6 Status Provider Show Commands N Through Z

This chapter describes the status show commands from N through Z alphabetically. For status show commands from A through M, see "Status Provider Show Commands A Through M."

Global Show Command Characteristics

All of the status show commands contained in this chapter share the same MIB and require the same user access level. In addition, they are available through a single place in the GUI.

Associated MIB

All status display commands reference the ME, Inc. enterprise MIB:


ME Management System Path Information

All status display commands are available in the ME Management System.

You can access the commands from the Status tab at the top of the window or from the Status link on the Home page. Expand the list on the left and click on a status report listed below it.

Filtering Command Output

The CLI allows you to filter output of show commands so that your display only includes the specific properties you requested. With no properties, show object-name displays all instances of the specified object. For example, if you execute the actions command, the CLI displays a list of all actions that have occurred in the current CLI session:

NNOS-E> show actions

action                process timeout    requests   errors     timeouts
------                ------- -------    --------   ------     --
archive                 acct    10000      0          0          0
arp-delete              manager 10000      0          0          0
clock                   manager 10000      0          0          0
config merge            manager 30000      0          0          0
config replace          manager 30000      0          0          0
config save             manager 30000      2          0          0
database                manager 300000     0          0          0
database-maintenance    manager 10000      0          0          0
diameter                auth    10000      0          0          0

The output includes indices to the action (e.g., arp-delete, clock, config merge, config save, etc.) and properties of the indices (in this case, process, requests, errors, timeouts).

However, if you are only interested in seeing a specific index or property, you can filter on those fields. You can specify an index name to display only the instances with those values. Or, you can specify one or more property values to display only the instances with those property values.


Index and property names are case insensitive.

To display a list of the properties you can filter on, enter the command with a question mark:

NNOS-E> show actions ?
 action provider statistics
 -c       display the total number of instances
 -n       display a specified number of instances
 -v       verbose display

Filtering On an Index

To filter on the index, enter the object name with the command (in quotation marks if the name includes white space). For example, you can display only the number of saves to the configuration file that have occurred:

NNOS-E> show actions ”config save”
action             process timeout    requests   errors     timeouts
------             ------- -------    --------   ------     -----
config save        manager 30000      2          0          0

To filter on a property, enter the property name followed by an equal sign (or let the system enter the correct format with a TAB complete). To see only directory processes:

NNOS-E> show actions process=dir
action             process timeout    requests   errors     timeouts
------             ------- -------    --------   ------     -----
directory-reset        dir     120000     0          0          0

Note that you can enter multiple properties to further refine your output. You cannot, however, enter multiple instances of the same property. In that case, the last property entered is acted on:

NNOS-E> show actions process=SIP process=auth
action             process timeout    requests   errors     timeouts
------             ------- -------    --------   ------     -----
diameter           auth    10000      0          0          0
radius             auth    10000      0          0          0

Displaying Total, Count, and Verbose Reports

You can display summary reports on a status using one of the options defined in the following table. The following table displays examples of show command report types.

Table 6-1 Show Command Report Types

Option Description


Displays a count of the total number of entries in a status report. Enter in the form:

show object-name -c


Displays the specified number of entries from the status report, counting from the first entry. Enter in the form:

show object-name -n=x

-n=x displays the first x instances.


Displays a more detailed report of the object. This option does not change all output, only for those reports where summary and detailed reports are both available.

Enter in the form:

show object-name -v

Examples of -c, -n, and -v use

Without using display options, the output of show dial-plan looks like this:

NNOS-E> show dial-plan
plan-name     type     destination-url    from     peer-name   fwd
---------     ----     ---------------    ----     ---------   --
abc.com       tag      aster              .*       abc         0
company.net   tag      bw                 .*       company     0
xyz.com       tag      aaa                .*       xyz         0
123.com       domain   sip:.*@123\.com    .*       123         0
server.com    domain   sip:.*@server\.com .*       server      0
Using the count option, the output of show dial-plan -c looks like this:
NNOS-E> show dial-plan -c
dial-plan returned 5 instances

Specifying that the system display the first two entries using the number of entries option, the output of show dial-plan -n=2 looks like this:

NNOS-E> show dial-plan -n=2
plan-name     type     destination-url    from     peer-name   fwd
---------     ----     ---------------    ----     ---------   --
abc.com       tag      aster              .*       abc         0
company.net   tag      bw                 .*       company     0

Using the verbose option, the output of show dial-plan -v looks like this:

NNOS-E> show dial-plan -v

                           plan-name: abc.com
                                type: tag
                                 url: aster
                     destination-url: aster
                              source: plan
                               level: 0
                                from: .*
                           peer-name: abc
                       peer-identity: sip:sametime@abc.com
                           peer-mode: provider
                              action: redirect
                                 fwd: 0
                                hits: 0


All show commands include the -c, -n, and -v options (although in some commands the options do not change the output). Because they are universal, these options are not included in the command description syntax statement in this chapter.

show named-variables-by-session

This action displays configured named-variables for each active session.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show named-variables-by-session

Named Variables for session 0x04c3e0841669a1b7
variable1 = value1
variable2 = value1
variable3 = value3
variable4 = value4
variable5 = value3

When you add a -v to the end of this action, the ME displays a verbose output which also shows the association ID of the session, the session type, creation time, and the value and source for each variable.

show netfilter

Displays the state of the Linux firewall, which is effected when a service (e.g., SSH, Telnet) is configured. The output displays entries through the firewall that the ME created to allow service traffic to be received. Netfilter rules are automatically generated by the services as they are configured on an interface.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show netfilter

index  packets  policy  intf   proto source     destination        match
-----  -------  ------  ----   ----- ------     -----------      
1      244161   permit         tcp          state:EST,REL
2      20846    permit         udp          state:EST,REL
3      437      permit         all
4      0        permit  eth0   tcp    flags:SYN state:NEW
5      1        permit  eth0   tcp    flags:SYN state:NEW
6      0        permit  eth0   udp   state:NEW
7      0        permit  eth0   udp   state:NEW
8      2077     permit  eth0   udp state:NEW


The following table shows the properties for the show netfilter command.

Table 6-2 Show Netfilter Properties

Field Description


The system-generated identifier for the netfilter rule. Each rule has a unique index, and index numbers are assigned in the order in which the services were configured on the system. Rules are processed in the order of the index numbers.


The number of packets effected by the rule.


The action that matching the rule results in, either permit or deny. The final rule entry is always to deny all. (If a packet did not match any other rule that determines its outcome, the system denies the packet.) All rules automatically created by the system in response to a service configuration are given a policy of permit.


The interface on which the rule applies.


The protocol used with the service that the rule represents. The protocol is determined by the service configuration.


The source address and port of the packet to match against. An entry of represents a wildcard (match any).


The destination address and port of the packet to match against. An entry of represents a wildcard (match any).


The string that describes what the rule is matching against.

show network-settings

Displays the current system network settings for TCP properties. These properties are set with the network object.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show network-settings
Configuration Item        Current Value
tcp-keepalive-time        600 seconds
tcp-keepalive-probes      5
tcp-keepalive-interval    6 seconds
tcp-max-syn-backlog       1024
tcp-synack-retries        5
tcp-syncookies            enabled
tcp-fin-timeout           60 seconds


The following table shows the properties for the show network-settings command.

Table 6-3 Show Network-Settings Properties

Fields Description


The time, in seconds, that an established TCP connection can remain idle before the system sends a keepalive to the client. The idle time expiration initiates the keepalive process.


The number of unanswered TCP keepalive probes that are allowed before the system disconnects an idle session.


The time, in seconds, that the system waits for a response from a keepalive probe before ending the next one. The system continues to send probes until it has sent the number specified in the tcp-keepalive-probes property.


The maximum number of queued (unacknowledged) connection requests allowed before the system begins dropping requests. This value is set to help prevent a TCP SYN flood attack.


The number of times the system retransmits a SYN-ACK in response to a SYN. If the number of retries is reached without a successful response, the system deletes the new connection from the table.


Specifies whether SYN cookie support in the kernel is enabled or disabled. See the tcp-syncookies property in the network object for more information.


The number of seconds the system waits for a final FIN packet before forcibly closing the socket. The system uses the FIN packet to disconnect a TCP connection, whether it's idle or not.

show ntp

Displays statistics relating to the Network Timing Protocol and the ME. You can configure the ME as both an ntp-client and an ntp-server.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show ntp
requests: 174
responses: 173
discards: 0
adjustments: 71
last-adjustment: 10:38:27 Wed 2007-04-11
maximum-adjustment: 2180 milliseconds
average-adjustment: 733 milliseconds
server-requests: 411
server-responses: 411
server-discards: 0


The following table shows the properties for the show ntp command.

Table 6-4 Shot NTP Properties

Field Description


The number of NTP requests the system made when acting as an NTP client.


The number of responses the system NTP client received.


The number of responses the system NTP client received but did not accept.


The number of changes the system made to its internal time based on an NTP response.


The time and date of the last adjustment.


The largest adjustment to the box time the system made based on an NTP response.


The average adjustment time to the box the system made based on all NTP responses.


The number of NTP requests the system received when acting as an NTP server.


The number of responses the system NTP server sent out.


The number of requests that the system NTP server discarded.

show policies

Displays, for each active policy, the number of rules it contains and the number of the ME elements that use that policy. You can configure policy from a variety of places. See Configuring Session Configuration Objects for more information.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show policies

           name: default
number-of-rules: 10
     inclusions: 0

           name: to
number-of-rules: 0
     inclusions: 0

           name: from
number-of-rules: 0
     inclusions: 0


The following table shows the properties for the show policies command.

Table 6-5 Show Policies Properties

Field Description


The name of the policy.


The number of rules that comprise the policy.


The number of times the policy was triggered (from the piece of the configuration in which it is referenced). For example, you could reference a policy in the vsp\enterprise\unknown-server-policy object. This value would indicate the number of times there was a user in an incoming message that was defined in a configured directory. Otherwise, if there is no such user, the policy is not used and the inclusions indicate zero.

show processes

Displays status for each process that is part of the ME operations. If you have debug permissions, you can use the top (NNOS-E>) command to display all processes running on the box.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show processes
process   id        condition  run-level  starts  uptime           fds
-------   --        ---------  ---------  ------  ------ 
monitor   6538      running    7           1      0 days 01:18:11  26
manager   6686      running    7           1      0 days 01:18:11  58
SIP       6763      running    7           1      0 days 01:18:09  66
media     6764      running    7           1      0 days 01:18:09  26
auth      0         idle       init        0      0 days 00:00:00  0
reg       6765      running    7           1      0 days 01:18:09  26
dir       0         idle       init        0      0 days 00:00:00  0
web       6767      running    7           1      0 days 01:18:09  13
WS        6768      running    7           1      0 days 01:18:09  15
acct      0         idle       init        0      0 days 00:00:00  0
dos       0         idle       init        0      0 days 00:00:00  0
SSH       6769      running    none        1      0 days 01:18:09  6


The following table shows the properties for the show processes command.

Table 6-6 Show Processes Properties

Field Description


The name of the system-specific process.


An internal ID number, assigned at startup. This ID is analogous to the Linux process ID.


