5 Status Provider Show Commands A Through M

This chapter describes the status show commands from A through M alphabetically. for status show commands from N to Z, see "Status Provider Show Commands N Through Z."

Global Show Command Characteristics

All of the status show commands contained in this chapter share the same MIB and require the same user access level. In addition, they are available through a single place in the GUI.

Associated MIB

All status display commands reference the ME, Inc. enterprise MIB:


ME Management System Path Information

All status display commands are available in the ME Management System.

You can access the commands from the Status tab at the top of the window or from the Status link on the Home page. Expand the list on the left and click on a status report listed below it.

Filtering Command Output

The CLI allows you to filter output of show commands so that your display only includes the specific properties you requested. With no properties, show object-name displays all instances of the specified object. For example, if you execute the actions command, the CLI displays a list of all actions that have occurred in the current CLI session:

NNOS-E> show actions

action                process timeout    requests   errors     timeouts
------                ------- -------    --------   ------     --
archive                 acct    10000      0          0          0
arp-delete              manager 10000      0          0          0
clock                   manager 10000      0          0          0
config merge            manager 30000      0          0          0
config replace          manager 30000      0          0          0
config save             manager 30000      2          0          0
database                manager 300000     0          0          0
database-maintenance    manager 10000      0          0          0
diameter                auth    10000      0          0          0

The output includes indices to the action (e.g., arp-delete, clock, config merge, config save, etc.) and properties of the indices (in this case, process, requests, errors, timeouts).

However, if you are only interested in seeing a specific index or property, you can filter on those fields. You can specify an index name to display only the instances with those values. Or, you can specify one or more property values to display only the instances with those property values.


Index and property names are case insensitive.

To display a list of the properties you can filter on, enter the command with a question mark:

NNOS-E> show actions ?
 action provider statistics
 -c       display the total number of instances
 -n       display a specified number of instances
 -v       verbose display

Filtering On an Index

To filter on the index, enter the object name with the command (in quotation marks if the name includes white space). For example, you can display only the number of saves to the configuration file that have occurred:

NNOS-E> show actions ”config save”
action             process timeout    requests   errors     timeouts
------             ------- -------    --------   ------     -----
config save        manager 30000      2          0          0

To filter on a property, enter the property name followed by an equal sign (or let the system enter the correct format with a TAB complete). To see only directory processes:

NNOS-E> show actions process=dir
action             process timeout    requests   errors     timeouts
------             ------- -------    --------   ------     -----
directory-reset        dir     120000     0          0          0

Note that you can enter multiple properties to further refine your output. You cannot, however, enter multiple instances of the same property. In that case, the last property entered is acted on:

NNOS-E> show actions process=SIP process=auth
action             process timeout    requests   errors     timeouts
------             ------- -------    --------   ------     -----
diameter           auth    10000      0          0          0
radius             auth    10000      0          0          0

Displaying Total, Count, and Verbose Reports

You can display summary reports on a status using one of the options defined in the following table. The following table displays examples of show command report types.

Table 5-1 Show Command Report Types

Option Description


Displays a count of the total number of entries in a status report. Enter in the form:

show object-name -c


Displays the specified number of entries from the status report, counting from the first entry. Enter in the form:

show object-name -n=x

-n=x displays the first x instances.


Displays a more detailed report of the object. This option does not change all output, only for those reports where summary and detailed reports are both available.

Enter in the form:

show object-name -v

Examples of -c, -n, and -v use

Without using display options, the output of show dial-plan looks like this:

NNOS-E> show dial-plan
plan-name     type     destination-url    from     peer-name   fwd
---------     ----     ---------------    ----     ---------   --
abc.com       tag      aster              .*       abc         0
company.net   tag      bw                 .*       company     0
xyz.com       tag      aaa                .*       xyz         0
123.com       domain   sip:.*@123\.com    .*       123         0
server.com    domain   sip:.*@server\.com .*       server      0
Using the count option, the output of show dial-plan -c looks like this:
NNOS-E> show dial-plan -c
dial-plan returned 5 instances

Specifying that the system display the first two entries using the number of entries option, the output of show dial-plan -n=2 looks like this:

NNOS-E> show dial-plan -n=2
plan-name     type     destination-url    from     peer-name   fwd
---------     ----     ---------------    ----     ---------   --
abc.com       tag      aster              .*       abc         0
company.net   tag      bw                 .*       company     0

Using the verbose option, the output of show dial-plan -v looks like this:

NNOS-E> show dial-plan -v

                           plan-name: abc.com
                                type: tag
                                 url: aster
                     destination-url: aster
                              source: plan
                               level: 0
                                from: .*
                           peer-name: abc
                       peer-identity: sip:sametime@abc.com
                           peer-mode: provider
                              action: redirect
                                 fwd: 0
                                hits: 0


All show commands include the -c, -n, and -v options (although in some commands the options do not change the output). Because they are universal, these options are not included in the command description syntax statement in this chapter.

show accounting-targets

Displays information from all accounting targets configured on the ME. The settings are configured using the file-system object. See the file-client config object for information on the proper configuration when the external file-system is configured for SCP or SFTP.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show accounting-targets
type: file-system
name: path 1
received: 0 CDRs
processed: 0 CDRs
failures: 0
missing-records: 0
average-processing-time: 0 milliseconds/CDR


The following table describes the properties for the show accounting-targets command.

Table 5-2 Show Accounting-Targets Properties

Field Description


The type of file-system target this command is displaying.


The name of the accounting target whose status is displayed.


The number of raw CDRs received.


The number of CDRs processed.


The number of failures.


The number of raw CDRs the target found missing and could not write to the output. These messages may be missing or corrupt. A purge can cause this. Check logs for details.


The average processing time per CDR of this accounting target.

show accounting-targets-archive

Displays detailed information regarding archive targets.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show accounting-targets-archive

 name: archive-day1
  tasks-in-progress: 0
           received: 641 CDRs
        in-progress: 0
               sent: 0 archives
              saved: 0
      archive-fails: 0
      create-errors: 0
    transmit-errors: 0
              state: clear
      current-saved: 0
last-commit-success: 16:12:35 Tue 2011-03-22
 average-time-taken: 228 msec/archive


The following table shows the properties for the show accounting-targets-archive command.

Table 5-3 Show Accounting-Targets-Archive Properties

Field Description


The name of the displayed archiving target.


The URL of this external archiving target.


The number of archiving tasks currently in progress.


The number of raw CDRs received.


The number of raw CDRs processed.


The number of archive files sent to the archiving target.


The number of failures that occurred during the archiving process


The number of errors that occurred during the creation of the archive fail.


The number of errors that occurred during the transmission of the archive file.


The number of saved CDRs.


The state of the archiving target.


The last time the ME successfully sent a file to the archiving target.


The average processing time per CDR of this archiving target.

show accounting-targets-archive-tasks

Displays information about currently running archiving tasks on the ME.

Sample Output

gregg-b5-74>show accounting-targets-archive-tasks

name           record   errors     in-progress
------         -------  ------     -----------
nnose-backup   1170995    2          (send)
nnose-backup   1171000    2          (send)
nnose-backup   1171001    2          (send)


The following table shows the properties for the show accounting-targets-archive-tasks command.

Table 5-4 Show Accounting-Targets-Archive-Tasks Properties

Field Description


The name of the archiving target.


The CDR ID that the archive target is processing.


The number of errors encountered while this CDR is being processed. These are errors that do not stop processing. For example, if a send has fialed but there are retries left.


A task is the processing for a CDR. A task has several operations it performs. This property shows hte operations within the task currently in progress.

show accounting-targets-file-system

Displays information for each accounting target configured on the ME. This shows information for both file-system and external-file-system targets. See the file-client config object for information on the proper configuration when the external file-system is configured for SCP or SFTP.

There are four states that the external target cycles through as it processes raw CDRs, writes to the output file, and sends it to the remote system.

  • Clear: The target is ready to write.

  • Writing: The target is currently writing to the temporary file.

  • Sending: The target is sending a file. At this time, the file can also be writing to a temporary file that will become the next file to send once the current file is successfully sent.

  • Blocked: The target has one file in the middle of sending and another one ready to send. The target will not process anymore requests from the accounting server, but will send retries to the server giving retry interval based on its best estimate of when the retry can work.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show accounting-targets-file-system
type: file-system
name: path 1
master: enabled
state: clear
received: 0 CDRs
saved: 0 CDRs
files-sent: 0
current-file: /cxc_common/acct/test.2009.
cdrs-in-current-file: 0 CDRs
save-fails: 0
transmit-fails: 0
missing-records: 0


The following table shows the properties for the show accounting-targets file system command.

Table 5-5 Show Accounting-Targets-File-System Properties

Field Description


The type of file-system this command is displaying.


The name of the accounting target whose status is displayed.


The URL of this external accounting target.


Displays whether this box is a master for accounting master-service or not.


The state of the file system.


The number of raw CDRs received.


The number of saved CDRs.


The number of files sent to the target. This is applicable only to external file systems.


The file to which raw CDRs are currently being written. At the next rollover, this file is closed and a new one is opened.


The number of CDRs in the current file.


The number of failures that occurred during saving.


The number of failures that occurred during transmission. This is applicable only to external file systems.


The number of raw CDRs the target found missing and could not write to the output. These messages may be missing or corrupt. A purge can cause this. Check logs for details.

show active-msrp-sessions

Displays information regarding active MSRP session statistics.

Sample Output

SIP>show active-msrp-sessions
Active MSRP Sessions:
session-handle: 0xC7C634F3
inleg-type: Msrp
inleg-state: CONNECTED
outleg-type: Msrp
outleg-state: CONNECTED
caller-session-id: mhnb1ad02f
caller-path: msrp://wscAddress.invalid:2855/mhnb1ad02f;ws
called-session-id: 2511644601
called-path: msrp://;tcp
create-time: 12:09:59.163681 Thu 2014-10-30
duration: 24 seconds
Total Active MSRP Sessions: 1


The following table shows the properties for the show active-msrp-sessions command.

Table 5-6 Show Active-MSRP-Sessions Properties

Field Description


The handle for this session.


The type of endpoint of the in-leg session.


The state of the in-leg session endpoint.


The type of endpoint of the out-leg session.


The state of the out-leg session endpoint.


The session ID of the calling endpoint.


The path of the calling endpoint.


The session ID of the called endpoint.


The path of the called endpoint.


The time this session was created.


The length, in seconds, of this session.

show active-session

Displays message flow for a session. The message-log field indicates all messages for the session. In the first example, the session was a simple registration. In the second example, the session consisted of a call with multiple messages.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show active-session 
                     index: 1
                session-id: 0x4c2b67ad57e1cee
            association-id: 0x98000000006
             creation-time: 11:10:37.814301 Thu 2007-10-04
              session-type: proxy
            in-leg-call-id: bacd6b4a56394d5ea0f1fe0f6ae39e58
           out-leg-call-id: bacd6b4a56394d5ea0f1fe0f6ae39e58
         association-index: 3
               message-log: |-->INVITE|INVITE-->|INVITE 100<--|INVITE 200<--|<--
INVITE 200|-->ACK|ACK-->|-->MESSAGE|MESSAGE-->|MESSAGE 200<--|<--MESSAGE 200|-->
ingress-classification-tag: qik-finemode
 egress-classification-tag: qik-finemode


The following table shows the properties for the show active-session command.

