring the multimedia stream server (MSS) process on the ME. For more information on MSS, see the Oracle Communications OS-E Session Services Configuration Guide.


config vsp multimedia-streaming-config


server: Configures a server where a multimedia stream can be published or consumed.


Configure multimedia streaming when configuring the multimedia stream server (MSS) process on the ME.


config vsp multimedia-streaming-config server


name: Enter a unique name for this multimedia server.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set name mms1

admin: Enables or disables this server.

Default: enabled
Values: enabled | disabled

Example: set admin disabled

protocol: Specifies the protocol used to communicate with this server.

Default: RTMP
  • Values: RTMP: Real Time Messaging Protocol

  • RTMPS: Realm Time Messaging Protocol Secure

  • RTMPT: Real Time Messaging Protocol Tunneled (over HTTP)

  • RTMPTS: Real Time Messaging Protocol Tunneled Secure (over HTTP)

Example: set protocol RTMPS

host: Specifies the hostname or IP address of the server.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set host

port: Specifies the port number for the server to listen on.

Default: 1935
Values: Min: 0 / Max: 65535

Example: set port 1945

app-name: Specifies the path or application name where the stream can be published or consumed.

Default: live

Example: set app-name live

inbound-session-config-pool-entry: Specifies a session configuration entry to apply to all inbound traffic destined for this server. Enter a reference to a session configuration created in the vsp > session-config-pool object.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set inbound-session-config-pool-entry sc1

outbound-session-config-pool-entry: Specifies a session configuration entry to apply to all outbound traffic from or through this server. Enter a reference to a session configuration created in the vsp > session-config-pool object.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set outbound-session-config-pool-entry sc1

delegate-server: Specifies the server configured under the vsp > enterprise > servers > sip-gateway object.

Default: There is no default setting.

Example: set vsp/enterprise/servers/sip-gateway server1


Configures multiple route server sequences and queries on the ME. For more information on the route server, see the Oracle Communications OS-E Session Services Configuration Guide.


config vsp route-server-config


route-server-sequence: Allows you to configure multiple route server queries. Provide a name for this sequence.

Default: There is no default setting.

Example: set route-server-sequence rs_sequence1


Configures multiple route server queries.

NOTE: When multiple route-server-sequences are configured on the ME, you can change the order of the queries using the arrows beside the route-server-sequence table.


config vsp route-server-config route-server-sequence


description: Provide an optional description of this route server sequence.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set description international

query: Configures individual route server queries. Provide a name for this query.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set query rs_query1


Configures individual route server queries.


config vsp route-server-config route-server-sequence name query


description: Provide an optional description of this route server query.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set description international

query: Provide the following criteria for this query:

  • type: Specify the source of the query. This can either be a value from the header or a variable. The default setting is header.

  • source: Specify the source of the data to query. When the data type is header, the source can be either Request, To, or From. When the data type is variable, enter a string for this value. The default setting is Request.

  • expression: When query type is variable, specify the regular expression to apply against the source value. The resulting value is what is queried.

  • replacement: When query type is variable, specify the value for the ME to use in the route server query that is derived from the expression.

Default: header Request

Example: set query header To

table: Specify the table to use for this query. This is a table configured under the route-server > table-config object.

Default: default

Example: set table table1

lookup-type: Specify the type of route server lookup.

Default: route
  • Values: route: Execute a route lookup.

  • variable: Execute a lookup on a named variable only and do not query routes.

Example: set lookup-type variable

append: Specify how results of multiple queries should be appended.

Default: merge
  • Values: merge: Routes from previous route server sequence queries are merged wiht the current query resulting routes.

  • replace: Routes from previous route server sequence queries are replaced with the current query resulting routes.

Example: set append replace

variable-load: Specifies whether or not to assign route server variables to internally-named variables.

Default: none
  • Values: none: No variables are expected, however, if any are returned from the route-server, the ME does not load them.

  • all: Load all variables returned by the route server as-is into session-config named variables.

  • assign: Assign the specified variables returned by the route server into the specified session named variables.

Example: set variable-load all

variable-mappings: Configures a list of mappings between route server variables returned and session-config named variables.


Configures a list of mappings between route server variables returned and session-config named variables.


config vsp route-server-config route-server-sequence name query name variable-mappings


route-server-variable: Specify a variable name returned by the route server.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set route-server-variable rs_var1

session-named-variable: Specify the session-config named variable to which you want to assign the route server variable.

Default: There is no default setting

Example: set session-named-variable var1

variable-ignore-additional: Specifies whether or nto to ignore any additional variables that may have been returned.

Default: false
Values: true | false

Example: set variable-ignore-additional true

condition-list: Defines the conditions required for the ME to execute a query.