Possible process conditions are:

idle: The process did not start or is administratively disabled. Check the master-services object to determine if the process is configured.

running: The process is running.

dead: the process cannot be restarted. To determine the reason for failure, use the show faults command and check the event logs.

disabled: The process will not be started. Check to see whether it is unavailable due to licensing restrictions.


The process run level, which indicates its state. A process starts off at init, and then proceeds from 0 up through 7, at which point it is fully operational. If the process displays none, it does not participate in the run level mechanism.


The number of times that the process started (or failed and restarted). For any value other than 0 or 1, use the show faults command and check the event logs for information relating to that process. This counter clears on system restart.


The length of time the process has been running. The timer restarts when the process boots.


The file descriptor for the process. There is a file descriptor for each open file and socket.

show radius-auth

Display configuration information, status, and count and speed statistics for each configured radius-group object. The ME resets all statistics reboot.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show radius-auth

Status for RADIUS group '' (round-robin):
Server Name        State     | Out  Pending  Requests  Accepts  Rejects  Errors
-----------------------------------------------------------------       Healthy   |   0        0        19        3        0      16
Totals:                      |   0        0        19 

Status for RADIUS group 'Boston' (fail-over):
Server Name        State     | Out  Pending  Requests  Accepts  Rejects  Errors
boston             Idle      |   0        0         0        0        0       0          Idle      |   0        0         0        0        0       0
Totals:                      |   0        0         0        0        0       0


The following table shows the properties for the show radius-auth command.

Table 6-7 Show Radius-Auth Properties

Field Description

Status for RADIUS group...

The name of the group reported on as well as the RADIUS group authentication operational algorithm.

Server Name

The name or IP address that identifies the server that is part of this RADIUS group.


The state of the RADIUS server, either:

Idle: Server is enabled, but has not received traffic.

Disabled: The server is disabled in the configuration.

Healthy: The server is responding normally to system requests.

Failing: The server has not responded to some system requests, but not enough to trigger a fail-over (if configured).

Failed: The server has failed to respond to too many requests and the system has determined that it is down. If the RADIUS group is configured with fail-over mode, and a backup server is configured, then the system stops sending requests to this server and begins forwarding requests to the next.

BadSecret: There is an error with the shared secret configured for this server is incorrect.


The number of outstanding requests; the requests that the system has sent to the RADIUS server without a response.


The number of requests that have been generated but have not yet been sent to the server. The server's window setting defines the number of allowed requests. Requests generated once that threshold has been reached are counted as pending.


The total number of authentication requests generated.


The number of times the RADIUS server has accepted a request, indicating that the user has the correct password.


The number of times the RADIUS server has rejected a request, indicating that either the user has an incorrect password or the shared secret isn't right.


The number of request errors.

show registration-admission-control

Displays settings and statistics for registration admission control on this VSP (REGISTER requests). See the admission-control object for more complete descriptions of all configurable settings.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show registration-admission-control
                                    name: default
          registration-admission-control: enabled
                       max-registrations: 30000
    pending-registrations-high-watermark: 500
     pending-registrations-low-watermark: 10
 pending-registrations-dynamic-threshold: 500
                        cpu-monitor-span: 20 seconds
                    cpu-monitor-interval: 10 seconds
                         average-sip-cpu: 0 %
        registrations-high-cpu-threshold: 90 %
         registrations-low-cpu-threshold: 50 %
                   total-client-bindings: 0
               registrations-in-progress: 0
          registrations-most-in-progress: 0
                  registrations-sessions: 0
             processed-new-registrations: 0
         processed-waiting-registrations: 0
      processed-challenged-registrations: 0
           processed-other-registrations: 0
  suppressed-registrations-this-interval: 0
  suppressed-registrations-last-interval: 0
            suppressed-new-registrations: 0
        suppressed-waiting-registrations: 0
     suppressed-challenged-registrations: 0
           discarded-other-registrations: 0
            edp-transactions-in-progress: 0


The following table shows the properties for the show registration-addmission-control command.

Table 6-8 Show Registration-Admission-Control Properties

Field Description


The name of the VSP whose status is displayed.


The state of registration admission control for this VSP: whether it is enabled or disabled.


The setting for the maximum number of registrations allowed in the location cache. When the system reaches the maximum registration count, registrations are denied until the number falls below this threshold. See the admission-control max-registrations property.


The hard limit set for the number of in-progress registrations allowed before the system suppresses all registrations. See the admission-control pending-registrations-high-watermark property.


Sets a hard limit for the number of in-progress registrations allowed before the system begins registration suppression. See the admission-control pending-registrations-low-watermark property


The current dynamic limit derived for the number of in-progress registrations allowed. The registration dynamic threshold is calculated based on the admission-control pending-registrations-high-watermark property.


The number of seconds over which the system calculates the total system CPU average. See the admission-control cpu-monitor-span property.


The frequency, in seconds, with which the system calculates the total system CPU average for the last span. See the admission-control cpu-monitor-interval property


The current average CPU usage.


The upper threshold, as a percentage, for registration processing average CPU usage. See the admission-control registrations-high-cpu-threshold property.


Sets the low-end threshold, as a percentage, for registration processing average CPU usage. See the admission-control registrations-low-cpu-threshold property.


The total number of bindings in the location cache.


The number of registrations that the system is currently processing.


The highest number of registrations that the system has had in process at any one time.


The number of new registrations that the system successfully processed since the last system boot.


The number of registrations for which the system received a REGISTER but the server was busy. As a result, the system responded locally, inserting the registration plan route min-client-expiration time.


The number of challenge requests that the system processed since the last system boot.


The number of other types of requests that the system processed since the last system boot.


The number of REGISTER requests to which the system responded locally instead of delegating in the current interval. The interval is set with the admission-control cpu-monitor-interval property


The number of REGISTER requests to which the system responded locally instead of delegating in the previous interval. The interval is set with the admission-control cpu-monitor-interval property


The number of new registrations that the system successfully processed locally (instead of delegating) since the last system boot.


The number of registrations for which the system received a REGISTER but the server was busy. As a result, the system responded locally, inserting the registration plan route min-client-expiration time.


The time at which the last REGISTER request was suppressed.


The number of registrations discarded that were not of type new, waiting, or challenge.


The time at which the last REGISTER request was discarded.


The number of Expiration Discovery Process (EDP) transactions that the system is currently processing. See the admission-control pending-edp-transaction properties for information on setting transaction thresholds; see the registration-plan route edp property for more information on EDP.

show registration-arbitration

Displays a summary of each configured registration-plan arbiter entry, its match criteria and rules (and other configuration elements), and the number of times the ME has applied the plan. The arbiter contains an ordered set of rules that configure different cost-based routing algorithms, which the ME uses to select where to forward REGISTER, SUBSCRIBE, and NOTIFY requests.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show registration-arbitration

plan-name: abc
     type: default
    match: !*
      pri: 100
     hits: 0


The following table shows the properties for the show registration-arbitration command.

Table 6-9 Show Registration-Arbitration Properties

Field Description


The name of the arbiter plan entry.


The criteria for matching entries in the arbitration table. The matching arbiter is then applied, determining the calculation the system performs. The type field is derived from the subscriber-match property setting in the arbiter object.


The string to match in the USER and/or HOST fields of the FROM URI in order for the system to apply the plan configuration to requests containing the prefix. The match field is derived from the subscriber-match property specific string match setting in the arbiter object.


The priority (order of preference) for this registration-plan arbiter entry. This property overrides the default behavior (most specific match) and sets a preference based on the subscriber-match property.


The first rule applied to determine server selection, set with the rule property of the arbiter object.


The second rule applied to determine server selection, set with the rule property of the arbiter object.


The number of times this arbiter entry was matched on and applied.

show registration-plan

Displays a summary of each configured (but not necessarily active) registration-plan entry, its match criteria and peer (and other configuration elements), and the number of times the ME has applied it to forward a call. Use the show registration-routing command to see all active registration plans. The output is from the registration routing table, which defines how the ME proxies registrations (handles incoming requests).

Note that the command output includes an entry that is automatically generated by the system. The final entry, a type of domain and a match on the configured VSP domain name is the ME conversion of the registration service into a registration plan.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show registration-plan
plan-name      type      match           min   pri  peer-name      action   hits
---------      ----      -----           ---   ---  ---------      ------   ----
vfn             default   !*              2    100                 accept   144
vfn.com         domain    vfn.com         7    100  fn.com         accept   12
978             phone     sip:1978.*@.*        50   abc.com        delegate 0
companyXYZ.com  domain    companyXYZ.com  14   100  companyXYZ.com accept   0


The following table shows the properties for the show registration command.

Table 6-10 Show Registration Properties

Field Description


The name of the route or source-route registration plan entry.


The criteria for matching entries in the routing table. The system then applies the appropriate normalization plan to matching entries. The type field is derived from either the to-uri-match (route) or source-match (source-route) property.


If contributed through a route object entry, the string to match in the USER and/or HOST fields in the SIP header in order for the system to apply the entry normalization plan to calls containing the prefix. If contributed through a source-route object entry, the match criteria for the source of the SIP message. The system then sets the next-hop server (defined with the peer property) for all traffic that matches this configured source. The match field is derived from either the to-uri-match (route) or source-match (source-route) property. If type is condition-list, the match is derived from the priority plus plan name.


The minimum number of digits required for a match on a phone prefix, if configured. In some cases, the system calculates a value for other types of matches based on the number of characters (including wild cards). In some cases it displays as-is. The value is only meaningful to a phone-prefix match, however.


The priority (order of preference) for this registration-plan entry. This property overrides the default behavior (most specific match) and sets a preference based on the subscriber-match property.


A statically entered peer referenced through the peer property.


The action that the system is configured to take when a match occurs. The following describes each of the possible actions:

accept: Accepts the registration locally, functioning as a registrar.

delegate: Forwards the REGISTER to an upstream SIP proxy (provider) and resets the contact to itself.

forward: Forwards the REGISTER, unchanged, to the server specified in the header.

redirect: Sends a response to the client with instructions to resend the REGISTER to a different server.

tunnel: Creates an OC client-to-LCS server tunnel, via the registration plan, that you can then load balance across.

discard: Silently discards REGISTER requests matching this registration plan or AOR.

block: Rejects calls matching this registration plan or AOR with either a ”603 Declined” message or with configured text.


The number of times this registration-plan entry was matched on and applied.

show registration-routing

Displays all active entries in the registration routing table, which defines how the ME handles incoming REGISTER requests. The output displays a summary of each active registration-plan entry, its match criteria and peer (and other configuration elements), and the number of times the ME has applied the plan to forward a call. Use the show registration-plan command to see all configured registration plans.

Note that the command output includes an entry that is automatically generated by the system. The final entry, a type of domain and a match on the configured VSP domain name is the ME conversion of the registration service into a registration plan.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show registration-routing
plan-name       type      match           min   pri  peer-name      action  hits
---------       ----      -----           ---   ---  ---------
vfn             default   !*              2     100                 accept  144
vfn.com         domain    vfn.com         7     100  vfn.com        accept  12
companyXYZ.com  domain    companyXYZ.com  14    100  companyXYZ.com accept  0


The following table shows the properties for the show registration-routing command.

Table 6-11 Show Registration-Routing Properties

Field Description


The name of the route or source-route registration plan entry.