Table 5-7 Show-Active-Session Properties

Field Description


A system-assigned internal identifier that indicates the current position of the session within the list of active sessions.


The internal identifier for the session. A session is a particular ”conversation” between two endpoints.


The internal identifier for the association. An association is a pair of endpoints that might have had, be having, or in the future have, a ”conversation.”


A time-stamp indicating when the session was created.


The type of session being reported on, either:

proxy: Stateful proxy

stateless proxy: Stateless proxy

b2bua: B2B user agent

outbound: Outbound call

regServer: Registration server

regClient: Registration client


The call ID used for the call as it came into the system.


The call ID the system used when forwarding the call out.


The index of the association that matches the From/To pair of this particular session.


A very short description of each message type that came through on the session.


The tag used to associate incoming traffic with the configured tag. The configured ingress-tag must match a configured ip routing-tag. You can also configure a classification-tag through the ip interface object. If this property is configured in both places, the session-config setting takes precedence.


The tag used to select the outgoing interface. That tag must then be associated with an ip routing-tag, which controls the available egress interfaces and routes. You can also configure a classification-tag through the ip interface object. If this property is configured in both places, the session-config setting takes precedence.

show authentication-details

Displays authentication error details on the ME.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show authentication-details
Provider      Requests   Replies  Accepts  Rejects  Timeouts  QClipped   Others
Local                0         0        0        0         0         0        0
RADIUS               3         3        0        0         3         0        0
Diameter             0         0        0        0         0         0        0
Directory            0         0        0        0         0         0        0
Accept               0         0        0        0         0         0        0
Reject               0         0        0        0         0         0        0


The following table shows the properties for the show authentication-details command.

Table 5-8 Show Authentication-Details Properties

Field Description


The protocol to be used for errors.


The number of requests submitted to each provider.


The number of replies to errors.


The number of positive replies received from the remote server.


The number of rejects received from the remote server.


The number of timeouts that have caused errors.


The number of errors that have failed locally, without ever being sent to the remote server because the queue of requests outstanding to the server(s) has grown too long.


Sum of other errors. These can be seen individually by adding -v to the end of the action.

show authorized-user-attributes

The show authorized-user-attributes action displays information about configured ME users and their attributes and values.

NNOS-E>show authorized-user-attributes

username   attribute                     value                         
--------   ---------                     -----                         
sjones     mail                          sjones@acmepacket.com          
sjones     msrtcsip-primaryuseraddress   sip:sjones@acmepacket.com      
sjones     cn                            Sam Jones                   
sjones     samaccountname                sjones                         
sjones     msrtcsip-line                 tel:+17815557256              
sjones     st                            MA                            
sjones     telephonenumber               +1 (781) 555-4839 


The following table shows the properties for the show authorized-user-attributes command.

Table 5-9 Show Authorized-User_Attributes Properties

Field Description


The configured ME user.


The attribute name.


The value of the attribute for that user.

show authorized-user-groups

The show authorized-user-groups action displays the configured users and the groups to which they belong from the user cache.

NNOS-E>show authorized-user-groups

username     group                                                           
--------     -----                                                           
sjones       eng                                                        
sjones       software                                                    
sjones       dev                                                                   
sjones       ct                                                          
sjones       engineering                                                     
sjones       deliveries                                               
sjones       funcspec 


The following table shows the properties for the show authorized-user-groups command.

Table 5-10 Show Authorized-User-Groups Properties

Field Description


The configured ME user.


The group to which the user belongs.

show authorized-user-privileges

The show authorized-user-privileges action displays information about users' authorization privileges from the user cache.


If a user has never logged into the ME, their name does not appear in the cache and, therefore, is not displayed in the show authorized-user-privileges command output.
NNOS-E>show authorized-user-privileges

username   resource-type privilege identity-type resource-identity
--------   ------------- --------- ------------- -----------------
admin      event-channel C+R+U+D   equals        /system/*


The following table shows the properties for the show authorized-user-privileges command.

Table 5-11 Show Authorized-User-Privileges Properties

Field Description


The name of the configured ME user.


The resource-type of the grant configured for this user.


The CRUD privileges of the of the resource-type configured for this user.


The method in which the ME matches the users' resource-identity.


The value or regular expression the ME uses to check users' authorization privileges.

show authorized-user-summary

The show authorized-user-summary action displays an abbreviated version of users' authorization privileges from the user cache.

NNOS-E>show authorized-user-summary

username    resource-types                                                  
--------    --------------                                                  
admin       event-channel                                                   
test_user   event-channel 


The following table shows the properties for the show authorized-user-summary command.

Table 5-12 Show Authorized-User_summary Properties

Field Description


The name of the configured ME user.


The resource-type of the grant configured for this user.

show automatic-settings

Displays values that the ME has generated for each property that supports the automatic settings feature. For these properties, the ME determines an appropriate value based on various aspects of the system hardware, such as the platform, CPU speed, and available memory.


Do not change the values of properties configured with automatic-settings unless instructed to do so by Technical Support.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show automatic-settings
name                         value
----                         -----
cac-max-calls                7500
cac-max-calls-in-setup       1500
cac-max-number-of-tls        3000
cac-max-tls-in-setup         423
cac-min-calls-in-setup       10
max-number-of-sessions       7500
stack-socket-event-threads-max 4
stack-socket-threads-max     4
stack-worker-threads         4


The following table shows the properties for the show automatic settings command.

Table 5-13 Show Automatic-Settings Properties

Field Description


The name of the property whose default value is automatically determined by the system. For example, cac-max-calls sets the maximum number of concurrent calls allowed on the VSP.


The default value that the system assigns to the property.

show boxes

Saves stored sessions for the specified VSP. The archiving action archives all data that has not been successfully archived previously. You can archive a specific session or sessions that occur between specified times using the archive specific action.

Use this action to initiate the backup immediately; use the task object to schedule automated backups. You must enable archiving with the archiving object for this action to succeed. Use the show archive-result command to view the outcome of archiving operations.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show boxes
Box Address      ? Prot  State       Up Time   Connects  Errors  Last Error
Local            O None  Connected   01:09:20         1       0  Unknown      A TCP   Connected   01:09:10         1       0  None


The following table shows the properties for the show boxes command.

Table 5-14 Show Boxes Properties

Field Description

Box Address

The IP address for all boxes in the cluster (or Local to indicate the local box).


The role of the box in its connection to the local box, either originator (O) or accepter (A).


The messaging protocol in use between boxes, either TCP or TLS.


The state of the connection between boxes, either:





Waiting (the box is not connected and the ME is waiting a short period before attempting to reconnect).

Up Time

If State is Connected, the time of connection between boxes.


The number of times the system has successfully connected to the local box since 1) this ME booted, and 2) the device was added to the cluster.


The number of attempts to reconnect that were unsuccessful.

Last Error

The type of the last error. Error types are:

None: No error

No Route: No route can be found to remote box

No Socket: Failed to create socket to connect to this box

No Connect: Connection failed (e.g., due to box is down, or network or configuration error)

Connect Timeout: Connection timed out

Disconnect: Boxes were disconnected

Loopback: Configuration error, i.e., the ”remote” box is the local box

Duplicate MAC: Duplicate MAC address detected (probably loopback)

Hello Timeout: Connected, but failed to communicate

Version Mismatch: Communicated, but discovered incompatible versions

Keepalive Failed: Connected, but box didn't respond to keepalive messages

Other: Other type of error

show call-admission-control

Displays settings and statistics for call admission control on this VSP (INVITE requests). The name field identifies the VSP being reported on. The settings are configured using the admission-control object.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show call-admission-control
                                    name: default
                  call-admission-control: enabled
                               max-calls: 7500
                      max-calls-in-setup: 1500
                      min-calls-in-setup: 10
        calls-in-setup-dynamic-threshold: 1500
                        cpu-monitor-span: 20 seconds
                    cpu-monitor-interval: 10 seconds
                         average-sip-cpu: 0 %
                calls-high-cpu-threshold: 90 %
                 calls-low-cpu-threshold: 50 %
                           current-calls: 0
                  current-calls-in-setup: 0
                              most-calls: 0
                     most-calls-in-setup: 0
                       max-calls-dropped: 0
max-calls-in-setup-dropped-this-interval: 0
max-calls-in-setup-dropped-last-interval: 0
              max-calls-in-setup-dropped: 0


The following table shows the properties for the show call-admission-control command.

Table 5-15 Show Call-Admission-Control Properties

Field Description


The name of the VSP whose status is displayed.


The state of CAC for this VSP: whether it is enabled or disabled.


The maximum number of calls allowed on this VSP. This is the overall simultaneous call limit.


The maximum number of simultaneous inbound and outbound call legs in the setup stage allowed by the CAC.


The minimum number of simultaneous inbound and outbound call legs in the setup stage allowed by the CAC.


The limit for the number of in-progress calls allowed before the system suppresses all calls.


The number of seconds over which the system calculates the total system CPU average. At the conclusion of the span, the average value is compared to the call and registration CPU thresholds to determine whether to modify the dynamic threshold. The longer the span, the fewer the changes to the thresholds. A shorter span will result in reactions to brief CPU activity spikes.


The frequency, in seconds, with which the system calculates the total system CPU average for the last span.


The current average CPU usage.


The percentage value of CPU usage that determines whether the system modifies the call dynamic threshold.


The lowest percentage value of CPU usage that the system can drop to when decreasing the dynamic threshold. The system starts decreasing the dynamic threshold when the average CPU usage exceeds the value for calls-cpu-threshold.


The number of calls currently being processed by the system.


The number of calls currently in the setup stage on the system.


The highest number of calls processed at any one time (since last system boot).


The highest number of calls in setup stage at any one time (since last system boot).


The total number of active calls that were dropped since the last system boot.


The number of calls that were in setup stage but dropped during the current interval. The interval is defined with the cpu-monitor-interval property.


The number of calls that were in setup stage but dropped during the previous interval. The interval is defined with the cpu-monitor-interval property.


The maximum number of calls in the setup stage that were dropped since the last system boot.

show call-routing

Displays the call routing table, which defines how the ME forwards an outgoing call. The output displays a summary of each active dial-plan entry, its match criteria and peer (and other configuration elements), and the number of times the ME has applied it to forward a call. Use the show dial-plan command to see all configured dial plans.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show call-routing
Forwards  Pri  Type    Data
       5  100  domain  Plan name:  companyXYZ.com
                       Match:      companyXYZ.com
                       Peer name: Company ST


The following table shows the properties for the show call-routing command.

Table 5-16 Show Call-Routing Properties

Field Description


The number of times this plan has matched an INVITE request, and the system forwarded the request. This is a counter internal to the system.


The priority (order of preference) setting for the dial-plan entry. This property overrides the default behavior (most specific match) and sets a preference based on the request-uri-match (route) or source-match (source-route) property.


The portion of the request to match on. If the INVITE matches the portion identified by the type, the system forwards the request to that server. The type can be contributed from the dial-plan configuration. Types of tag or domain can be contributed from the auto-tag-match and auto-domain-match options of the server routing-setting property.


The data field is made up of Plan name, Match, an Peer name, all of which are described below.

Plan name

The name of the active dial plan, created with the dial-plan or dial-prefix configuration.