The criteria for matching entries in the routing table. The system then applies the appropriate normalization plan to matching entries. The type field is derived from either the to-uri-match (route) or source-match (source-route) property.


If contributed through a route object entry, the string to match in the USER and/or HOST fields in the SIP header in order for the system to apply the normalization plan to calls containing the prefix. If contributed through a source-route object entry, the match criteria for the source of the SIP message. The system then sets the next-hop server (defined with the peer property) for all traffic that matches this configured source. The match field is derived from either the to-uri-match (route) or source-match (source-route) property. If type is condition-list, the match is derived from the priority plus plan name.


The minimum number of digits required for a match on a phone prefix, if configured. In some cases, the system calculates a value for other types of matches based on the number of characters (including wild cards). In some cases it displays as-is. The value is only meaningful to a phone-prefix match, however.


The priority (order of preference) for this registration-plan entry. This property overrides the default behavior (most specific match) and sets a preference based on the to-uri-match (route) or source-match (source-route) property.


A statically entered peer referenced through the peer property of the route or source-route object.


The action that the system is configured to take when a match occurs. The following describes each of the possible actions:

accept: Accepts the registration locally, functioning as a registrar.

delegate: Forwards the REGISTER to an upstream SIP proxy (provider) and resets the contact to itself.

forward: Forwards the REGISTER, unchanged, to the server specified in the header.

redirect: Sends a response to the client with instructions to resend the REGISTER to a different server.

tunnel: Creates an OC client-to-LCS server tunnel, via the registration plan, that you can then load balance across.

discard: Silently discards REGISTER requests matching this registration plan or AOR.

block: Rejects calls matching this registration plan or AOR with either a ”603 Declined” message or with configured text.


The number of times this registration-plan entry was matched on and applied.

show registration-service

Displays status and statistics for each configured registration service (a registrar that can process REGISTER requests and add AORs updates to the location services database). Enable a domain to act as a registration service using the registration-service object.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show registration-service
domain-name       admin     max-expiration     min-expiration 
-----------       -----     --------------     --------
vfn.com           enabled   90                 30 


The following table shows the properties for the show registration-service command.

Table 6-12 Show Registration-Service Properties

Field Description


The name of the domain that is enabled to act as the registration service. This is the configured VSP domain name.


The administrative state of the registration service. If disabled in either the registration-service or session-config registration object, the system rejects any REGISTER request sent to the registration service.


The maximum time (in seconds) to elapse before a client REGISTER request becomes invalid and the registration information is removed from the location cache. A value indicates that the registration-service configuration overwrites the maximum value; as-requested indicates that the system maintains the client value.


The minimum time (in seconds) to elapse before a client REGISTER request becomes invalid and the registration information is removed from the location cache. A value indicates that the registration-service configuration overwrites the maximum value; as-requested indicates that the system maintains the client value.

show restart-status

Displays the state of a controlled install or controlled restart of the system. Use this to check on the progress of these controlled install or restart actions. You can also use this command when you have used the install file or url controlled action to upgrade boxes in a cluster.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show restart-status

  state: idle


The following table shows the properties for the show restart-status command.

Table 6-13 Show Restart-Status Properties

Fields Description


The time that the system install or restart was started.


The system state with regard to the install or restart action. For example, idle, loading, or restarting. The state may also indicate exactly what is loading or restarting, such as ”loading” or ”restarting sip stack.”

show route-server-box

To view the state of the route-server in the cluster use the show route-server-box action:

Sample Output

Cluster1> show route-server-box

box        master activated-at             routes     active-set
---        ------ ------------             ------     ----------
2          true   19:13:22 Wed 2010-05-26  3          five.xml
3          false  19:13:31 Wed 2010-05-26  3          five.xml
4          false  19:13:22 Wed 2010-05-26  3          five.xml
5          false  19:13:22 Wed 2010-05-26  3          five.xml
6          false  19:13:21 Wed 2010-05-26  3          five.xml


The following table shows the properties for the show route-server-box command.

Table 6-14 Show Route-Server-Box Properties

Fields Description


The ME ID.


Whether the ME is the master.


The currently active route-set was activated at this time.


The number of routes in the currently active route-set.


The route-set file that is currently active.

show route-server-config

Displays information regarding tables configured under the route-server > table-config object.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show route-server-config

name       filename        description             routes
-------    ------------    --------------------    ---------
default    routes.xml      My default routes       1000
lerg6      lerg6.xml       Telecordia exchanges    300000


The following table shows the properties for the show route-server-config command.

Table 6-15 Show Route-Server-Config

Field Description


Name of the tagged table.


Name of the table's associated route file.


Description of the table.


Number of routes associated with the table.

show route-server-controlled-action-status

To display the progress of a currently executing update, activation, or deletion, use the show route-server-controlled-action-status action.

Sample Output

Cluster1> show route-server-controlled-action-status

box        master state                    routes     load-set
---        ------ -----                    ------     --------
2          true   Peer_Fetch_InProgress    80993      rsdid_201004131550.xml
3          false  Fetch_Success            0          rsdid_201004131550.xml
4          false  Active                     3
5          false  Fetch_Success            0          rsdid_201004131550.xml
6          false  Fetch_Success            0          rsdid_201004131550.xml


The following table shows the properties for the show route-server-controlled-action-status command.

Table 6-16 Show Route-Server-Controlled-Action-Status

Field Description


The ME ID.


Whether the ME is the master.


The state of the ME. This field captures the information in both the box-state and result.


The number of routes currently loaded.


The cluster is updating to this route-set.

show route-server-did

Displays DID routes in a DID start to DID end range. This can be helpful since, internally, DID routes are converted into prefix routes, making it harder for you to get a summary of active DID routes.

Sample Output

table range-start   range-end     carrier    endpoint  description 
------  ----------   ------------   --------   ---------       ---
active    78153000    78153999     default   a.example.net   Peru 
active    97876000    97876999     default   a.example.net   Brazil


The following table shows the properties for the show route-server-did command.

Table 6-17 Show Route-Server-DID Properties

Field Description


The state of the DID route table.


The starting range of this DID prefix route.


The ending range of this DID prefix route.


The carrier for this DID prefix route.


The endpoint for this DID prefix route.


A description of this DID prefix route.

show route-server-query

Displays information regarding queries configured under the route-server-sequence object.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show route-server-queries

sequence    query        type       description                        hits 
-------     ----------   ---------  ---------------------------------  ----
Covergence  cgnLERG      variable   query the calling number OCN/LATA  10
Covergence  cdnLERG      variable   query the called number OCN/LATA   10
Covergence  interLATA    route      query inter-LATA routes            6
Covergence  intraLATA    route      query intra-LATA routes            4


The following table shows the properties for the show route-server-query command.

Table 6-18 Show Route-Server-Query Properties

Field Description


Name of the route server sequence.


Name of the route server query.


Type of query. This can be either route or variable.


Description of the route server query.


Number of times the query was referenced.

show route-server-sequence

Displays information regarding sequences configured under the route-server-sequence object.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show route-server-sequences

name           description                      hits
-------        --------------------             ---------
Covergence     Use Covergence specific queries     888
Acme       Use Acme specific queries           1


The following table shows the properties for the show route-server-sequence command.

Table 6-19 Show Route-Server-Sequence Properties

Fields Description


Name of the route server sequence.


Description of the route server sequence.


Number of times the sequence was referenced.

show route-server-table

Displays DID route server tables configured on the ME.

Sample Output

tag       to-match      carrier     endpoint      description
------   ----------     --------    --------               -------
active    612864*        default    a.example.net   Peru
active    8621289*       default    a.example.net   Brazil


The following table shows the properties for the show route-server-table command.

Table 6-20 Show Route-Server-Table Properties

Field Description


The table tag.


The to-match value for this route server table.


The carrier for this DID route server table.


The endpoint for this DID route server table.


A description of this DID route server table.

show route-server-table-config

Displays configured tables in the route server.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show route-server-table-config

table                     filename                  description
-----                     --------                  -----------
Table1                    file1                     for customer1
Table2                    file2                     for customer 2
Table3                    did-file3                 for customer 3


The following table shows the properties for the show route-server-table-config command.

Table 6-21 Show Route-Server-Table-Config

Field Description


Name of the table.


Name of the table's associated route file.


Description of the table.

show routing

Displays the generic routing table, which contains destination network and host addresses. These addresses are either configured IP interfaces (added through the ip object) or static routes (added with the routing object). If a route becomes unavailable, the ME removes it from the table. For example, if an interface becomes unavailable, the ME removes all associated routes.

The ME automatically installs (and the routing table displays) the loopback address. The ME uses this address, with a metric of 0 and a name of <lo>, for its internal connections.

This route table is for management traffic, not SIP or media traffic. As a result, no load balancing occurs. If the table should have two equal cost routes to reach a destination, the ME always uses the first listed route. Routes are ordered in the table by the length of the mask, since more specific routes are preferred.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show routing
destination        type      gateway         source-ip       metric     name    
-----------        ----      -------         ---------       ----     host     1          <eth0>     host     1          <vx112>    host    1          <vx111>     interface     1          <eth0>       interface     1          <vx112>      interface    1          <vx111>        interface       0          <lo>        network    1          172 nets          default     1          default


The following table shows the properties for the show routing command.

Table 6-22 Show Routing Properties

Fields Description


The destination address, which the system resolves to the corresponding next-hop for the route. If the next-hop is on the same local network, the destination itself is the next hop.


The type of device the route represents, either:

host: A host IP address. This could come from either static or IP interface configuration.

interface: A network route that is directly connected via an interface.

network: An IP address and mask to match the destination network. Configured statically, this represents a network of hosts.

default: Always at represented as, this route is applied for anything that has no other match in the table. Statically configure the gateway.


The next hop address for the route. A value of indicates that the next hop is the destination itself.


The IP address of the local interface on which the route is configured (the local interface address assigned with the route). When the route is selected this is the address the system uses to source the packet.


The cost associated with the route, assigned when the route was configured (via ip or routing objects). The lower the metric the more preferred the route. The system chooses the more preferred route when there are multiple interfaces available on the same network.


The name assigned to the route. If the name indicates an ethernet (ethX) or virtual (vxX) interface, it is the route associated with the local interface on the box. Otherwise, it displays the name assigned when you created a static route with the routing object.

show rtp-transcode-info

Displays session information relative to the transcoding of media types. Transcoding is the process of converting media from one CODEC into a different CODEC. This allows, in some cases, endpoints supporting different media types to communicate. See the media object for more information.

This command provides a quick snapshot of the current volume of transcoding activity, in terms of the number of streams, by state (active, DTMF-only, provisional, or unused state). It can be useful when troubleshooting log messages which indicate that transcoding limits have been exceeded.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show rtp-transcode-info

          active: 2
       dtmf-only: 0
     provisional: 0
          unused: 0
   total-current: 2
         maximum: 2
exceeded-current: 0
  exceeded-count: 0
exceeded-seconds: 0


The following table shows the properties for the show rtp-transcode-info command.

Table 6-23 Show RTP-Transcode-Info Properties

Field Description


The number of rtp-transcode streams passing RTP packets.


The number of rtp-transcode streams waiting only to decode DTMF.


The number of rtp-transcode streams waiting for an SDP answer.


The number of rtp-transcode streams with not encoders or decoders, typically the other side of DTMF-only.


The current number of rtp-transcode streams.


The maximum number of concurrent rtp-transcode streams.


The number of rtp-transcode streams currently above the threshold.


The number of times the system has exceeded the threshold.


The number of seconds the system has operated above the threshold.


The time at which the system last went above the threshold.


The time at which the system last went below the threshold.

show rtp-transcode-stats

Displays statistics for active RTP transcoding sessions. It displays for each session ID the associated call leg, CODEC, and transcoding action taken by the ME, as well as packet counts. Use this status provider to view active and summary statistics for RTP transcoding. See Transcoding Media Types for more information on the action taken by the ME.

These transcoding statistics allow you to examine the RTP stream to determine which CODECs are being used for a given session. This command is most useful when trying to diagnose audio problems when transcoding is involved. Note that for basic calls, the rows marked with call-leg=1 describe the flow of media packets from the calling phone towards the answering phone (the forward path). The rows marked with call-leg=2 describe the flow of media from the answering phone towards the calling phone (the reverse path)

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show rtp-transcode-stats

session-id         call-leg  Action   Codec   payload-type  Packets   Dropped

----------         --------  ------   -----   ------------  -----

0x4c2b7ee991990f5  1         Decode   iLBC    99            481       0

                             Encode   pcma     8            721       0

                   2         Decode   pcma     8            720       0

                             Encode   iLBC    97            480       0


The following table shows the properties for the show RTP-Transcode-Stats command.

Table 6-24 Show RTP-Transcode-Stats Properties

Field Description


The ID of the active RTP transcoding session.


An index for a call leg indicating the direction of the call.


The action the system takes on RTP packets, either Encode or Decode, on a portion of a call leg. In the first line of the sample output, the system decoded 481 iLBC packets to linear samples. It encoded those samples to 721 PCMA packets. The difference in packet count is a result of the difference in the PTime defaults of the CODECs. There may be multiple decode CODECs per leg (e.g., if the phone negotiates more than one), but there will always be only one encode CODEC per leg.


The name of the CODEC.


A value negotiated in the SDP, indicating the CODEC type for each RTP packet. There are certain well-known values (values below 96), but for dynamic payload types (above 96), there must be an ”rtpmap” in the SDP. When you add a CODEC to the SDP (using the media transcode-media-types property), the system adds the corresponding rtpmap.


The total number of packets processed for this CODEC type in this media stream.


The total number of packets dropped for this CODEC type in this media stream.

show rtp-transcode-summary

Displays summary statistics for RTP transcoding by CODEC. It includes actions and running packet counts since the last reboot. Use this status provider to view summary statistics for RTP transcoding. See Transcoding Media Types for more information on the action taken by the ME.

This command is most useful when trying to determine if transcode policy elements are set up correctly, for example, whether the right number of CODEC encoders have been allocated.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show rtp-transcode-summary

Codec    Action    Alloc    Used     Active    Packets     Dropped
-----    ------    -----    ----     ------    -------     -------
iLBC     Decode    1        1        1         884         0
         Encode    1        1        1         882         0
pcma     Decode    1        1        1         1323        0
         Encode    1        1        1         1326        0


The following table shows the properties for the show rtp-transcode-summary command.

Table 6-25 Show RTP-Transcode-Summary

Field Description


The name of the CODEC for which statistics are being reported.


The transcoding action being reported on, either encode or decode.


The number of times the system added a CODEC to the SDP for potential encoding or decoding use.


The total number times the system used the CODEC for encoding or decoding (a CODEC must have processed at least one packet to be counted).


The total number of this CODEC type currently in use, for encoding and for decoding, although it may not have yet been used. It may be allocated and listed as available, but may not have yet processed and RTP packets.


The total number of packets received and sent, encoded and decoded, for this CODEC type.


The total number of packets dropped, encoded and decoded, for this CODEC type.

show rules

Displays the status and activity level of each rule configured in each policy. Rules are configured using the rule object.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show rules

       name: policy default/rule regauth
      admin: enabled
evaluations: 0
  successes: 0
       name: policy default/rule abcTOxyz
      admin: enabled
evaluations: 0
  successes: 0
       name: policy default/rule abcTOdef
      admin: enabled
evaluations: 0
  successes: 0
       name: policy default/rule abc
      admin: enabled
evaluations: 0
  successes: 0


The following table shows the properties for the show rules command.

Table 6-26 Show Rules Properties

Field Description


The name of the policy and the rule to which the policy applies.


The administrative state of the rule associated with the named policy. If disabled, all other enabled rules under the named policy will still be checked against incoming SIP messages.


The number of times the rule was applied against a SIP REQUEST message.


The number of times a SIP REQUEST message matched the policy rule.

show sensor-events

Displays events sent to the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) event log. Output indicates the effected sensor and an event description and time stamp.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show sensor-events
timestamp                 sensor             type                    description
---------                 ------             ----
11:48:31 Mon 2006-10-09   Logging Disabled0  event-logging-disabled   log area reset/cleared
11:48:38 Mon 2006-10-09   System Event0      system-event             OEM system boot event
111:48:50 Mon 2006-10-09  SATA  Drv 3 Pres0  drive-slot               device removed/absent
11:48:55 Mon 2006-10-09   SATA  Drv 4 Pres0  drive-slot               device removed/absent
11:48:55 Mon 2006-10-09   Power Redundancy0  power-unit               fully redundant
11:48:58 Mon 2006-10-09   POST Error0        system-firmware-progress error
11:48:58 Mon 2006-10-09   POST Error0        system-firmware-progress error
11:49:24 Mon 2006-10-09   System Event0      system-event             OEM system boot event
11:49:24 Mon 2006-10-09   System Event0      system-event             timestamp clock sync
11:02:10 Wed 2006-10-18   SATA  Drv 6 Pres0  drive-slot               device removed/absent
11:02:13 Wed 2006-10-18   Power Redundancy0  power-unit               fully redundant


The following table shows the properties for the show sensor-events command.

Table 6-27 Show Sensor-Events Properties

Field Description


The time the sensor event occurred.


The name of the effected sensor.


The category into which the sensor falls.


Descriptive text that indicates the specific action that triggered the event.

show sensor-info

Displays version and state information for the Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI).

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show sensor-info
  version: 2.0 
    state: up 
self-test: Success! 


The following table shows the properties for the show sensor-info command.

Table 6-28 Show Sensor-Info Properties

Field Description


The version of firmware running on the interface.


The state of the IPMI, either:

initializing: Initializing IPMI

unsupported: IPMI is not supported on this platform

up: IPMI is active


A reading of any detected hardware faults. The field is left blank if there are no faults, or displays one of the following:

controller: The controller failed to power the system on or off.

power: There was a main power subsystem fault.

interlock: The chassis power interlock switch is active.

overload: There is a power overload.

fan: A cooling fan fault has been detected

drive: There is a drive fault.

intrusion: There has been a chassis intrusion.


The results of the IPMI power-on self-test. If you receive anything other than Success!, contact Technical Support.

show sensors

Displays status information for the various system hardware sensors (temperature, fan speed, etc.)

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show sensors
sensor                   type              value
------                   ----              -----
+1.5V NIC Core           voltage           1.5288 volts
AUX +3.3V                voltage           3.264 volts 
BB +1.2V Vtt             voltage           1.2096 volts 
BB +1.5v                 voltage           1.5132 volts 
BB +12V                  voltage           12.152 volts 
BB +3.3V                 voltage           3.354 volts
BB +5V                   voltage           5.07 volts 
BB -12V                  voltage           -11.758 volts 
BB Vbat0                 battery           001------------ 
BMC Watchdog0            watchdog-2        0000----0------ 
Baseboard Fan 1          fan               5254 RPM 


The following table shows the properties for the show sensors command.

Table 6-29 Show Sensors Properties

Field Description


The name of the effected sensor.


The category into which the sensor falls.


The current value or reading of the associated sensor.

show server-conn-lookup

Displays entries of the SIP host lookup table that are using either TCP or TLS for transport and have a host configured. These entries are the servers configured using the server-pool server object or the gateways configured with the switch object. Use the show server-host-lookup command to display entries with hosts using any transport protocol.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show server-conn-lookup
peer-name   server-name   trunk-name   connection  host        TPT   local  hits
---------   -----------   ----------   ----------  ----        ---   -----  ----
Cluster   0   TLS   5061   294


The following table shows the properties for the show server-conn-lookup command.

Table 6-30 Show Server-Conn-Lookup Properties

Field Description


SIP gateway server or carrier name.


The name of the server-pool server or gateway.


The name of a trunk group associated with the corresponding carrier gateway. If no gateway is configured, or the peer is a server and not a carrier, the field is blank.


The memory address of the socket hosting the TCP or TLS connection.


The host name or IP address of the server or gateway involved in the connection. This is derived from the host field of the server or carrier configuration.


The transport protocol in use for the connection with this server, either TCP or TLS.


The port number the system is configured to use (with the server local-port property) in the Contact header, Via header, and source port when it sends a Register request (and subsequent SIP messages) to an upstream server. The server caches the binding and includes the local-port when contacting the system. Additionally, the server can be configured to send SIP messages to this particular local-port without prior registration from the system.

With local-port configured, the system can tell:

To which connection in the server pool to forward a call

Which connection in the server pool it received the call from, when the connection sends SIP message to this local port


The number of times the system has forwarded traffic to the server.

show server-host-lookup

Displays entries of the SIP host lookup table that are using any transport protocol and have a host configured. These entries are the servers configured using the server-pool server object or the gateways configured with the switch object. Use the show server-conn-lookup command to display only those entries using TCP or TLS for transport.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show server-host-lookup
peer-name   server-name   trunk-name   connection  host        TPT   local  hits
---------   -----------   ----------   ----------  ----        --
Cluster      0      UDP   0      294
NNOS-E@NY      NY1                        0    TLS   15061  5693
NNOS-E@SSJ     SJ1                        0    TLS   25061  6923


The following table shows the properties for the show server-host-lookup command.

Table 6-31 Show Server-Host-Lookup Properties

Field Description


The SIP gateway server or carrier name.


The name of the server-pool server or gateway.


The name of a trunk group associated with the corresponding carrier gateway. If no gateway is configured, or the peer is a server and not a carrier, the field is blank.


The memory address of the socket hosting the TCP or TLS connection.


The host name or IP address of the server or gateway involved in the connection. This is derived from the host field of the server or carrier configuration.


The transport protocol in use for the connection with this server, either TCP, TLS, or UDP.


The port number the system is configured to use (with the server local-port property) in the Contact header, Via header, and source port when it sends a Register request (and subsequent SIP messages) to an upstream server. The server caches the binding and includes the local-port when contacting the system. Additionally, the server can be configured to send SIP messages to this particular local-port without prior registration from the system.

With local-port configured, the system can tell:

to which connection in the server pool to forward a call

which connection in the server pool it received the call from, when the connection sends SIP message to this local port


The number of times the system has forwarded traffic to the server.

show services-routing

Displays a summary of the routes in all service routing tables. Information displayed includes the table type, destination and gateway, source IP address and the origin.