A derivative of the regular expression or tag (for faster matching) that identifies the ”to” or ”from” mapping. This string is configured in the dial-plan configuration. If contributed through a route object entry, the string to match in the SIP header fields or transport information in order for the system to apply the plan to calls containing the prefix (”to” mapping). If contributed through a source-route object entry, the match criteria for the source of the SIP message (”from” mapping). The match field is derived from either the to-uri-match (route) or source-match (source-route) property. If type is condition-list, the match is derived from the priority plus plan name.

Peer name

A statically entered peer. This is a configured server of type sip-registrar.

show chassis-info

Displays hardware and firmware information (e.g. serial, part, and version numbers) for the chassis. The three fields described are useful information for Technical Support. All other fields are Intel-specific, and are not used at this time.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show chassis-info
          chassis-version: 1
             chassis-type: 17
      chassis-part-number: NN 2610
    chassis-serial-number: 201-01060
           chassis-custom: SR1500
            board-version: 1
          board-lang-code: 25
           board-mfg-time: 16:30:00 Sun 2026-09-27
       board-manufacturer: Intel
       board-product-name: SE7520JR22
      board-serial-number: BZJR44325226
        board-part-number: C53660-403
        board-fru-file-id: FRU Ver 0.01
          product-version: 1
        product-lang-code: 25
     product-manufacturer: Intel
        product-asset-tag: 1234


The following table shows the properties for the show chassis-info command.

Table 5-17 Show Chassis-Info Properties

Field Description


The current software update package revision; the revision of firmware that the ME hardware is running. Also sometimes known as the System Update Package (SUP), it controls fans, power, IMM (Management Module), BIOS, and more.


The model number of the current device.


The associated part number of the current ME device.

show clock

Displays the current date and time, and the amount of uptime in days, hours, and minutes since the ME was started. You can set the time with the clock action.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show clock
  time: 12:05:32 Thu 2006-12-21 
uptime: 0 days 01:09:20


The following table shows the properties for the show clock command.

Table 5-18 Show Clock Properties

Field Description


The current time as configured on the box. You can set (or reset) the system time with the clock action


The amount of time since the last system boot.

show cluster

Displays each box, by IP address, that is part of the cluster. Additionally, the output indicates whether the box is receiving, or due to receive, configuration from the cluster master. The output displays the configuration of the cluster and box objects.


NNOS-E> show cluster
ip-address      box-id
----------      ------         1     2 


The following table shows the properties for the show cluster command.

Table 5-19 Show Cluster Properties

Field Description


The IP address of each box connected to this local box. The local box displays as


The ID assigned to the box. This is the identifier assigned through the box object.

show codec-info

Displays CODECs recognized by the ME, and whether the ME supports encoding/decoding of that type. Additionally, the output displays the expected RTP payload sizes for the default packetization time/rate.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show codec-info

Name         PacketTime MinPayload MaxPayload Bandwidth  R-factor     Playable
----         ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------  --------     --------
L16          20         0          0          0          93.2         true
NSE          20         4          4          0          0.0          true
gsm          20         31         31         35         100.0        true
t38          20         0          0          0          0.0          false
g722         20         80         80         55         100.0        false
g723         30         4          24         21         74.2         true
g728         20         40         40         39         100.0        true
g729         20         4          20         31         82.2         true
h263         20         0          0          90         0.0          true
h264         20         0          0          90         0.0          false
iLBC         30         50         50         28         100.0        true


The following table shows the properties for the show codec-info command.

Table 5-20 Show Codec-Info Properties

Field Description


The name of the codec that the ME recognizes.


The default length of time in milliseconds represented by the media in a packet. For example, a codec with a sample rate of 8000 samples/second (8 samples/ms) sends 160 samples in a media packet with a 20 ms packet time.


The minimum acceptable RTP payload size that is verified when media-verify-config is enabled.


The maximum acceptable RTP payload size that is verified when media-verify-config is enabled.


Note that when this value is 0, it is not typically a voice-carrying CODEC type, but rather it is more likely it is used to capture keypad input.


The R-factor used for MOS calculations.


Whether a codec can be mixed by the ME.

show collect-status-classes

The show collect-status-classes action displays which status classes are being collected. When entered with the default parameter, the ME default status classes are listed.

NNOS-E>show collect-status-classes default

You can also use the show collect-status-classes status provider to display status classes defined in custom configurations. The following shows accounting as an example.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show collect-status-classes accounting

Status classes to be collected for 'Accounting':
Source   Status class                Description
config   accounting-recent           calls recently accounted
config   accounting-database         request information for accounting database connections
config   accounting-files            accounting file information
config   accounting-store            accounting disk storage information
config   accounting-cdr-summary      accounting CDR summary
config   accounting-targets-file-system accounting file-system and external-file-system targets
config   accounting-targets          accounting targets


The following table shows the properties for the show collect-status-classes command.

Table 5-21 Show Collect-Status-Classes Properties

Field Description


The source of the status classes being collected.

Status class

The status classes the ME is configured to be collecting.


A description of the status classes being collected.

show cometd-channel-detail

provides more detailed channel information, specifically, on the subscribers to each of the channels.

Note that if a channel appears in the show cometd-channels-summary status provider, but not in the details, it means that the channel exists without any active cometd client subscriptions.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show cometd-channel-details

name             remote-address  remote-port id               user-agent
----             --------------  ----------- --               ----------
/**          49804       372tj5ikmvga8ant2b6m2wcjs Mozilla/5                                  .0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/17.0.96                                  3.79 Safari/535.11
/call/to/019785551212      49728       21sxpszu2lkikc1pnadt0mdfzvg Mo                                  zilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/                                  17.0.963.79 Safari/535.11
/cometd/meta      49804       372tj5ikmvga8ant2b6m2wcjs Mozilla/5                                  .0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/17.0.96                                  3.79 Safari/535.11


The following table shows the properties for the show cometd-channel-detail command.

Table 5-22 Show Cometd-Channel-Detail Properties

Field Description


The name of the channel.


The remote address for this subscriber.


The remote port for this subscriber.


The identifier assigned internally by the ME for this publisher.


The user agent the subscriber used to establish the session.

show cometd-channel-summary

Provides a summary of channel information for the cometd server.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show cometd-channel-summary

name                         subscriber-count
----                         ----------------
/**                          1
/call                        0
/call/to                     0
/call/to/019785551212        1
/cometd                      0
/cometd/meta                 1
/meta                        0
/meta/connect                0
/meta/disconnect             0
/meta/handshake              0
/meta/subscribe              0
/meta/unsubscribe            0


The following table shows the properties for the show cometd-channel-summary command.

Table 5-23 Show Cometd-Channel-Summary Properties

Field Description


The name of the channel.


The number of subscribers on this channel.

show cometd-status

The show cometd-status command displays information about the eventpush-service configuration and activity on the ME.

NNOS-E>show cometd-status

                         port: 8081
                     sessions: 0
                 max-sessions: 10000
         max-sessions-reached: 0
         session-idle-timeout: 60 seconds
                 pool-threads: 1
                  max-threads: 10
      idle-connection-timeout: 20 seconds
                  connections: 0
 cross-origin-requests-denied: 0
cross-origin-requests-allowed: 0

Table 5-24 Show Cometd-Status Properties

Field Description


The eventpush-service IP address.


The eventpush-service port number.


The number of active sessions.


The configured maximum number of sessions allowed.


The number of times a session was not created because the max-sessions value was reached.


The configured session idle timeout.


The current number of request processing threads in the thread pool.


The configured maximum number of request processing threads.


The configured connection idle timeout.


The current number of connections.


The number of CORS requests allowed.


The number of CORS requests denied.

show cometd-subscriber-details

Provides more detailed information, specifically on the channels subscribed to by each subscriber.

Note that if a subscriber appears in the show cometd-subscriber-summary status provider, but not the details, it means that the subscriber exists without any active cometd channel subscriptions.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show cometd-subscriber-details

remote-address  remote-port channel
--------------  ----------- -------      49728       /call/to/019785551212      49804       /**      49804       /cometd/meta


The following table shows the properties for the command.

Table 5-25 Show Cometd-Subscriber-Details

Field Description


The remote address for the subscriber.


The remote port for the subscriber.


The name of the channel.

show cometd-subscriber-summary

The show cometd-subscriber-summary command provides high-level information about the subscribers.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show cometd-subscriber-summary

remote-address  remote-port id          channel-count message-count user-agent
--------------  ----------- --          ------------- ------------- ----------      49728       21sxpszu2lkikc1pnadt0mdfzvg 1             0             Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/17.0.963.79 Safari/535.11      49804       372tj5ikmvga8ant2b6m2wcjs 2             0             Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/535.11 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/17.0.963.79 Safari/535.11


The following table shows the properties for the command.

Table 5-26 Show Cometd-Subscriber-Summary

Field Description


The remote address for the subscriber.


The remote port for the subscriber.


The identifier assigned internally by the ME for this publisher.


The number of channels to which the subscriber is currently subscribed.


The number of messages a subscriber has currently been sent.


The user agent the subscriber used to establish the session.

show core-dumps

Displays all core dumps. By default, the ME does not generate core dumps. To generate them, you must enable the services > instrument > set core_dump property.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show core-dumps

time                     file                      size       archived
----                     ----                      ----       --------
14:26:42 Wed 2013-02-13  core.sipl.elf.1360783.9012 919777280  true
14:29:24 Wed 2013-02-13  core.sipl.elf.1360783.1585 780656640  true
14:33:31 Wed 2013-02-13  core.sipl.elf.1360784.1662 780656640  false


The following table shows the properties for the command.

Table 5-27 Show Core-Dumps Properties

Field Description


System timestamp indicating the time at which the core was dumped.


The name of the file that contains the core dump. These files are located in either /cxc_common/cores or /cxc_common/cores.archived depending on the value of the archived property.


The size of the core dump file.


Indicates whether the core dump file is archived or not. When true, the file has been archived and is stored in the /cxc_common/cores.archived directory. When false, the dump files have not been archived and are stored in the /cxc_common/cores directory.

show cpu-usage

Displays CPU usage over various preset time intervals. Use the cpu-monitor action to do live monitoring of system use.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show cpu-usage
 1 second: 0 %
10 second: 0 %
 1 minute: 1 %
10 minute: 2 %
   1 hour: 7 %


The following table shows the properties for the command.

Table 5-28 Show CPU-Usage Properties

Field Description

1 second

The last reading of CPU usage on the system.

10 seconds

The average CPU usage on the system for the last 10 seconds.

1 minute

The average CPU usage on the system for the last one minute.

10 minutes

The average CPU usage on the system for the last 10 minutes.

1 hour

The average CPU usage on the system for the last one hour.

show database-maintenance-status

Displays the current maintenance status of database operations. Use this to determine whether an operation (e.g., a backup or restore) has finished. Or, if you receive an error that the ME could not execute a database operation, check this status to verify the state of the database. All previous operations must be complete (indicated by a status of idle) before a new operation can begin.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show database-maintenance-status
  status: backup
 started: 09:51:23 Fri 2007-10-05
finished: 09:51:25 Fri 2007-10-05
  result: Success!


The following table shows the properties for the show database-maintenance-status command.

Table 5-29 Show Database-Maintenance-Status Properties

Field Description


The current progress of database maintenance operations (initiated by either the database-backup or database-maintenance action or task). You can see the list of database tables using the show database-tables command. Table names are listed in parenthesis next to the descriptions below. The state reported indicates that the system is:

idle: There are no current operations; you can initiate an action.

upgrading: Executing a set of database upgrade commands to upgrade the database to a new version. The upgrade process compares the existing database version on the box to the upgrade package, and upgrades if the package version is newer.

initializing: Initializing the database and loading the stored procedure calls.

reindexing: Re-indexing the database tables.

analyzing: Collecting statistics about the contents of tables in the database.

purging-sip: Deleting SIP message table (sipmessage) entries.

purging-transport: Deleting transport table (spotlitetransportmsg) entries.

purging-RTCP-Tx: Deleting RTCP transmit table (spotlitertcptxmsg) entries.

purging-RTCP-Rx: Deleting RTCP receive table (spotlitertcprxmsg) entries.

purging-monitored-calls: Deleting monitored calls (monitoredcalls) table.

purging-URL: Deleting URL table (urlmsg) entries.

purging-acct: Deleting accounting table (acctcallstruct) entries.

purging-media: Purging media message (mediamsg) table entries.

purging-file-transfer: Purging file transfer (filetransmsg) message table entries.

purging-archive-IM: Purging archived IM messages (archiveimmsg) table entries.

purging-calllegstart: Purging call-leg-start (calllegstart) table entries.


maintenance-status continued

purging-calllegstop: Purging call-leg-stop (calllegstop) table entries.

vacuuming: Reclaiming storage occupied by deleted entries.

backup: Performing a pg_dump operation.

restore: Restoring the database from a previously backed up version.

failed: Operation failed. Retry the operation or reload the database before calling Technical Support.

translating-tables: Translating data into the current database format to allow for better database query performance. This state only appears when upgrading a system from 3.2.0 or earlier to a later release.


The name of the database table.


The time at which the database maintenance operation was started.


The time at which the database maintenance operation was completed.


An indication of whether the database maintenance operation was successful or not.

show dial-plan

Displays the dial-plan table, which handles call forwarding. The output displays a summary of each configured (but not necessarily active) dial-plan entry, its match criteria and peer (and other configuration elements), and the number of times the ME has applied it to forward a call. Use the show call-routing command to see all active dial plans.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show dial-plan
plan-name      type      match       min     pri     peer-name     fwd    
---------      ----      -----       ---     ---     ---------
E911           default   !*          2      99                    0     
default        phone     !*          2      100     Verizon       0 
New York       phone     212!*       3      100     NNOS-E@NewYork   0 
San Jose       phone     506!*       3      100     NNOS-E@SanJose   0 
Boston         phone     617!*       1      100                   0 
Maynard        phone     978!*       1      100                   0 


The following table shows the properties for the command.

Table 5-30 Show Dial-Plan Properties

Field Description


The name of the active dial plan, created with the dial-plan or dial-prefix configuration.


The portion of the request to match on. If the INVITE matches the portion identified by the type, the system forwards the request to that server. The type can be contributed from the dial-plan configuration. Types of tag or domain can be contributed from the auto-tag-match and auto-domain-match options of the server routing-setting property.


A derivative of the regular expression or tag (for faster matching) that identifies the ”to” or ”from” mapping. This string is configured in the dial-plan configuration. If contributed through a route object entry, the string to match in the SIP header fields or transport information in order for the system to apply the plan to calls containing the prefix (”to” mapping). If contributed through a source-route object entry, the match criteria for the source of the SIP message (”from” mapping). The match field is derived from either the to-uri-match (route) or source-match (source-route) property. If type is condition-list, the match is derived from the priority plus plan name.


The minimum number of digits required for a match on a phone prefix, if configured. In some cases, the system calculates a value for other types of matches based on the number of characters (including wild cards). In some cases it displays as-is. The value is only meaningful to a phone-prefix match, however.


The priority (order of preference) setting for the dial-plan entry. This property overrides the default behavior (most specific match) and sets a preference based on the request-uri-match (route) or source-match (source-route) property.


A statically entered peer. This is a configured server of type sip-registrar.


The number of times this plan has matched an INVITE request, and the system forwarded the request. This is a counter internal to the ME.

show dns-cache

Displays the DNS cache, organized by process (monitor, manager, SIP, media, auth, etc.), on the ME. The cache displays host information, including type, state, and references. Configure DNS using the dns object.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show dns-cache
process   name            type    ttl          state        references 
-------   ----            ----    ---          -----        -----
manager       PTR     static       Resolved     0 
manager    A       static       Resolved     0 
manager     PTR     static       Resolved     0 
SIP     PTR     static       Resolved     0 
SIP    A       static       Resolved     0 
SIP     PTR     static       Resolved     0 
SIP       localhost       A       static       Resolved     0 
SIP       vfn.com         NS      169023       Resolved     0 
media     PTR     static       Resolved     0 
media       PTR     static       Resolved     0 
media     localhost       A       static       Resolved     0 
reg     PTR     static       Resolved     0 
reg       PTR     static       Resolved     0 
reg    A       static       Resolved     0 
reg       localhost       A       static       Resolved     0


The following table shows the properties for the command.

Table 5-31 Show DNS-Cache Properties

Field Description


The name of the system process that did the DNS cache lookup for an entry. That entry is then installed in the process cache (each process has its own cache). A static entry is installed in every process cache.


The identifier for the entry (e.g., IP address, host name, etc.). The name format is determined by the record type.


The record type for the entry, either:

A: Host name is a IPv4 address

AAAA: Host name is a IPv6 address

PTR: IP address is an address-to name-mapping pointer record (reverse lookup)

SRV: Service name (server resource rule)

NAPTR: Domain name (Naming Authority Pointer rule)

CNAME: Canonical name record (makes one domain name an alias of another)

NS: Name server record

SOA: Server of authority record


The time to live for the entry, either a number of milliseconds or static. A value of static indicates that the entry was manually entered and will not time out of the cache.


The state of the entry in the cache, either Pending (resolution in progress), Resolved, or Not Available.


The number of accesses to that cache entry.

show dns-cache-detail

Displays DNS cache entries, organized by process. An entry is installed in a process cache (each process has its own cache) when the process does a DNS lookup for that entry. A static entry, configured with the dns object, is installed in every process cache.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show dns-cache-detail
Process: manager
DNS name            type    ttl      data                                 
-----------------------------------------------------------------         PTR     static   lingo.com           PTR     static   localhost        A       static         PTR     static
localhost           A       static

Process: SIP
DNS name            type    ttl      data                                 
-----------------------------------------------------------------         PTR     static   lingo.com           PTR     static   localhost        A       static         PTR     static
lingo.com           A       static
localhost           A       static


The following table shows the properties for the command.

Table 5-32 Show DNS-Cache-Detail Properties

Field Description

DNS name

The main name used by the ME for the DNS entry. This is the name configured as the host, service, or naptr in the dns configuration object (static record) or learned by the ME.


The record type for the entry, either:

A: Host name is a IPv4 address

AAAA: Host name is a IPv6 address

PTR: IP address is an address-to name-mapping pointer record

SRV: Service name (server resource rule)

NAPTR: Domain name (Naming Authority Pointer rule)

CNAME: Canonical name record (makes one domain name an alias of another)

NS: Name server record

SOA: Server of authority record


The time to live for the entry, either a number of milliseconds or static. A value of static indicates that the entry was manually entered and will not time out of the cache.


The resolution of the DNS lookup, depending on the record type. For PTR and A records, this field contains an IP address or domain name. For SRV and NAPTR records, the data field displays the configured rules that describe lookup procedures and precedence.

show dns-resolver

Displays information identifying the servers that receive the ME resolver requests and various counters. As a resolver, the ME obtains resource records from servers on behalf of resident or requesting applications. The load-balancing algorithms determine which server receives the request. Note that if you change the DNS server configuration (with the server property of the resolver object), the ME resets the DNS resolver statistics.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show dns-resolver
        process: manager 
     preference: 100 
     domainName: vfn.com 
       protocol: UDP 
          state: up 
   echoRequests: 0 
    echoReplies: 0 
       requests: 0 
      responses: 0 
  request-fails: 1 
       discards: 0 
        retries: 1 
pending-queries: 1 
   sip-location: ALL 

        process: manager 
     preference: 100 
     domainName: vfn.com 
       protocol: UDP 
          state: up 
   echoRequests: 0 
    echoReplies: 0 
       requests: 0 
      responses: 0 
  request-fails: 0 
       discards: 0 
        retries: 0 
pending-queries: 4294967295 
   sip-location: ALL 



The following table shows the properties for the show dns-resolver command.

Table 5-33 Show Dns-Resolver Properties

Fields Description




The current time as configured on the box. You can set (or reset) the system time with the clock action


The amount of time since the last system boot.




The current time as configured on the box. You can set (or reset) the system time with the clock action


The amount of time since the last system boot.




The number of ICMP echo responses sent from the server.


The number of DNS requests sent to the server.


The number of responses to DNS requests sent from the server.


The number of transaction-layer failures (e.g., timeout or socket failure).


The number of discarded resource record requests.


The number of retries on request failures.


The number of as-yet unanswered queries awaiting resource record responses from the DNS server.


The DNS lookup behavior, which determines how the system should attempt to locate a SIP server using DNS when it receives a SIP message that is not destined to any dial plan or locally registered user. If configured as a resolver, the system attempts to obtain the SIP NAPTR or SRV record for the domain. This parameter sets the behavior if the system does not find that NAPTR or SRV record. Method could be:

ALL: Uses NAPTR, SRV or Address records (the default)

NONE: Prevents the use of DNS to locate a SIP server

SRV: Uses the service record only (no NAPTR lookup)

AAA: Uses the Address record only (no NAPTR/SRV lookup)

RFC3263: Uses NAPTR and SRV records as described in RFC 3263, Session Initiation Protocol (SIP): Locating SIP Servers (no AAA lookup)

show dos-rules

Displays a summary and statistics for each DOS rule (transport and SIP) created by your DOS policies. It displays the results of each rule generated by the DOS engine (what got locked out). The command only displays output if:

  • The ME is currently under DOS attack.

  • You have configured DOS policies that are thwarting that attack.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show dos-rule
rule-number: 1
last-timestamp: 13:22:17 Wed 2007-04-11
packet-count: 610825
action: filter
missive: sip policy: s1, filter localIP: requestMethod: INVITE requestUriUserHost: proxy.companyXYZ.com


The following table shows the properties for the show dos-rules command.

Table 5-34 Show DOS-Rules Properties

Field Description


Number assigned to rule in the index of rules.


The last time a packet tripped the rule.


Total number of packets to hit this rule.


The action to take. Either:

Filter these SIP packets (throw away).

Alert (allow these SIP packets to go through, but send a log message and SNMP traps).


A statement for the given policy rule specifying what kind of packets to look for and which ones to drop.

show dynamic-event-services

Once an application has registered itself to receive events, you can view information about the registration via this status provider.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show dynamic-event-services

registration-id: d710c03c-70b3-454d-9ee2-c1b6f60dd5b7
        created: 12:10:20.857000 Thu 2012-03-01
   time-to-live: untilRestart seconds
 last-keepalive: 12:10:20.857000 Thu 2012-03-01
connect-timeout: 1000 ms
   read-timeout: 1000 ms
  character-set: utf-8
  request-style: soap
       requests: 0
       failures: 0


The following table shows the properties for the show dynamic-event-services command.

Table 5-35 Show Dynamic-Event-Services Properties

Field Description


The application endpoint being called out.


The registration identifier.


The date and time this registration was created.


The configured time to live, in minutes, on this registration.


The date and time that the last keep alive was received.