The verbose form displays services-routing metrics and cluster media-partners information (for media). In the CLI, you can filter the output can to display a specific table by entering the name of the service route table to display in the command line (e.g., show services-routing media).

The origin is either local or cluster, where local is a local route on the box itself and cluster means the route was learned from another box in the cluster. Source IP is the local interface to reach that route destination. If the route is a local route, then the source-ip is the local IP interface on which the route was configured. If the route is a cluster route, the source-ip is the local interface used to communicate with other cluster box that advertised the route (i.e., the local interface in which the route was learned).

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show services-routing
service              destination        gateway         source-ip       origin  
-------              -----------        -------         --------- 
sip             local   
sip            local   
sip            local   
sip             local   
media           local   
media          local   
media          local   
media           local 


The following table shows the properties for the show services-routing command.

Table 6-32 Show Services-Routing Properties

Field Description


The name of the service, either media, stun, or sip.


The destination address, which the system resolves to the corresponding next-hop for the route. If the next-hop is on the same local network, the destination itself is the next hop.


The next hop address for the route. A value of indicates that the next hop is the destination itself.


The local interface to reach the route destination. If the route is a local route, then the source-ip is the local IP interface on which the route was configured. If the route is a cluster route, the source-ip is the local interface used to communicate with the other system cluster box that advertised the route (i.e., the local interface from which the route was learned).


The origin of the route, either local or cluster. Local means a local route on the box itself and cluster means the route was learned from another box in the cluster.

show services-routing-config

Displays current configuration settings for the services-routing and load-balancing objects.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show services-routing-config

Common Settings
metric-timer:        0
cpu-sample-interval: 60
cpu-sample-divisor:  10

metric1: user-metric     round-robin
metric2: none            round-robin
metric3: none            round-robin
metric4: none            round-robin
metric5: none            round-robin

metric1: user-metric     round-robin
metric2: none            round-robin
metric3: none            round-robin
metric4: none            round-robin
metric5: none            round-robin

metric1: user-metric     round-robin
metric2: none            round-robin
metric3: none            round-robin
metric4: none            round-robin
metric5: none            round-robin

metric1: user-metric     round-robin
metric2: none            round-robin
metric3: none            round-robin
metric4: none            round-robin
metric5: none            round-robin


The following table shows the properties for the show services-routing-config command.

Table 6-33 Show Services-Routing-Config

Field Description


The interval, in seconds, that the ME updates services routing metrics.


The sampling interval, in seconds, at which the ME calculates the system CPU usage. The result of this calculation is a CPU usage percentage (between 0 and 100), used as the box-cpu-load metric.


The value used to divide the raw CPU usage percentage used to normalize the box-cpu-load-metric.


Displays the H.323 services-routing load balancing configuration.


Displays the media services-routing load balancing configuration.


Displays the SIP services-routing load balancing configuration.


Displays the STUN services-routing load balancing configuration.

show services-routing-load-share

Displays the calculated load-share, weight, and metric values for the services route tables.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show services-routing-load-share

service  destination  source-ip  load-share weight met1 met2 met3 met4 met5
-------  -----------  ---------  ---------- ------ ---- ---- ---- ---- ----
sip   1         0      1    0    0    0    0
sip   1         0      1    0    0    0    0
sip   1         0      1    0    0    0    0


The following table shows the properties for the show services-routing-load-share command.

Table 6-34 Show Services-Routing-Load-Share Properties

Field Description


The name of the service, either media, stun, or sip.


The destination address, which the system resolves to the corresponding next-hop for the route. If the next-hop is on the same local network, the destination itself is the next hop.


The local interface to reach the route destination. If the route is a local route, then the source-ip is the local IP interface on which the route was configured. If the route is a cluster route, the source-ip is the local interface used to communicate with the other system cluster box that advertised the route (i.e., the local interface from which the route was learned).


When one or more metrics are configured as weighted-round-robin (WRR), those metrics are used to calculate this value for each route in an equal cost set.


When one or more metrics are configured as WRR, this value displays each WRR metric's dynamic weight that is calculated based on how close the metric is to its upper bound. This value is then used to calculate its load share across an equal cost route set.


Displays the five services routing metric fields for each service (SIP, H.323, media, and STUN).

show services-routing-tables

Displays all the services routing tables (the default tables and those created as a result of tag-based route selection configured on an ip interface). The display also includes a total route count, which includes both active and inactive routes.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show services-routing-tables

service                      route-count
-------                      -----------
media                        3
media.qik-eastmode           3
media.tomp                   3
sip                          3
sip.lcs1-eastmode            3
sip.qik-eastmode             3
sip.tomp                     3
stun                         0


The following table shows the properties for the show services-routing-tables command.

Table 6-35 Show Services-Routing-Tables Properties

Field Description


The name of the services routing table.


The number of routes in the table.

show sip-authentication

Displays information about SIP authentication messages handled by the ME.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show sip-authentication

                                      name: default
                sip-stack-pre-auth-timeout: 30 seconds
           sip-stack-pre-auth-max-pendings: 1024 seconds
    total-blocking-authentication-messages: 0
         total-sip-stack-pre-auth-messages: 0
            total-auth-suppressed-messages: 0
total-sip-stack-pre-auth-api-timeouts: 0 seconds
         total-sip-stack-pre-auth-timeouts: 0
total-sip-stack-pre-auth-unmatched-replies: 0
           total-sip-stack-pre-auth-queued: 0
            most-sip-stack-pre-auth-queued: 0


The following table shows the properties for the show sip-authentication command.

Table 6-36 Show SIP-Authentication Properties

Field Description


The name of the VSP instance.


The number of seconds before the server timesout and the ME discards the message.


The number of seconds the ME allows a message to stay in its queue pending authentication.


The number of authentication messages that will cause the ME to block message processing.


The number of messages the ME has authorized.


The number of authentication messages that have been suppressed. An authentication message is suppressed if the ME receives a REGISTER for an AOR that has not yet expired. Rather than authenticating, the ME sends back a 200 OK.


The number of times the ME sends a message to the internal Authentication process and does not receive a response.


The number of times an authentication message expired while waiting in the queue.


The number of authentication messages that failed because the ME could not find a match for authorization credentials.


The total number of queued authorization messages.


The Maximum number of queued authentication messages allowed.

show sip-authorization-details

Displays detailed information about SIP authorization on the ME.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show sip-authorization-details
Provider      Requests   Accepts  Average   Errors  Average  QClipped    Others
Local                0         0    0.000        0    0.000         0         0
WSDL                 0         0    0.000        0    0.000         0         0
Diameter             0         0    0.000        0    0.000         0         0
RADIUS               0         0    0.000        0    0.000         0         0


The following table shows the properties for the show sip-authorization-details command.

Table 6-37 Show SIP-Authorization-Details Properties

Field Description


The protocol to be used for authorization.


The number of requests submitted to each provider.


The number of positive replies received from the remote server.


The average response time, in seconds, for each Accept.


The number of errors (rejected by the server, timed out, etc.).


The average response time, in seconds, for each Error response. Note that this value is maintained separately because a server often dealsy a negative response for 1-2 seconds in an attempt to avoid attacks.


The number of requests that failed locally, without ever being sent to the remote server, because the queue of requests outstanding to the server(s) has grown too long. This is often indicative of problems.


The sum of any other types of errors. These can be seen individually by adding -v to the end of this action.

show sip-peers

Displays the name, domain, type and failover detection method of all configured SIP registration peers. Peers are identified with the server object.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show sip-peers
name                   domain           type       mode        detect 
----                   ------           ----       ----        -- 
Cluster     vfn.com          provider   provider    none 


The following table shows the properties for the show sip-peers command.

Table 6-38 Show SIP-Peers Properties

Field Description


The name of the configured enterprise SIP server.


The domain name associated with the server.


The service-type setting for the server, either provider, internal, or external. Service type specifies the way in which the system handles INVITE and REGISTER requests and database exchanges.


The status of the peer. When a server is down (not reachable), if the routing-setting property of the pstn-backup attribute is not selected, the system changes the state of the server to ”not available.” If it is selected, an unavailable server's state changes to ”local mode.”

In its normal state, the system operates in provider mode, forwarding calls to a provider's application server. If the server fails, and the system has location information for the provider, it forwards calls locally. Otherwise, the system forwards calls to a PSTN gateway. You configure the gateway using the pstn-gateway server object. This is called local mode.


The failover-detection setting for the server. Failover detection determines the method to use to detect a when a upstream server peer is unavailable. This field could display none, auto, ping, or register.

show sip-server-availability

Displays server-pool server-pool-admission-control or carrier switch configuration and status information for each configured SIP server. Configuration data includes transport protocol, port, failover detection method, counts, and thresholds.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show sip-server-availability 

host    transport port  detect waiting time count threshold fallback status reason 
----    --------- ----  ------ ------- ---- ----- --------- -------- ------ ------  UDP      5060  none   false   0    0     4         300       up    internal-error  UDP      5060  none   false   0    0     4         300       up    detection-disabled  UDP      5060  none   false   0    0     4         300       up    detection-disabled  UDP      5060  none   false   0    0     4         300       up    detection-disabled 


The following table shows the properties for the show sip-server-availability command.

Table 6-39 Show SIP-Server-Availability

Field Description


The name of IP address of the server-pool-admission-control or switch.


The protocol used by the server-pool-admission-control or switch, either any, TCP, UDP, or TLS.


The port used by the server-pool-admission-control or switch for SIP traffic.


The failover-detection setting for the hosting server or carrier, either none, auto, ping, or register. Failover detection determines the method to use to detect a when a upstream server peer is unavailable.


The state of the system pinging the host. If true, the system has sent a ping and is awaiting a response. If false, it has not pinged the host.


The amount of time (number of seconds) the system has waited for a response to a ping to the host.


The number of failed pings to the host (the dead count).


The dead-threshold setting for the hosting server or carrier. This threshold specifies the number of transaction failures (and resulting retransmissions) a server can experience before the server state is changed to DOWN.


The dead-fallback-interval setting for the hosting server or carrier. During this period, the system does not send REGISTER or INVITES to the down server.


The current status of the server-pool server-pool-admission-control or carrier switch.


The reason for the SIP server's availability status.

show sip-server-redirect

Displays a set of call counters used when the 302 redirect feature is enabled on the ME.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show sip-server-redirect 

gateway                peer                   current    maximum    total      
-------                ----                   -------    ------- 
RedirectClusters       cluster-Moog/Neely     0          1000 
RedirectClusters       cluster-Butler/Thacker 0          50 
SIPp-A                 SIPp1                  0          50   ` 0 


The following table shows the properties for the show sip-server-redirect command.

Table 6-40 Show SIP-Server-Redirect Properties

Field Description


The name of each configured gateway.


The name of each gateway's configured peer.


Indicates the current weight relative to the maximum. This value resets by either all gateways reaching their maximum weights or the cross cluster statistics being reported.


The maximum session threshold for each gateway.


A count of the number of redirects sent to a server.

show sip-server-pool

Displays all hosts available for each server-pool server-pool-admission-control peer, and the status of each. In addition, the output indicates configuration settings, and the number of requests sent to the peer.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show sip-server-pool
peer-name     server        host         TRPT   port   box    state  hits  pref
---------     ------        ----         ----   ----   ---    ---
PBX Maynard   PBX Maynard      UDP    5060   local  up     0     none
PBX Boston    PBX Boston      UDP    5060   local  up     0     none
NNOS-E@SanJose   SJ1     TLS    5061   1      up     0     10
NNOS-E@SanJose   SJ2     TLS    5061   1      up     0     20


The following table shows the properties for the show sip-server-pool command.

Table 6-41 Show SIP-Server-Pool

Field Description


The name of the server hosting the connection. This is the enterprise server.


The name of the server entry in the server pool, configured with the server-pool server-pool-admission-control object. If the enterprise server is of type sip-connection, the server is the same as the peer-name.


The host address of the server-pool server-pool-admission-control. This value is configured with the host property. A host address of indicates that the host is not configured. For a server of type sip-connection, a host of indicates that the host will be learned dynamically through registrations. To do so, however, the local-port property must be set (non-zero).


The protocol used by the connection.


The port used by the connection for SIP traffic.


The box on which the server is configured. A value of 0 indicates the local box.


The operational state of the hosting server. This state is determined by failover checks, configured in the enterprise server failover-detection property. If that property is set to none, the state always appears as up.


The number of requests sent to the peer.


The preference assigned to the server-pool server, which specifies the preference for the connection. The lower the value the higher the preference. If you use the value of none, the system uses the preference set in a different part of the configuration, such as the ordered set of arbitration rules in the dial-plan object.

show sip-stack

Displays general statistics about the ME SIP process. (Other SIP display commands provide more detailed counters specific to an aspect or process.)

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show sip-stack
                                 name: default 
                                 mode: auto-determine 
                           interfaces: 0 
                         active-calls: 1 
                      connected-calls: 1 
                          total-calls: 10 
                   total-failed-calls: 7 
                  active-associations: 5 
                      active-sessions: 1 
               total-message-received: 455 
                   total-message-sent: 507 
           total-dns-pending-messages: 0 
          total-enum-pending-messages: 0 
      total-location-pending-messages: 0 
total-authentication-pending-messages: 0 
                       worker-threads: 20 
                       socket-threads: 1 
                               status: Running 
                         policy-epoch: 0 
               call-admission-control: enabled 
                            max-calls: 1000 
                    max-registrations: 30000 
                   max-calls-in-setup: 200 
                        current-calls: 1 
               current-calls-in-setup: 0 
                    max-calls-dropped: 0 
           max-calls-in-setup-dropped: 0 
                        max-tls-calls: 10000 
               max-tls-calls-in-setup: 500 
                    current-tls-calls: 0 
           current-tls-calls-in-setup: 0 
                max-tls-calls-dropped: 0 
       max-tls-calls-in-setup-dropped: 0 


The following table shows the properties for the show sip-stack command.

Table 6-42 Show SIP-Stack Properties

Field Description


The name of the VSP that this command is reporting on.


The SIP operating mode to use with this server, as configured with the sip-settings object of the session config. Settings are either:

auto-determine: The system determines the mode.

proxy: The system is the SIP proxy that provides SIP registration, location, policy, and other services that determine the outcome of the SIP call


The number of active SIP interfaces on the local box.


The total number of calls, both in progress and connected, that the system is currently handling.


The number of connected calls currently being managed by the system.


The total number of calls processed by the system since the last boot.


The total number of calls that did not make it to the connect state since the last boot.


The number of ”address pairs” that were used for communications through the system since it last boot. When a session is setup, there is a TO and FROM user (e.g., joe@123.com calls bob@456.org). The association is a unique identifier assigned to that combination.


The number of currently active SIP sessions. Active sessions include, calls, registrations, and presence sessions.


The total number of SIP messages received since last boot.


The total number of SIP messages sent since last boot.


The total number of SIP messages awaiting DNS lookup.


The total number of SIP messages awaiting ENUM lookup.


The total number of SIP messages awaiting master location database lookup.


The total number of SIP messages awaiting authentication verification.


The value of the stack-worker-threads-max property set in the settings object. This value is the number of SIP stack processing threads to create for this VSP. If the value displays as 0, the system executes a single thread.


The value of the stack-socket-threads-max property set in the settings object. This value is the number of SIP stack processing threads that should be used for TLS processing. If you are not using TLS, the value should be 1. If you are using TLS, value should be 4.


The state of the SIP stack, either running or disabled. This can be administratively altered using the admin property of the vsp object.


A general counter that indicates the number of times there has been a change to a session-config, default-session-config, rule, enterprise server, or server-pool server configuration. This value is used internally for policy update decisions.


The call-admission control setting. This setting must be enabled for the following to be applicable:




If disabled, only the more general max-number-of-sessions property controls setup and connection limits.


The maximum number of concurrent SIP sessions that the VSP can support. This value includes all REGISTER, SUBSCRIBE, INVITE, and other sessions. This value is set with the max-number-of-sessions property in the vsp>settings object


The maximum number of registrations allowed in the location cache. When the system reaches the maximum registration count, registrations are denied until the number falls below this threshold. This value is set with the max-number-of-registrations property in the vsp>settings object


The value of the max-calls-in-setup property set in the vsp object. This setting controls the maximum number of inbound call legs in setup stage allowed by the CAC.


The current number of SIP sessions.


The current number of SIP sessions in setup stage.


The number of SIP sessions that were dropped because you hit the max-calls threshold.


The number of in-progress SIP sessions that were dropped because you hit the max-calls-in-setup threshold.


The value of the max-number-of-tls property set in the vsp object. This setting controls the maximum number of TLS connections allowed on the VSP. This would include TLS connections for any type of SIP traffic, and includes TLS calls in setup and those that are established.


The value of the max-tls-in-setup property set in the vsp object. This setting controls the maximum number of TLS connections allowed to be in the setup stage at one time. Establishing a TLS connection is very compute-intensive, so this value helps protect the system from being over-burdened by TLS connections.


The total number of TLS connections currently handled by the system, both established and in setup.


The number of TLS connections currently in setup.


The number of TLS connections that were dropped because you hit the max-tls-calls threshold.


The number of in-progress TLS connections that were dropped because you hit the max-tls-calls-in-setup threshold.

show sip-trunk-ports

Displays the bindings of AORs to trunk ports. The configuration for this is a result of the registration-plan route alter-contact property set to trunk-port-per-binding.

Trunk ports are allocated based on AORs, and the AORs are sent in the phone registrations. This command is most useful when registrations are failing because it allows you to observe the trunk ports. For example, if a registration fails, you can compare the allocated ports to the ports specified in the SIP message to determine whether there is a problem. In other cases, if SIP messages (like INVITES or NOTIFYs) are not being responded to correctly, it could be the result of a SIP message specifying an AOR/trunk port combination that has not been properly allocated.

The output of this command is most useful when combined with other information, such as SIP message logs and code traces.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show sip-trunk-ports

outbound-port        source-port        owner                 hits
-------------        -----------        -----                 ---  sip:7812454444@rk.com 3


The following table shows the properties for the show sip-trunk-ports command.

Table 6-43 Show SPI-Trunk-Ports Properties

Field Description


The IP address and port number of the system.


The IP address and port number of the client server.


The AOR of the source.


The number of times the system was able to match the call to the port allocated for the caller (source).

show system-info

Displays the ME system information, including operating system release and version information and other integrated software information.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show system-info
Machine type:      i686
System name:       Linux
Node name:
Box identifier:    01a1-6f9e-dcfa-9b9e
Kernel version:    2.6.11-4-cov
OS version:        1.4-22573-b3.2.0
OS uptime:         1 days 19:52:58
LIBC version:      glibc 2.3.4
Pthread version:   NPTL 2.3.4
OpenSSL version:   OpenSSL 0.9.8c 26 Sep 2006 (companyXYZ-20291)
  Export status:   Full version
Database version:  07.02.0005 PostgreSQL 8.1.2


The following table shows the properties for the show system-info command.

Table 6-44 Show System-Info Properties

Field Description

Machine type

The Intel processor type.

System name

The system's operating system.

Node name

The host name configured under the box object. If no host name is configured, the system displays the default host name, micro4.

Box identifier

This is a box identifier, used for licensing purposes. It is assigned during the manufacturing process.

Kernel version

The version of the kernel that is currently running on the system. Use the show kernel-version command for more details about the kernel build.

OS version

The version of the operating system running on the system.

OS uptime

The length of time since the last cold start.

LIBC version

The version of the GNU C Library currently running on the system.

Pthread version

The version of the POSIX Threads API, the standard for creating and manipulating threads, currently running on the system.

OpenSSL version

The version of OpenSSL, used for SSL and TLS connections, currently running on the system.

Export status

The cipher shipping status, either full version or export version. The export version does not contain the complete suite of TLS ciphers.

Database version

The version of the software used for managing all system databases currently running on the system.

show tcp

Displays local and remote TCP session state information, such as ESTABLISHED and LISTEN. The ME supports two types of ports: listeners and connections.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show tcp
local                 remote                state        
-----                 ------                -----             LISTEN             LISTEN       SYN-SENT             LISTEN             LISTEN      ESTABLISHED       ESTABLISHED             LISTEN             LISTEN     ESTABLISHED 


The following table shows the properties for the show tcp command.

Table 6-45 Show TCP Properties

Field Description


If the system is:

listener: The IP address on the system used for the TCP connection.

initiator: The system interface from which the connection originated.


If the system is:

listener: The remote IP address is until a system connects to the listener. At that point, the remote IP becomes the address of the endstation connecting.

initiator: The IP address of the endstation the system is connecting to.


The state of the TCP connection. See the following table for a description of each TCP state.

The following table describes each of the TCP states, as defined in RFC 793, Transmission Control Protocol Specification:

Table 6-46 TCP States

Fields Description


waiting for a connection request from any remote TCP and port.


waiting for a matching connection request after having sent a connection request.


waiting for a confirming connection request acknowledgment after having both received and sent a connection request.


an open connection, data received can be delivered to the user. The normal state for the data transfer phase of the connection.


waiting for a connection termination request from the remote TCP, or an acknowledgment of the connection termination request previously sent.


waiting for a connection termination request from the remote TCP.


waiting for a connection termination request from the local user.


waiting for a connection termination request acknowledgment from the remote TCP.


waiting for an acknowledgment of the connection termination request previously sent to the remote TCP (which includes an acknowledgment of its connection termination request).


waiting for enough time to pass to be sure the remote TCP received the acknowledgment of its connection termination request.


no connection state at all (and therefore never seen).

show tcp-skb-congestion-control

Displays the status of the TCP kernel buffer congestion control feature, including the admin state, current threshold, as well as some kernel buffer usage counters.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show tcp-skb-congestion-control
admin:  enabled
threshold:  5000
skbs-in-use:  2096
max-skbs-in-use: 2506
tcp-dropped-pkts: 378


The following table shows the properties for the show tcp-skb-congestion-control command.

Table 6-47 Show TCP-SKB-Congestion-Control Properties

Field Description


Displays whether or not TCP kernel buffer congestion control is enabled.


Displays the configured threshold of the TCP kernel buffer congestion control.


Displays the current number of system-wide kernel buffers currently in use.


Displays the maximum number of kernel buffers that the ME has had in use at any given time.