The channels for which the endpoint is getting events.


The configured connect timeout, in milliseconds, for the endpoint.


The configured read timeout, in milliseconds, for the endpoint.


The character set used when forming requests to this endpoint. This can be either utf-8 or iso-8859-1.


The style used when sending events to this listener. This could be either XML, JSON, or SOAP.


The number of requests that have been made to the endpoint.


The number of requests that have failed to reach the endpoint.

show ethernet

Displays configuration and status information for each configured Ethernet interface.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show ethernet
name  link speed duplex autoneg  
----  ---- ----- ------ -------  
eth0  up   1Gb   full   enabled  
eth1  up   1Gb   full   enabled  
eth2  up   1Gb   full   enabled  
eth3  down              enabled 


The following table shows the properties for the show ethernet command.

Table 5-36 Show Ethernet

Field Description


The name of the Ethernet interface. You can configure up to 20 gigabit Ethernet, full-duplex interfaces. The actual number available depends on your hardware configuration


The operational state of the Ethernet interface, either up or down. For the link to be up, the interface must be administratively enabled with a link detected on the line.


The speed of the Ethernet connection between the ME and the piece of equipment to which it is connected. The value displayed is the speed configured with the speed property of the interface object. However, the ME ignores this value if autoneg is set to enabled.


The acceptable duplex method for the interface, either half (asynchronous) or full (simultaneous) transmission. The value displayed is the setting configured with the duplex property of the interface object. However, the ME ignores this value if autoneg is set to enabled.


The autonegotiation setting for the interface. If enabled, the system negotiates with the piece of equipment to which it is connected to achieve optimal agreed upon settings. If disabled, the system uses the configured (or default) settings.

show eventcore-channelevt <channel>

Displays all events currently associated with the specirfied channel.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show eventcore-channelevt

channelName         status        arrivalTime                    eventType
-----------         ------        -----------                    ---------
webphone_channel    Available     09:34:26.965313 Tue 2012-03-13 CallCreated


The following table shows the properties for the show eventcore-channelevt <channel> command.

Table 5-37 Show Eventcore-channelevt <channel> Properties

Field Description


The name of the channel.


Indicates whether an event has been forwarded or not.


The date and time the event was received by the eventcore.


The event class name.

show eventcore-channels

Provides a list of all existing event core channels, indicating the total number of events currently stored in each channel queue, as well as the number of events that have been forwarded to publishers.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show eventcore-channels

channelName          totalItems unforwardedItems TimeCreated
-----------          ---------- ---------------- -----------
webphone_channel     100        27               09:34:26.965313 Tue 2012-03-13


The following table shows the properties for the show eventcore-channels command.

Table 5-38 Show Eventcore-Channels Properties

Field Description


The name of the channel.


The number of events currently stored in the channel's event queue.


The number of events currently stored in the channel's event queue waiting to be forwarded.


The date and time the channel was created.

show eventcore-publishers

Provides a list of all publishers requesting event delivery from the event core.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show eventcore-publishers

num  id         cookie     createTime               location                fwdcount
---  --         ------     ----------               --------                --------
1    0xc0f5c7b3 0x00000000 10:46:30.362959 Mon 2012-03-19 19 1 162   13
2    0xc0f5c7fb 0x00000000 10:46:30.398149 Mon 2012-03-19 10 1 89    13
1    0xc0f5b4d3 0x00000000 09:34:26.96 Tue 2012-03-13 19 1 162  26
2    0xc0f5b51b 0x00000000 09:34:26.97 Tue 2012-03-13 10 1 89   26


The following table shows the properties for the show eventcore-publishers command.

Table 5-39 Show Eventcore-Publishers Properties

Field Description


The publisher's index number.


The identifier assigned internally by the ME for this publisher.


The identifier sent to the ME by the publisher. This ID is returned to the publisher within each forwarded event.


The date and time that the publisher requested event notifications from the ME.


The publisher's cluster endpoint identifier.


The total number of events that have been forwarded to the publisher.

show event-log

Displays the time, severity, box, process, and message for each event in the ME local database. You must enable global event-log administration (through the event-log object) for data to be written to the event log. Set the severity level, log class, and history properties using the event-log local-database object. See the appendix for a list of events and their corresponding severities.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show event-log
timestamp                severity   box      process   class      message   
---------                --------   ---      ------- 
10:57:27 Tue 2006-11-07  error      1        manager   sm         Cert entry 'vfn' could not parse certificate file '/cxc/certs/vfn.p12'; could be wrong passphrase (secret tag is pass), or unsupported format (PEM or PKCS#12) 
10:57:28 Tue 2006-11-07  error      1        manager   sm         OpenSSL error from PKCS12_parse()() (returned 0): 
10:57:33 Tue 2006-11-07  error      1        SIP       sm         OpenSSL error 23076071: error:23076071:PKCS12 routines:PKCS12_parse:mac verify failure (p12_kiss.c:117) 
10:57:33 Tue 2006-11-07  alert      1        SIP       sipTLS     Reinitializing table AssociationSQL in database spotlite 
10:57:40 Tue 2006-11-07  alert      1        SIP       snmp       VRRP Group 2 failover 
10:57:46 Tue 2006-11-07  alert      1        manager   snmp       VRRP vinterface vx112 failover: went to master on interface eth2 


The following table shows the properties for the show event-log command.

Table 5-40 Show Event-Log Properties

Field Description


The time at which the event occurred, according to the system clock.


The severity of the event. The severity indicates the lowest level message to display. You receive messages of that class and below, with Emergency being the lowest and Debug the highest. Set the severity level you wish to display using the local-database object filter property.


The box in the cluster on which the event occurred. If the box is not in a cluster, the system reports the box number as 1.


The process that sent the event to the local database. You can display a list of eligible processes using the show processes command.


The log class related to the event, which indicates the subsystem that generated the message. Set the severity level you wish to display using the local-database object filter property.


The text of the event message.

show exceptions

Provides information about exceptional conditions that caused the ME to purposely restart the process.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show exceptions

   time: 17:01:46 Mon 2013-03-11
   file: media1-1363035706.txt
 reason: Aborted
 uptime: 0 days 00:00:49
version: E3.7.0
  build: 56481
 branch: crux


The following table shows the properties for the show exceptions command.

Table 5-41 Show Exceptions Properties

Field Description


System timestamp indicating the time of the crash.


The name of the file to which the system wrote the crash data and analysis. Files are stored in the directory cxc_common/crash.


The ME address at which the crash occurred.


A brief description of the cause of the crash.


The length of time the system was up before the crash occurred.


The software version installed on the system at the time of the crash.


The specific build of the software version that was installed on the system at the time of the crash.


The internal development tracking ID for the build that was installed on the system at the time of the crash.

show faults

Displays information about unexpected process crashes that have occurred.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show faults
   time: 16:32:53 Wed 2006-12-20 
   file: SIP1-000.txt 
 reason: Aborted 
 uptime: 1 days 00:10:15 
version: 3.2.0 
  build: 22831 
 branch: b3.2.0 

   time: 16:41:48 Wed 2006-12-20 
   file: SIP1-001.txt 
 reason: Aborted 
 uptime: 0 days 00:07:52 
version: 3.2.0 
  build: 22831 
 branch: b3.2.0 

   time: 17:37:15 Wed 2006-12-20 
   file: SIP1-002.txt 
address: b7cfbc04 __vsnprintf + 0x59 /lib/libc-2.3.4.so 
 reason: Segmentation fault 
 uptime: 0 days 00:55:20 
version: 3.2.0 
  build: 22831 
 branch: b3.2.0 


The following table shows the properties for the show faults command.

Table 5-42 Show Faults Properties

Field Description


System timestamp indicating the time of the crash.


The name of the file to which the system wrote the crash data and analysis. Files are stored in the directory cxc_common/crash.


The ME address at which the crash occurred.


A brief description of the cause of the crash, for example, OOM (out of memory) or segmentation fault.


The length of time the system was up before the crash occurred.


The software version installed on the system at the time of the crash.


The specific build of the software version that was installed on the system at the time of the crash.


The internal development tracking ID for the build that was installed on the system at the time of the crash.

show features

Displays each licensed feature for the ME and its capacity. The output also displays any changes to capacity (either number of sessions or endpoints), current use, and a running total of use. Capacity changes can be implemented using the features object. The example below shows only a small portion of the output. Fields displayed are the same for each feature type. See the features object description in Configuring Feature Licensing Objects for a description of each licensable feature.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show features
 feature: signaling-sessions 
licensed: 200000 
 current: 1 
 maximum: 6 
   total: 88 
failures: 0 

 feature: media-sessions 
licensed: 200000 
 current: 1 
 maximum: 0 
   total: 9 
failures: 0 

 feature: instant-message-and-presence-sessions 
licensed: 200000 
 current: 0 
 maximum: 0 
   total: 0 
failures: 0 


The following table shows the properties for the show features command.

Table 5-43 Show Features Properties

Fields Description


The name of the feature that is licensed. If a feature is not licensed, it does not display in this list.


The number of sessions or endpoints allowed concurrently, as specified in the license. Typically this is the value from the license, but if you reset the value with the features object, that setting displays here.


The number of sessions or endpoints using the license at the moment of command execution.


The maximum number of licenses ever used on the box.


The total number of accesses to the feature.


The number of times, after a license maximum was reached, that a user or application tried to use the feature.

show interface-details

Displays statistics and the MAC address for each configured Ethernet interface. Interfaces are configured using the interface object.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show interface-details
          name: eth0 
   mac-address: 00:04:23:c3:22:04 
      op-state: up 
     rcv-bytes: 27723136 
   rcv-packets: 195105 
      rcv-errs: 0 
      rcv-drop: 0 
      rcv-fifo: 0 
     rcv-frame: 0 
rcv-compressed: 0 
 rcv-multicast: 0 
      tx-bytes: 220274389 
    tx-packets: 3350328 
       tx-errs: 0 
       tx-drop: 0 
       tx-fifo: 0 
      tx-colls: 0 
    tx-carrier: 0 
 tx-compressed: 0 

          name: eth1 
   mac-address: 00:04:23:c3:22:05 
      op-state: up 
     rcv-bytes: 1978425176 
   rcv-packets: 6394797 
      rcv-errs: 0 
      rcv-drop: 0 
      rcv-fifo: 0 
     rcv-frame: 0 
rcv-compressed: 0 
 rcv-multicast: 0 
      tx-bytes: 1335807214 
    tx-packets: 5548521 
       tx-errs: 0 
       tx-drop: 0 
       tx-fifo: 0 
      tx-colls: 0 
    tx-carrier: 0 
 tx-compressed: 0 


The following table shows the properties for the show interface-details command.

Table 5-44 Show Interface-Details Properties

Field Description


The name of the Ethernet interface.


The MAC address assigned to the Ethernet interface.


The operational state of the interface, either up or down.



The number of bytes transmitted or received without error on the interface.



The number of packets transmitted or received without error on the interface.



The number of errored packets transmitted or received on the interface.



The number of packets dropped during the transmit or receive process because the queue was full.



The number of times a FIFO underrun occurred during transmit or receive.


The number of receive packets with bad framing bytes.



Total number of compressed packets sent or received by the interface.


The number of multicast packets received on the interface.


The number of transmit collisions detected on the interface.


The number of times the carrier sense was lost during transmit.

show interface-throughput

Displays, for each Ethernet interface, the throughput across the interface measured in packets per second (pps) and kilobits per second (kbps), for both transmit and receive. (Each interface has four entries.)

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show interface-throughput
name  value   10 second  1 minute   10 minute  1 hour     maximum    
----  -----   ---------  --------   ---------  ------     -------    
eth0  rx-kbps 0          0          0          0          16         
eth0  tx-kbps 10         10         10         10         31         
eth0  rx-pps  0          0          0          0          15         
eth0  tx-pps  20         20         20         20         28         
eth1  rx-kbps 779        388        249        298        22376      
eth1  tx-kbps 12309      3924       1004       316        13663      
eth1  rx-pps  1163       436        180        134        4051       
eth1  tx-pps  1627       574        206        126        1797       
eth2  rx-kbps 0          0          0          0          0          
eth2  tx-kbps 0          0          0          0          0          
eth2  rx-pps  0          0          0          0          0          
eth2  tx-pps  0          0          0          0          1          
eth3  rx-kbps 0          0          0          0          0          
eth3  tx-kbps 0          0          0          0          0          
eth3  rx-pps  0          0          0          0          0          
eth3  tx-pps  0          0          0          0          0 


The following table shows the properties for the show interface throughput command.

Table 5-45 Show Interface-Throughput Properties

Field Description


The name of the Ethernet interface.


The measurement for the corresponding interface, either receive (rx) or transmit (tx) packet and speed rates.

10 second

The average rate in the last ten seconds.

1 minute

The average rate in the last one minute.

10 minutes

The average rate in the last ten minutes.

1 hour

The average rate in the last one hour.


The maximum value recorded since last system boot.

show interfaces

Displays the name, IP address, MAC address, and the current operational state of each displays administratively enabled IP interfaces on the system. Interfaces are configured using the interface object.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show interfaces
interface   name          ip-address         op-state      type     
---------   ----          ----------         --------      ----     
eth0        heartbeat     up            public 
eth1:1      public       down          public
vx111       Management    up            public   
vx112       Public     up            public


The following table shows the properties for the show interfaces command.

Table 5-46 Show Interfaces Properties

Fields Descriptions


The interface on which the system is reporting status, either an Ethernet (ethX) or virtual (vx) interface. The name displayed is the unique OS interface name.


The name given to the IP interface when it was created (the IP configuration object name).


The IP address assigned to the IP interface.


The operational state of the interface.


The type of interface, either public or private. A standard interface is public. IP interfaces configured for virtual firewalls are private.

show ip-counters

Displays IP statistics for all interfaces configured for IP routing.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show ip-counters
       forwarding: 1 
      default-ttl: 64 
      in-receives: 5973190 
    in-hdr-errors: 0 
   in-addr-errors: 0 
   forw-datagrams: 0 
in-unknown-protos: 0 
      in-discards: 0 
      in-delivers: 5636163 
     out-requests: 8823298 
     out-discards: 0 
    out-no-routes: 0 
    reasm-timeout: 0 
      reasm-reqds: 0 
        reasm-oks: 0 
      reasm-fails: 0 
         frag-oks: 0 
       frag-fails: 0 
     frag-creates: 0 


The following table shows the properties for the show ip-counters command.

Table 5-47 Show IP-Counters Properties

Field Description


The state of the interface, either forwarding (1) or not forwarding (2).


The default time-to-live value inserted into IP headers.


The number of incoming datagrams received, including those received with errors.


The number of incoming datagrams discarded due to errors in the IP header (e.g., bad checksum, ttl expire, version mismatch, etc.).


The number of incoming datagrams discarded because the IP address in the destination field was in error.


The number of datagrams forwarded.


The number of datagrams discarded due to an unknown or unsupported protocol.


The number of non-errored incoming datagrams that were discarded (e.g., due to congestion).


The number of ICMP, UDP, BOOTP, and TCP incoming datagrams that were successfully delivered to higher-layer protocols.


The number of datagrams that local IP protocols requested be transmitted transmission.


The number of outgoing error-free datagrams discarded, for example due to buffer overload.


The number of outgoing datagrams discarded because a valid route could not be found.


The maximum number of seconds that the pieces of a fragmented datagram can be held awaiting reassembly before they are discarded.


The number of fragments received that required reassembly.


The number of datagrams successfully reassembled.


The number of datagrams that could not be reassembled.


The number of datagrams successfully fragmented.


The number of datagrams that were discarded because they could not be fragmented (e.g., because the DoNot Frag flag was set).


The number of datagram fragments created.

show kernel-rule

Displays the rules, derived from dos-policies, that reside in the kernel and how the ME acts on them (used primarily for debugging). The output could potentially contain several thousand rules. For simple debugging, use the command to verify that the hit count (Pass) is increasing and that the Drop count is not. An increase in Forced is not problematic however. Forced indicates the result of rules being set to drop specific types of packets. For example, a Forced drop could indicate that a rule was set to drop DTMF packets. In another example, the kernel could drop a packet from further processing until the criteria are met because RTCP has not seen the minimum number of consecutive packets specified in the rule.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show kernel-rule

source               dest                 Prot intf         info
------               ----                 ---- ----         ----     udp  eth2         Pass: 0  Drop: 0
                                                            End           vrrp eth2         Pass: 612673  Drop: 0
                                                            End          all               Pass: 12954  Drop: 0
                                                            End        all               Pass: 48321  Drop: 0
                                                            End      all               Pass: 0  Drop: 0
                                                            End          udp  eth0         Pass: 50979  Drop: 0
                                                            End      udp  vx0          Pass: 0  Drop: 0


The following table shows the properties for the show kernel-rule command.

Table 5-48 Show Kernel-Rule Properties

Field Description


The source IP address of packets dropped. An address of indicates that the system will apply the rule to any IP address. The suffix :0 indicates that the system will apply the rule to any port (TCP or UDP).


The destination IP address of packets dropped.


The protocol that the incoming traffic is using. Any protocol is valid.


The specific physical interface.


A description of how the rule was applied to each source and destination in terms of hits and drops.

show kernel-sip-rules

Displays, for all traffic except TLS, filtering at the kernel level instead of at the application layer (use show dos-rules for the application layer). If a DOS attack is in progress, these are the rules that block the attack. The application layer detects the attack and creates the rule; whereas, at the kernel level the attack is actually blocked. The kernel level does not perform decryption. Since TLS is encrypted, handling of the DOS attack is elevated to the dos-rules level, where decryption can occur and where the attack is blocked only if all criteria for the block match.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show kernel-sip-rules
rule: 1
packet-count: 624872
remote: any
protocol: any
action: filter
match: method: ”invite” request-uri: ”” 


The following table shows the properties for the kernel sip-sip-rules command.

Table 5-49 Show Kernel-SIP-Rules Properties

Field Description


The internal number assigned to the rule in the index of rules.


The number of packets received that encountered this rule in this attack.


The remote IP address that is the source of the packet, as specified by the DOS rule. This may be a specific address or ”any” to indicate that any sending endpoint that matches the other criteria qualifies for filtering.


The destination address of the incoming packets.


The protocol specified in the policy. If not specified, the value is any.


The action taken by the system on matching packets, either:

Filter these SIP packets (throw away)

Alert (allow these SIP packets to go through, but send a log message and SNMP traps)


A description of the packet type and fields that are being examined. The method field indicates the message type. If the DOS rule specified header and match strings, the output displays those as well.

show kernel-version

Displays detailed information about the kernel currently running.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show kernel-version

version       build        branch        time                     computer
-------       -----        ------        ----                     -
2.6.11-4-cov  25500:25501S kernel-2.6.11-4 15:42:49 Tue 2007-04-03  dubuc


The following table shows the properties for the show kernel-version command.

Table 5-50 Show Kernel-Version Properties

Field Description


The version number of the kernel currently running.


The build number of the kernel currently running.


The branch of the kernel currently running.


The time when the kernel was built.


The name of the system on which the kernel was built.

show license-details

Displays configurable features based on the license allowances. Features can be managed using the features object, but ultimately are determined by your purchased licensed. Output indicates the objects (class) and property that the license controls. The sample output shows only a piece of representational command output.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show license-details
name                      class                     property                  
----                      -----                     --------                  
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     accounting                                          
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     box                       number                    
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     cluster                   vrrp                      
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     database                                            
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     enterprise                directories               
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     entry                     authentication            
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     entry                     media-type                
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     features                  audio-recording-entities  
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     features                  audio-recording-sessions  
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     features                  cpus                      
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     features                  crypto                    
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     features                  dos-protection-entities   
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     log-alert                 message-logging           
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     mcafee                                              
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     mcafee                    update-url                
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     media                                               
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     media                     anchor                    
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     media                     nat-traversal             
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     media                     packet-marking            
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     media                     recording-policy          
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     media                     verify                    
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     permissions               debug                     
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     policies                  dos-policies              
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     preferences               dos-queries               
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     presence                  presence-translation      
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     session-config            authentication            
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     session-config            csta-settings             
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     session-config            file-transfer             
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     session-config            forking-settings          
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     session-config            header-settings           
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     session-config            media-type                
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     vsp                                                 
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     vsp                       call-admission-control    
INTERNAL BULK LICENSE     vsp                       max-calls-in-setup 


The following table shows the properties for the show license-details command.

Table 5-51 Show License-Details Properties

Field Description


The name of the license that controls the class and property.


The configuration object that the license controls.


The property of the object (class) that the license controls.

show licenses

Displays summary informatioin for the active license.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show licenses
        key: 84420f9a-da13-4107-8833-d00b7d4d751d 
       file: 84420f9a-da13-4107-8833-d00b7d4d751d.xml


The following table shows the properties for the show licenses command.

Table 5-52 Show Licenses Properties

Field Description


The name of the license, as provided.


A text field, provided, to help identify the contents of the license.


The private key provided to you by Oracle. This key is used for authentication when you contact the Oracle licensing server. You need to supply this value to retrieve a modified license, for example, for an extension on the expiration date.


The date at which the license expires. The ME generates an event when it nears that expiration date. You can renew your license by re-executing the license fetch command. The Oracle license server verifies that there is a valid license renewal associated with your system ID, and then resets the license expiration to a new date.


The name of the actual file on the system that contains the license. The name will be the same as the key in most circumstances.

show location-bindings

Displays registration status and location information for each binding of each AOR in the location cache. This command provides information on how to contact an endpoint. The cache is the location information for the local box. Use the show location-database-bindings command to see bindings for all entries shared throughout the cluster.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show location-bindings
AOR                         STATE        HOST            PORT   TPT   EXP 
---                         -----        ----            ----   -
sip:2125551111@vfn.com      registered    2057   UDP   225 
sip:2125552222@vfn.com      registered    2057   UDP   220 


The following table shows the properties for the show location-bindings command.

Table 5-53 Show Location-Bindings Properties

Field Description


The entry in the location cache. Typically, this is the URI associated with the SIP user.


The state of the AOR.


The location the ME should use to reach this AOR. Displays as a host name or IP address.


The contact port on the ME used to reach this AOR.


The protocol used with this AOR. Note that if the AOR display name begins with ”sips,” the protocol must be TLS.


The number of seconds, as reported in the 200 OK, until the binding expires if it is not renewed.

A binding in the location cache can be in one of 13 states:

Table 5-54 Binding States

State Description


REGISTER request received.


REGISTER forwarded and waiting.


REGISTER response received.


REGISTER aborted from trying.