Displays the number of TCP packets that have been dropped because the kernel buffer usage has exceeded the configured threshold.

show timezones

Displays a list of all preconfigured time zones recognized by the ME and their associated codes. (There are in excess of 1700 definitions known by the ME.) A system must be set to the time zone in which it is located so that time stamps and settings are correct in the software. If you type set timezone ? from the box object, the system displays about 30 of the most popular time zones. To display the code for a time zone other than one of the more common ones, use this command.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show timezones

name                         codes
----                         -----
Africa/Abidjan               LMT GMT
Africa/Accra                 LMT GHST GMT
Africa/Addis_Ababa           ADMT EAT
Africa/Algiers               PMT WEST WET CEST CET
Africa/Asmara                ADMT EAT
Africa/Asmera                ADMT EAT
Africa/Bamako                LMT GMT WAT


The following table shows the properties for the show timezone command.

Table 6-48 Show Timezone Properties

Field Description


The geographic location of the time zone.


The time zone abbreviation string.

show trap-categories

Displays the reported SNMP traps and their associated categories. You can then filter the SNMP traps by categories. The filter determines which categories of SNMP traps the ME sends out the WSDL interface to the external event server. Set the filter with the event-group object. The complete list of SNMP traps are listed in Appendix A of the Oracle Communications OS-E Management Tools guide.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show trap-categories

category   trap
--------   ----
csta       CallConnected
csta       CallCreated
csta       CallHeld
csta       CallRetrieved
csta       CallTerminated
csta       PlayComplete
csta       RecordComplete
dos       DosSIPPolicyTrap
dos       DosTransportPolicyTrap
dos       DosUrlPolicyTrap
h323      H323CallAlerting
h323      H323CallConnected
h323      H323CallCreated
h323      H323CallDisconnected


The following table shows the properties for the show trap-categories command.

Table 6-49 Show Trap-Categories Properties

Fields Description


The SNMP trap category used to filter the traps going out the system to the external event server.


The name of the trap. For example, DosTransportPolicyTrap indicates that a dynamic policy rule was instituted in response to a Transport Policy threshold being crossed.

show version

Displays version information for each application that makes up the software suite. This command is similar to the show module-version command, which displays for the kernel modules (the modules that are part of the operating system).

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show version
image    version    build        branch     time                     computer   
-----    -------    -----        ------     ---- 
monitor  3.2.0      22831        b3.2.0     00:42:15 Sun 2006-12-17  AUTOBUILD  
manager  3.2.0      22831        b3.2.0     00:43:10 Sun 2006-12-17  AUTOBUILD  
SIP      3.2.0      22831        b3.2.0     00:58:29 Sun 2006-12-17  AUTOBUILD  
media    3.2.0      22831        b3.2.0     00:59:40 Sun 2006-12-17  AUTOBUILD  
reg      3.2.0      22831        b3.2.0     00:43:36 Sun 2006-12-17  AUTOBUILD  
web      3.2.0      22831        b3.2.0     01:09:00 Sun 2006-12-17  autobuild  
WS       3.2.0      22831        b3.2.0     01:12:00 Sun 2006-12-17  autobuild 


The following table shows the properties for the show version command.

Table 6-50 Show Version Properties

Field Description


The application name.


The software version installed on the system for the corresponding application.


The specific build of the software version for the corresponding application.


The internal development tracking ID for the build.


The date and time of the build.


The name of the computer system that built the image, typically AUTOBUILD.

show vrrp

Displays state and configuration information for each configured VRRP vinterface.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show vrrp
vrrp-interface: vx112 
  vinterface-admin-status: enabled 
    active-host-interface: eth2 
               vrrp-state: Master 
               vrouter-id: 113 
          hosted-priority: 255 
active-host-intf-op-state: up 
               vrrp-group: 2 
                    bound: true 
               host-index: 0 
     activation-timestamp: 10:56:29 Thu 2006-12-21 
                 duration: 0 days 01:17:57 


The following table shows the properties for the show vrrp command.

Table 6-51 Show VRRP Properties

Field Description


The name of the VRRP interface (the VX ID), configured with the vinterface object.


The administrative status of the virtual interface. When enabled, the referenced interfaces participate in the failover features of VRRP. When disabled, the interfaces do not serve as link backup.


A referenced Ethernet interface used as the host for this VRRP interface. Only the current Master VRRP interface lists as the active host; this field is blank for all Backups.


The role or state of the VRRP interface, either Init, Master or Backup. The role is established by your order of entry. The first host is Master, and backups are ordered according to their position. Use the move command to change the order. A state of Init indicates that the host interface is not configured.


The vrouter ID, as required by the VRRP specification. This identifier is calculated by the system by adding one to the vinterface value. For example, if the vinterface is vx2, the vrouter-id is 3.


The priority of the VRRP interface, as defined by the RFC 2338, Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol. The Master interface must have a priority of 255. Backup interfaces have a value of one less than the interface above them in the configuration order.


The operational state of the Master.


The VRRP group of which the interface is a member. Grouping interfaces is a configuration technique to apply failover. A vinterface with a group number of 0 does not participate in grouping.


A indication of whether the interface is Master. The output should be true for a Master interface and false for Backups.


An internal identifier.


The time at which the VRRP interface became the active Master.


The length of time that the VRRP interface has been active Master.

show vrrp-hosts

Displays the status for each host configured for a VRRP interface. The information displayed includes active state, link status, priority, and failover timer setting for the vinterface host-interface property. You can have multiple local hosts for a vrrp interface (eth0, eth1, eth2, etc.); this status provider indicates the status of each host.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show vrrp-hosts
         vrrp-interface: vx111 
         host-interface: eth1 
host-interface-op-state: up 
                  bound: true 
               priority: 255 
   master-down-interval: 600 
   activation-timestamp: 10:56:29 Thu 2006-12-21 
               duration: 0 days 01:17:57 
         vrrp-interface: vx112 
         host-interface: eth2 
host-interface-op-state: up 
                  bound: true 
               priority: 255 
   master-down-interval: 600 
   activation-timestamp: 10:56:29 Thu 2006-12-21 
               duration: 0 days 01:17:57 


The following table shows the properties for the show vrrp-hosts command.

Table 6-52 Show VRRP-Hosts Properties

Field Description


The name of the VRRP interface (the VX ID), configured with the cluster>vrrp>vinterface object.


A referenced Ethernet interface used as the host for this VRRP interface.


The operational state of the Master.


A indication of whether the interface is Master. The output should be true for a Master interface and false for Backups.


The priority of the VRRP interface, as defined by the RFC 2338, Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol. The Master interface must have a priority of 255. Backup interfaces have a value of one less than the interface above them in the configuration order.


A value calculated by the system and used to determine when the Master is determined to be down and the system should failover to the next configured interface.


The time at which the VRRP interface became the active Master.


The length of time that the VRRP interface has been active Master.

show vx-bindings

Displays the binding between a VX interface and its associated Ethernet interface. The binding is configured using the vinterface host-interface property.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show vx-bindings
vx-interface    ethernet 
------------    --------

vx0             eth4
vx1             eth5
vx2             eth4

NNOS-E> show vx-bindings
vx-interface    ethernet 
------------    --------

vx0             unbound
vx1             unbound
vx2             unbound


The following table shows the properties for the show vx-bindings command.

Table 6-53 Show VX-Bindings Properties

Field Description


The name of the VX interface (the VX ID), configured with the VRRP vinterface object.


A referenced Ethernet interface used as the host for this VX interface. A value of unbound indicates that the vinterface is not associated with an Ethernet interface.

show web-ext-status

The show web-ext-status command displays information about the web management interface configuration and activity.

NNOS-E>show web-ext-status

                   port: 80
               sessions: 0
           max-sessions: 30
   max-sessions-reached: 0
   session-idle-timeout: 30 minutes
           pool-threads: 1
            max-threads: 10
            connections: 0
        max-connections: 10000
idle-connection-timeout: 20 seconds
keep-alive-requests-max: -1

The following table shows the show web-ext-status properties.

Table 6-54 Show Web-Ext-Status Properties

Field Description


The web management interface IP address.


The web management interface port number.


The number of active sessions.


The configured maximum number of sessions allowed.


The number of times a session was not created because the max-sessions value was reached.


The configured session idle timeout.


The current number of request processing threads in the thread pool.


The configured maximum number of request processing threads.


The current number of connections.


The configured maximum number of connections allowed.


The configured connection idle timeout.


The configured maximum number of HTTP requests which can be queued before the connection is closed by the server.

show web-services-callout-details

Displays detailed information about webservice process callouts. Callouts are external applications to which the ME makes requests for processing instructions. This information includes the location of these applications, information about failures, and requests received by the application.

Sample Output

SIP>show web-services-callout-details -v
                  endpoint: http://www.example.com:1001/events
                    server: external-services\event-group application\event-service callprocessor
                   enabled: true
        failover-detection: none
              availability: available
           connect-timeout: 500 ms
              read-timeout: 2000 ms
        heartbeat-requests: 0
        heartbeat-failures: 0
heartbeat-response-minimum: 0 ms
heartbeat-response-average: 0 ms
heartbeat-response-maximum: 0 ms
                  requests: 10
                  failures: 0
               io-failures: 0
          response-minimum: 4 ms
          response-average: 6 ms
          response-maximum: 7 ms
            request-format: legacy


The following table shows the show web-services-callout-details properties.

Table 6-55 Show Web-Services-Callout-Details Properties

Field Description


The endpoint being called out to.


The name of the configured server.


Specifies whether or not the server is enabled to receive requests.


The type of failover detection being used for this endpoint.


Specifies whether the endpoint is in a state to receive requests.


The number of heartbeat requests made to the endpoint.


The number of heartbeat requests that failed to reach the endpoint.


The fastest heartbeat response made by the endpoint.


The average heartbeat response made by the endpoint.


The slowest heartbeat response made by the endpoint.


The time at which the last successful heartbeat took place.


The time at which the last failed heartbeat took place.


The number of requests made to the endpoint.


The number of requests that failed to reach the endpoint.


The number of requests that failed to reach the endpoint due to I/O problems.


The fastest response made by the endpoint.


The average response made by the endpoint.


The slowest response made by the endpoint.


The time at which the last successful request took place.


The time at which the last failed request took place.


The XML format used with this server.

show web-services-callout-status

Displays data for Web service requests made from the ME to a PC, including the endpoint involved, the specific request, and the number of times the request occurred. The output also displays response time statistics. This command only appears as available when the web-service server is configured and enabled.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show web-services-callout-status

      type: event
      sent: 0
  min-sent: 0 ms
  avg-sent: 0 ms
  max-sent: 0 ms
    failed: 10
min-failed: 507 ms
avg-failed: 1045 ms
max-failed: 5509 ms


The following table shows the properties for the show web-services-callout-status command.

Table 6-56 Show Web-Services-Callout-Status Properties

Field Description


The type of callout the system made to the remote system, any of the following:

event: The system sent an event.

policy: The system requested a policy.

location: The system requested a location.


The URL of the remote web service that we sent the event to or requested information from.


The number of successful transactions between the system and the web service.


The fastest single transaction time between the system and a web service.


The average transaction time between the system and web services.


The longest single transaction time between the system and a web service.


The number of failed transactions between the system and the web service.