Waiting on server busy and will re-register in brief interval.


SIP 401/407 ”Auth Required” response has been sent to the endpoint.


Client did not responded to challenge in challenge-timeout period.


REGISTER declined with proper code; the ME continues to process subsequent REGISTERs.


All REGISTERs for this binding were rejected with proper code before session was created.


All REGISTERs for this binding were discarded silently before session was created.


This binding is valid and registered.


This binding is aged but not deleted.


The TCP/TLS connection for this binding is broken.

show location-cache

Displays the location database known to the local box. The location cache is the local listing of AORs. Use show location-database to view the shared location service across a cluster.

The output displays state and registry information for each static and learned address of record in the local ME database of AORs. All location record types are stored in the location cache, a binary tree-based table that contains all location bindings.

This command displays only the AORs; see show location-bindings to display each binding that is associated with the AOR.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show location-cache
AOR                               BOX   STATE        BD   SERVER     HITS   CL 
                               ---   -----        --   ------     ----   -- 
sip:15554443333@test.babytel.ca   1     registered   2    btel-jim   109    2
sip:15554442222@test.babytel.ca   1     registered   4    btel-jim   141    4
sip:2125551111@voip2.cov.com      1     registered   2    bsoft      74     1
sip:2125552222@voip2.cov.com      1     in-service   2    bsoft      20     0
sip:2125553333@voip2.cov.com      1     registered   1    bsoft      1393   0
sip:2125554444@voip2.cov.com      1     registered   1    bsoft      2673   0
sip:jdoe@lcs.companyXYZ.com       1     unregistered 1    Eclipse    20     0


The following table shows the properties for the show location-cache command.

Table 5-55 Show Location-Cache Properties

Fields Description


The entry in the location cache. Typically, this is the URI associated with the SIP user.


The number of the box that the AOR was registered on (learned from). The output displays ”1” for the local box, either standalone or cluster.


The actual current state of the AOR, including any intermediate states (e.g., WAITING, TRYING). Contrast this to the show location-database command, where the system only displays the final state (e.g. REGISTERD, OUT-OF-SERVICE).


The number of bindings associated with the AOR.


The server that the AOR is registered to. If the AOR is registered to the local box, the output displays ”Eclipse.” Otherwise, it displays the name of the enterprise server that handled the AOR.


The number of times the AOR was accessed to forward a call, via the dial- or registration-plan (lookups on the AOR).


The number of calls this AOR has participated in: either originated or received.

show location-database

Displays the location database, the shared location service across a cluster. This database is used to maintain synchronization of boxes.

The database stores (and therefore this command shows) all learned location bindings; static records are not maintained in the location database as they are managed by configurations.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show location-database
AOR                         BOX    STATE        BD    SERVER    HITS    CL 
---                         ---    -----        --    ------    -
sip:2125551111@vfn.com       1     registered   0     6         0  
sip:2125552222@vfn.com       1     registered   0     6         0 


The following table shows the properties for the show location-database command.

Table 5-56 Show Location-Database Properties

Field Description


The learned entry in the location database. Typically, this is the URI associated with the SIP user.


The number of the box that the learned AOR was registered on (learned from). The output displays ”1” for the local box, either standalone or cluster.


The state of the AOR in the database. This command only displays the final state for the entry (e.g., REGISTERD, OUT-OF-SERVICE), not any intermediate states.


The number of bindings associated with the AOR.


The server that the AOR is registered to. If the AOR is registered to the local box, the output displays ”Eclipse.” Otherwise, it displays the name of the enterprise server that handled the AOR.


The number of times the AOR was accessed to forward a call, via the dial- or registration-plan (lookups on the AOR).


The number of calls this AOR has participated in: either originated or received.

show location-database-bindings

Displays registration status and location information for each binding of each AOR in the location database. This command provides information on how to contact an endpoint. The database stores location information for all boxes across a cluster. Use the show location-bindings command to see bindings for the local box.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show location-database-bindings
AOR                              STATE      HOST             PORT  TPT EXP 
-----      ----             ----  --- ---
sip:2125551111@vfn.com           requested          2057  UDP 60 
sip:2125552222@vfn.com           requested          2057  UDP 60 


The following table shows the properties for the show location-database-bindings command.

Table 5-57 Show Location-Database-Bindings Properties

Field Description


The entry in the location database. Typically, this is the URI associated with the SIP user.


The state of the AOR.


The location the ME should use to reach this AOR. Displays as a host name or IP address.


The contact port on the ME used to reach this AOR.


The protocol used with this AOR. Note that if the AOR display name begins with ”sips,” the protocol must be TLS.


The number of seconds, as reported in the 200 OK, until the binding expires if it is not renewed.

show log-targets

Displays logging statistics (messages, bytes, and errors) for each configured log target. Use the services object to enable and disable logging for each service.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show log-targets

name                         messages   bytes                errors
----                         --------   -----                ------
file kernel                  60         5913                 0
file messages                72959      9853391              0
local-database               72982      6570117              0
syslog         73         8213                 0


The following table shows the properties for the show log-targets. command.

Table 5-58 Show Log-Targets Properties

Field Description


The name of the log target.


The total number of messages logged.


The total number of bytes logged.


The number of errors that were reported for that log target.

show login-sessions

Displays all active login sessions, the type of connection, and the associated user name and permissions.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show login-sessions

started                  type        username             permissions
-------                  ----        --------             -------
08:18:49 Wed 2006-12-20  console     guest                guest
08:21:46 Wed 2006-12-20  ssh         guest                guest
11:07:14 Wed 2006-12-20  web         guest                guest


The following table shows the properties for the show login-session command.

Table 5-59 Show Login-Sessions

Field Description


The time that the login session was initiated.


The type of connection to the ME, either:

console: Serial console client

ssh: SSH client

telnet: Telnet client

web: ME Management client

web-service: Web services client

monitor: Monitor console client


The name of the locally configured user logged in to the system. This user was created with the users object.


The named permissions profile associated with the user. This profile was created with the permissions object.

show master-services

Displays each master service and its current configuration. The output includes status of each service regarding mastership and any associated hosts. Master services are configured using the master-services object

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show master-services
name           hosted position waiting group host            host-position 
----           ------ -------- ------- ----- ----            ----
accounting     false  2        false   0     1              
authentication false  2        false   0     1             
call-failover  false  0        false   0         0             
cluster-master true   2        false   2         2             
database       false  2        false   0     1             
directory      false  2        false   0     1             
registration   false  2        false   0     1             
server-load    false  2        false   0     1 


The following table shows the properties for the show master-services command.

Table 5-60 Show Master-Services Properties

Fields Description


The name of the master service.


Whether the service is hosted on this box. True indicates that the service is currently hosted on this box, false that it is not hosted on this box (or not configured). The host-box property within each master-services object defines the primary box for that service. If you configured backup boxes, the master service would be hosted on the backup in the event of primary failure.


The position this box is in for the hosting responsibility of the master service. A value of 0 indicates that the box is not in the list of eligible boxes (or the service is not configured). If the position for a hosted service is not in position 1, it indicates that the service has failed over to a backup box. The positions of the boxes can be displayed at the command line by typing show -v from within the master-service object. The number in brackets next to the host-box property lists the position of the device in the configuration.


The state of any host take over process. A value of true indicates that the listed host is currently attempting to take over the service.


The VRRP group that the master service is associated with.


The IP address of the box currently hosting the service. A value of indicates the local box.


The position of the host box in the list of eligible boxes. See the description of the position field for more information.

show media-ports-held

Displays any media ports being held by the ME. A port is held if the ME suspects the port or knows it to be bad. The system clears the port status as appropriate.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show media-ports-held
     port: 21448
remaining: 0 days 00:00:15


The following table shows the properties for the show media-ports-held command.

Table 5-61 Show Media-Ports-Held

Fields Description


The number of the port.


The amount of time remaining until the system stops holding the port.

show media-ports-summary

Displays a summary of media port use and configuration for each IP interface on which media ports are configured. The base-port and count are set with the IP interface media-ports object. You set the per-processor limits on the number of ports (and thus, the number of active calls) available for media anchoring at any one time using the object media-anchor-limits port-limits properties. The output also displays the port status and availability.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show media-ports-summary
ip-address      base-port count busy  held  free  
----------      --------- ----- ----  ----  ----     20000     5000  0     0     5000       10000     55000 8     0     54992    20000     5000  4     0     4996 


The following table shows the properties for the show media-ports-summary command.

Table 5-62 Show Media-Ports-Summary Properties

Field Description


The configured IP address for the interface.


The base or starting port number to use for the port pool on the corresponding interface.


The total number of ports available for the media port pool on the corresponding interface.


The number of ports in use within the IP interface port pool.


The number of ports being held within the IP interface port pool. A port is held if the ME suspects the port or knows it to be bad. The system clears the port status as appropriate.


The number of ports available within the IP interface port pool.

show media-scanner-interval

Displays media scanner intervals. The media-scanner monitors the signal strength and duration of the received audio to divide it into intervals.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show media-scanner-interval

session-id        streamIndex  call-leg   start-time   duration  level  flags
0x4c2d14240838d8f    0            1           9         1600      -54   short-pause
0x4c2d14240838d8f    0            1           1629      200       -18   short-talk
0x4c2d14240838d8f    0            1           1829      100       -40   short-pause
0x4c2d14240838d8f    0            1           1929      200       -20   short-talk
0x4c2d14240838d8f    0            1           2129      100       -46   short-pause
0x4c2d14240838d8f    0            1           2229      600       -26   short-talk
0x4c2d14240838d8f    0            1           2829      2000      -44   long-pause
0x4c2d14249b10e50    0            1           12        2000      -52   long-pause
0x4c2d1424de7598e    0            1           12        1400      -52   short-pause
0x4c2d1424de7598e    0            1           1432      500       -32   short-talk
0x4c2d1424de7598e    0            1           1932      100       -44    short-pause
0x4c2d1424de7598e    0            1           2032      200       -24    short-talk


The following table shows the properties for the show media-scanner-interval command.

Table 5-63 Show Media-Scanner-Interval Properties

Field Description


The unique ID of the media scanner session.


An index number indicating a particular stream of media for the session. For example, a normal phone call has one audio stream. So stream is one. And a video call has one audio stream (stream=1) and one video stream (stream=2).


An index for a call leg indicating the direction of the call.


The duration of the call.


The current interval a call is in. The following are possible interval values:

short-pause: Small gaps between spoken words

short-talk: Short talk spurts

long-talk: Long, uninterrupted speech

long-pause: Signal to the ME that the media scanning is complete

stable-tone: Signal to the ME that the media scanning is complete


The total number of intervals that have occurred.

show media-scanner-summary

Displays media scanner settings. The media-scanner monitors the signal strength and duration of the received audio to divide it into intervals.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show media-scanner-summary
session-id       streamIndex  call-leg  total-duration  current-flags    total-flags
0x4c2d14240838d8f    0           1          4800          long-pause    short-pause+short-tal
0x4c2d14249b10e50    0           1          2000          long-paus
x4c2d1424de7598e    0           1          5800          long-pause    short-pause+short-talk


The following table shows the properties for the show media-scanner-summary command.

Table 5-64 Show Media-Scanner-Summary Properties

Field Description


The unique ID of the media scanner session.


An index number indicating a particular stream of media for the session. For example, a normal phone call has one audio stream. So stream is one. And a video call has one audio stream (stream=1) and one video stream (stream=2).


An index for a call leg indicating the direction of the call.


The time when the call started.


The duration of the call.


The measured dbM level of the sound we received during a given time interval.


The intervals that have occurred.

show media-stream-addresses

Displays the session ID, IP address, and port for each leg of a call in a media stream. The output also displays details on each segment of the call leg.

The rows of the display are ordered from top to bottom, approximating the stages a media packets flows through. For basic calls, the rows marked with call-leg=1 describe the flow of media packets from the calling phone towards the answering phone (the forward path). The rows marked with call-leg=2 describe the flow of media from the answering phone towards the calling phone (the reverse path).

The following are some troubleshooting tips:

  • Command output displaying all zeroes in the address fields:

  • Check that media anchoring is not disabled for the session. Verify that all media objects that apply (under policy, dial-plan, and default-session-config) have the anchoring property set to enable.

  • One or more address entries for type peer-source displays zero:

  • This indicates that the ME did not receive RTP packets on the problematic call-leg. Routing or other network issues may be preventing the phone from reaching the ME. Or, if the phone is behind a NAT, verify that the symmetricRTP property, in the nat-traversal object, is set to true.

  • Output appears fine.

  • If neither peer-source lines are zero, the ME is anchoring media in both directions. In this case, the packets sent by the ME towards one or both of the phones are not being received by the respective phones. Routing or other network issues may be the problem.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show media-stream-addresses
session-id         stream  call-leg  type          origin      address
----------         ------  --------  ----          ------      --
0x4c2702a100005c6  1       1         peer-source   rtp
                                     anchor-dest   media-port
                                     anchor-source media-port
                                     peer-dest     sdp
                           2         peer-source   rtp
                                     anchor-dest   media-port
                                     anchor-source media-port
                                     peer-dest     sdp 


The following table shows the properties for the show media-stream-addresses command.

Table 5-65 Show Media-Stream-Addresses

Field Description


The unique internal identifier assigned to the session.


The index number of the media-stream. Voice calls have just one stream, with index equal to 1. Video calls have two streams: the audio stream is typically index equal to 1 and the video stream is typically index equal to 2.


The index number of the call leg. For basic calls call-leg 1 describes the media flowing in the direction from the calling party (the SIP From: URI) towards the answering party (the SIP To: URI). Call-leg 2 describes the reverse direction: from the answering party towards the calling party.


The role the address plays in the call. The type column can have the following values:

peer-source: The address of an RTP peer (either calling or answering party) that is the source of RTP packets received by the system. This type of address is always learned from the IP and UDP headers of received RTP packets and has an origin value (see below) of rtp.

peer-dest: The address of an RTP peer (either calling or answering party) that is the destination of RTP packets sent by the system. This type of address is learned either from SDP (origin value of sdp) or from symmetric RTP (origin value of symmetric-rtp).

anchor-dest: The system address that receives packets from an RTP peer. This type of address has an origin value of media-ports or near-end-nat.

anchor-source: The system address that sends packets to an RTP peer. This type of address has an origin value of media-ports.


The protocol source of the address (how the address was determined). The origin column can have the following values:

sdp (Session Description Protocol): These addresses are learned from the ”c=” lines in received SDP message bodies.

media-port: These addresses are allocated from media-ports configured under the IP interface.

rtp (Real Time Protocol): these addresses are learned from the IP/UDP headers of received RTP packets.

symmetric-rtp: These addresses are learned from the IP/UDP headers of received RTP packets from the reverse media direction.

near-end-nat: These addresses are determined by the near-side-nat configuration under the IP interface.


The IP address and UDP port related to media anchoring on the session.

show media-stream-client-sessions

Displays each signaling session that has media resources allocated on a media-proxy (a media stream server). The output is primarily used for debugging and troubleshooting.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show media-stream-client-sessions

client-session-id server-id server-session-id
----------------- --------- -----------------
0x4c105504fc789e0   0x4c105504fc94123


The following table shows the properties for the show media-stream-client-sessions command.

Table 5-66 Show Media-Stream-Client-Sessions Properties

Field Description


The unique internal ID of the media stream client session.


The IP address of the media stream server.


The ID of the media stream server session.

show media-stream-counts

Displays how many voice sessions are up on the ME at a given time.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show media-stream-counts

client-id   server-id   sessions
---------   ---------   --------     2


The following table shows the properties for the show media-stream-counts command.

Table 5-67 Show Media-Stream-Counts Properties

Fields Description


The IP address of the client.


The IP address of the media stream server.


The number of sessions involved in the call. A call can be made up of multiple sessions. For example, in a B2B configuration, the system receives the call, terminates the session, and then creates a new session and sends it on to the recipient. In this case, there are multiple sessions associated with the call.

show media-stream-server-sessions

Displays each media stream server session created for a signaling session on a signaling node (a media stream client). The output is primarily used for debugging and troubleshooting.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show media-stream-server-sessions

server-session-id client-id client-session-id
----------------- --------- -----------------
0x4c1055063573eb0   0x4c105506355a06d


The following table shows the properties for the show media-stream-server-sessions command.

Table 5-68 Show Media-Stream-Server-Sessions Properties

Field Description


The unique internal ID of the media stream server session.


The IP address of the media stream client (the signaling node).


The ID of the media stream client session.

show media-stream-stats

Displays a count of transmit and receive packets for each call leg in a media stream.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show media-stream-stats

session-id        stream call-leg address               receive-packets transmit-packets
----------        ------ -------- -------               ---------
0x4c105506355a06d 1      1 21407           21437
                         2 21437           21407


The following table shows the properties for the show media-stream-stats command.

Table 5-69 Show Media-Stream-Stats Properties

Field Description


The ID of the media stream session.


An index number indicating a particular stream of media for the session. For example, a normal phone call has one audio stream. So stream is one. And a video call has one audio stream (stream=1) and one video stream (stream=2).


An index for a call leg indicating the direction of the call.


The IP address and media port of the media stream server where it receives and transmits packets.


The number of packets the media stream server has received.


The number of packets the media stream server has transmitted.

show memory-failures

Indicates whether any memory allocation failures have occurred on the box. If the output indicates a failure, you can troubleshoot possible reasons the box is out of memory (e.g., a configuration problem, a memory leak, etc.).

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show memory-failures 
Memory allocation failures:
Process  Address  Failures  OldestFail  NewestFail  Smallest   Largest --------------------------------------------------------- manager  08271b60     1     00:00:03     00:00:03   1048612  1048612 manager  08272834     1     00:00:03     00:00:03     65536    65536 manager  08272d0b     1     00:00:03     00:00:03        32       32 manager  08272efb     1     00:00:03     00:00:03        32       32 manager  08277353     1     00:00:03     00:00:03      1024     1024 manager  082774dc     1     00:00:03     00:00:03         1        1 manager  082760fb     1     00:00:03     00:00:03       256      256 manager  08276b1f     1     00:00:03     00:00:03       699      699 manager  08276b9f     1     00:00:03     00:00:03       699      699 -------------------------------------------------------------


The following table shows the properties for the show memory-failures command.

Table 5-70 Show Memory-Failures Properties

Field Description


The system process that generated the memory failure.


The address of the failure.


The number of failures at that address.

Oldest Fail

The amount of time that has passed since the first failure at this address occurred. Use the verbose form of the command to see a timestamp for the failure.

Newest Fail

The amount of time that has passed since the most recent failure at this address occurred. Use the verbose form of the command to see a timestamp for the failure.


The smallest memory allocation size that failed at that address.


The largest memory allocation size that failed at that address.

show msrp-connections

Displays statistics regarding all of the connections used by the current MSRP sessions.

Sample Output

SIP>show msrp-connections
Process Proto LocalAddress RemoteAddress State Direction RefCount
SIP TCP Connected Answer 1
SIP WS Connected Originate 1


The following table shows properties for the show msrp-connections command.

Table 5-71 Show MSRP-Connections Properties

Fields Description


The signaling process being used for this connection.


The media transport protocol being used for this connection.


The local IP address and port.


The remote IP address and port.


The state of the connection.


The current direction of media transfer.


Not currently supported. This value should always be 1.

show msrp-listeners

Displays information listing all ports on the ME interface that are waiting for MSRP connections.

Sample Output

SIP>show msrp-listeners
Process Proto Address Connections Rejected Current Timeouts
SIP WS 0 0 1 0


Table 5-72 Show MSRP-Listeners Properties

Fields Description


The signaling process being used for this port.


The media transport protocol being used for this port.


The IP address for this port.


The number of connections available on this port.


The number of connections rejected by this port.


The number of current connections on this port.


The number of timeouts that have occurred on this port.

show msrp-stats

Displays information regarding MSRP interworking statistics.

Sample Output

SIP>show msrp-stats
totalSessions: 4
totalConnections: 2
totalActiveConnections: 1
totalPassiveConnections: 1
RxRequests: 4
RxResponses: 4
TxRequests: 4
TxResponses: 4
RxMessagesDiscarded: 0
RxMessagesPartialRead: 0
RxMessagesFailed: 0
TxMessageRetries: 0
TxTcpWriteErrors: 0
TxMessagesFailed: 0
ListenerErrors: 0
SessionEstTimeouts: 0
UserMsgsExpired: 0


Table 5-73 Show MSRP-Stats Properties

Field Description


The total number of MSRP sessions since the system was last started.


The total number of connections since the system was last started.


The total number of connections created by the ME.


The total number of connections initiated by MSRP.


The total number of MSRP request messages received by the ME.


The total number of MSRP response messages received by the ME.


The total number of MSRP request messages forwarded by the ME.


The total number of MSRP response messages forwarded by the ME.


The total number of MSRP messages discarded by the ME regardless of reason.


The total number of partial MSRP messages read. If this value is anything but zero, the ME is using partial-forwarding.


The total number of MSRP messages the ME has been unable to be read.


The total number of attempts to forward MSRP messages (usually due to slow connection establishment).


The total number of times the ME encountered an error while attempting to forward an MSRP message.


The total number of MSRP messages not forwarded by the ME due to an error condition.


The total number of MSRP listener-related errors.


The total number of times an MSRP session failed to be established.


Not currently supported.

show multimedia-streaming-pool

Provides information about the configured multimedia streaming pool that has been derived from sip-server-pool.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show multimedia-streaming-pool

peer-name: internal1
   server: internal1
      TPT: any
     port: 1935
      box: local
    state: up
       in: 0
      out: 0

The following table shows the properties for the show multimedia-streaming-pool command.

Table 5-74 Show Multimedia-Streaming-Pool

Field Description


The name of this pool's peer.


The server associated with this pool.


The IP address of this server.


The preferred transport method of this server. Currently, this is always set to any.


The port over which this server is listening.


The ME where this server is configured. This value is currently always the local ME.


Whether the server is available (up) or not (down).


The number of packets received from this server. This value is currently not applicable.


The number of packets sent to this server. This value is currently not applicable.

show multimedia-streaming-server

Provides information about the multimedia streaming servers configured on the ME.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show multimedia-streaming-server

name       protocol  host          port  hits
----       --------  ----          ----  ----
internal1  RTMP   1935  0

The following table shows the properties for the show multimedia-streaming-server command.

Table 5-75 Show Multimedia-Streaming-Server Properties

Field Description


The name of the multimedia streaming server.


The protocol over which this port is listening.


The IP address of this server.


The port over which this server is listening.


The number of requests currently sent to this server.