The quickest time awaiting a failure response between the system and a web service.


The average failure response time between the system and a web service.


The longest time awaiting a failure response between the system and a web service.

show web-services-client-status

Displays configuration information for clients that have contacted a web service endpoint implemented by the ME. This command only appears as available when the web-service server is configured and enabled. The output of this command displays one entry per client/endpoint combination. In the example below, client contacted the templates service on the ME.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show web-services-client-status
endpoint: /templates
   count: 9


The following table shows the properties for the show web-services-client-status command.

Table 6-57 Show Web-Services-Client-Status Properties

Field Description


The web services endpoint on the system that was contacted.


The IP address of the client that contacted the system.


The number of requests that the system received from web service clients.

show web-services-fault-status

Provides information about faults and exceptions that have occurred during the processing of web service requests. The faults are tracked for the endpoint on the ME that was invoked and the faults that have occurred on that endpoint.

Sample Output

SIP>show web-services-fault-status
endpoint              fault               count
--------              -----               -----
/mgmt                 Connection reset        4


The following table shows the properties for the show web-services-fault-status command.

Table 6-58 Show Web-Services-Fault-Status Properties

Field Description


The endpoint that was invoked to process the request.


The fault that occurred while processing the request.


The number of requests that faulted in this manner.

show web-services-ports

Provides information about the TCP ports that the web services server is listening on. These ports can be used by applications to make requests to the ME.

Sample Output

SIP>show web-services-ports
scheme address         port
------ -------         ----
http   8080


The following table shows the properties for the show web-services-ports command.

Table 6-59 Show Web-Services-Ports Properties

Field Description


The index number of the port.


The protocol scheme supported.


The IP address where the TCP listener is bound.


The TCP port that the listener is bound to.

show web-services-request-status

Displays data for Web service requests made from a remote computer to the ME, including the endpoint involved, the endpoint service URL, and the number of times the request occurred. The output also displays response time statistics. This command only appears as available when the web-service server is configured and enabled. Note that the output displays an entry for each endpoint/function combination.

Sample Output

NNOS-E> show web-services-request-status

endpoint: /templates
 request: GetTemplate
   count: 8
     avg: 0 ms
     min: 0 ms
     max: 1 ms
endpoint: /templates
 request: GetTemplateFiles
   count: 1
     avg: 2 ms
     min: 2 ms
     max: 2 ms


The following table shows the properties for the show web-services-request-status command.

Table 6-60 Show Web-Services-Request-Status Properties

Field Description


The web services endpoint on the system that was contacted.


The type of request from the remote computer


The number of requests, of the type identified in the request field, the endpoint has received.


The average response time for all requests of this type to this endpoint. A response time under one millisecond reports as zero.


The fastest response to a request of this type to this endpoint.


The slowest response to a request of this type to this endpoint.

show web-services-status

The show web-services-status command displays information about the web-services configuration and activity on the ME.

NNOS-E>show web-services-status

                         port: 8082
                     sessions: 0
                 max-sessions: 10000
         max-sessions-reached: 0
         session-idle-timeout: 30 minutes
                 pool-threads: 0
                  max-threads: 10
                  connections: 0
              max-connections: 10000
      idle-connection-timeout: 20 seconds
      keep-alive-requests-max: -1
 cross-origin-requests-denied: 0
cross-origin-requests-allowed: 0

The following table shows the show web-services-status command properties.

Table 6-61 Show Web-Services-Status Properties

Field Description


The web-service IP address.


The web-service port number.


The number of active sessions on this web-service.


The configured maximum number of sessions allowed.


The number of times a session was not created because the max-sessions value was reached.


The configured session idle timeout.


The current number of request processing threads in the thread pool.


The configured maximum number of request processing threads.


The current number of connections.


The configured maximum number of connections allowed.


The configured connection idle timeout.


The configured maximum number of HTTP requests which can be queued before the connection is closed by the server.


The number of CORS requests allowed.


The number of CORS requests denied.

show web-services-virtual-hosts

Provides information about all virtual hosts configured on the ME.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show web-services-virtual-hosts

name      state    applications-directory
----      -----    ----------------------
host1     STARTED  webapps


The following table shows the properties for the show web-services-virtual-hosts command.

Table 6-62 Show Web-Services-Virtual-Hosts

Field Description


The name of the virtual host.


The state of the virtual host.


The directory where this virtual host's WAR files are located.

show web-services-virtual-host-application-parameters

Provides information about application context parameters configured on virtual hosts.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show web-services-virtual-host-application-parameters

name                path         context-parameter-name context-parameter-value
----                ----         ---------------------- --------
m5apps.acmeasc.com  /citigroup   codec               pcmu
m5apps.acmeasc.com  /citigroup   flashVersion        1100
m5apps.acmeasc.com  /simring     contextConfigLocation /WEB-INF/applicationContext.xml
m5apps.acmeasc.com  /simring     default.operator.sipUrl sip:*17813284400@foo;postd=0
m5apps.acmeasc.com  /simring     default.timeOut.response 45
m5apps.acmeasc.com  /simring     default.voiceMail.sipUrl sip:*17813284444@foo
m5apps.acmeasc.com  /simring     Extract.sipUrl.replacement sip:*$0@foo
m5apps.acmeasc.com  /simring     Extract.user.group  2


The following table shows the properties for the show web-services-virtual-host-application-parameters command.

Table 6-63 Show Web-Services-Virtual-Host-Application-Parameters Properties

Field Description


The name of the virtual host.


The path where this web application is deployed.


The name of the context-parameter for this servlet.


The value of the context-parameter for this servlet.

show web-services-virtual-host-applications

Provides information about all web applications configured on each virtual host on the ME.

Sample Output

name          path          display-name  state         applications-directory available
----          ----          ------------  -----         ---------------------- 
davisapps.acmepacket.com                             STARTED       /cxc_common/webapps true
davisapps.acmepacket.com /acme-packet  Acme Packet AXA-Technologies Web Phone STARTED       /cxc_common/webapps true
davisapps.acmepacket.com /axa-tech     Acme Packet AXA-Technologies Web Phone STARTED       /cxc_common/webapps true
davisapps.acmepacket.com /groupblast                 STARTED       /cxc_common/webapps true
davisapps.acmepacket.com /rtpstats     Acme Packet RTP Stats STARTED       /cxc_common/webapps true
davisapps.acmepacket.com /webphone     Acme Packet Web Phone STARTED       /cxc_common/webapps true


The following table shows the properties for the show web-services-virtual-host-applications command.

Table 6-64 Show Web-Services-Virtual-Host-Application Properties

Field Description


The name of the virtual host.


The path where this web application is deployed.


The display name used within the web application.


The state of the web application.


The directory where this virtual host's WAR files are located.


The availability of the web application.

show web-services-virtual-host-application-servlets

Provides information on servlets configured for all web applications on each virtual hosts on the ME.

Sample Output

name             path             servlet          state            available
----             ----             -------          -----            ---------
davisapps.acmepacket.com /acme-packet     ConfigServlet    STARTED          true                  
davisapps.acmepacket.com /acme-packet     default          STARTED          true                  
davisapps.acmepacket.com /acme-packet     jsp              STARTED          true                  
davisapps.acmepacket.com /axa-tech        ConfigServlet    STARTED          true                  
davisapps.acmepacket.com /axa-tech        default          STARTED          true                  
davisapps.acmepacket.com /rtpstats     Acme Packet RTP Stats STARTED       /cxc_common/webapps true
davisapps.acmepacket.com /webphone     Acme Packet Web Phone STARTED       /cxc_common/webapps true


The following table shows the properties for the show web-services-virtual-host-application-servlets command.

Table 6-65 Show Web-Services-Virtual-Host-Application-Servlets

Field Description


The name of the virtual host.


The path where the web application is deployed.


The name of the servlet.


The state of the servlet.


The availability of the servlet.

show web-services-virtual-host-application-servlets-parameters

Provides information on servlet parameter settings for each web applications on each virtual host on the ME.

Sample Output

NNOS-E>show web-services-virtual-host-application-servlet-parameters

name            path            servlet         init-parameter-name init-parameter-value
----            ----            -------         ------------------- --------------------
davisapps.acmepacket.com /axa-tech       ConfigServlet   ascBaseUrl-disabled https://davis:8443
davisapps.acmepacket.com /axa-tech       ConfigServlet   rtmpBaseUrl     rtmp://davis.acmepacket.com/live
davisapps.acmepacket.com /axa-tech       ConfigServlet   uriFormat       sip:{0}@davis.acmepacket.com
davisapps.acmepacket.com /groupblast     IGroupBlastService adminRole       admin
davisapps.acmepacket.com /webphone       ConfigServlet   ascBaseUrl-disabled https://davis:8443
davisapps.acmepacket.com /webphone       ConfigServlet   rtmpBaseUrl     rtmp://davis.acmepacket.com/live
davisapps.acmepacket.com /webphone       ConfigServlet   uriFormat       sip:{0}@davis.acmepacket.com


The following table shows the properties for the show web-services-virtual-host-application-servlet-parameters command.

Table 6-66 Show Web-Services-Virtual-Host-Application-Servlet-Parameters Properties

Field Description


The name of the virtual host.


The path where the web application is deployed.


The name of the servlet.


The servlet's init-parameter name.


The servlet's init-parameter value.

show web-services-virtual-host-deployable-applications

Provides information about deployable applications. deployable applications are web applications that the web services server has internally that it can deploy to a configured virtual host.


Table 6-67 Show Web-Services-Virtual-Host-Deployable-applications

Fields Description


The name of the deployable application.


The description of the deployable application.


The sample that is hosting the deployable application.

show ws-listener

The show ws-listener command displays information about the configured SIP over WebSocket listener port.

NNOS-E>show ws-listener
Process Intf Port Attempts Success Rejects Failed In-Flight Current
SIP     eth0 9080      5       5       0      0       0       0

The following table shows the show ws-listener command properties.

Table 6-68 Show WS-Listener Properties

Field Description


The process using this WS listener port.


The interface on which this WS listener port is configured.


The port number on which this WS listener is configured.


The number of times a remote client has attempted to reach this WS listener port.


The number of times a remote client was successful in their attempt to reach this WS listener port.


The number of times the ME rejected a remote client trying to access this WS listener port.


The number of times a remote client failed to access this WS listener port.


The number of in-flight sessions currently trying to access this WS listener port.


The current number of sessions on this WS listener port.

show wss-listener

The show wss-listener command displays information about the configured SIP over WebSocket Secure (WSS) listener port.

NNOS-E>show wss-listener
Process Intf Port Attempts Success Rejects Failed In-Flight Current
SIP     eth0 9090      5       5       0      0       0       0

The following table shows the show wss-listener command properties.

Table 6-69 Show WSS-Listener Properties

Field Description


The process using this WSS listener port.


The interface on which this WSS listener port is configured.


The port number on which this WSS listener is configured.


The number of times a remote client has attempted to reach this WS listener port.


The number of times a remote client was successful in their attempt to reach this WSS listener port.


The number of times the ME rejected a remote client trying to access this WS listener port.


The number of times a remote client failed to access this WSS listener port.


The number of in-flight sessions currently trying to access this WSS listener port.


The current number of sessions on this WSS listener port.