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Adding and Registering Targets

To add targets, see Adding Targets.

After the discovery process completes, you must register the targets in Enterprise Manager.

To register PeopleSoft targets:

  1. When discovery is finished, examine the displayed list of targets, and deselect any that you do not want to register.

    When the discovery process completes, a page displays a list of the discovered PeopleSoft targets that are not yet registered in Enterprise Manager. Any targets previously discovered and registered are excluded from the list. All listed targets are selected by default on the Add PeopleSoft Targets page. Clear any discovered targets that you do not want to register.

    Note: A PS PIA target can be registered without a corresponding PS Web Site target. However, a PS Web Site target cannot be registered without also having a registered PS PIA (parent) target.

    Note: To register a PS Process Monitor target, there must be a corresponding PS PIA target.

  2. Click Next.

    All targets selected are registered in Enterprise Manager. Their initial configuration values are collected and loaded into the repository.

    The discovery process continues for the Process Monitor setup if there are any PS PIA targets. After clicking Next, it continues for the PS Application Databases.

    Note: Before a PS Process Monitor target can be discovered, you need to configure the PROCESSREQUEST web service for use within Integration Broker and Process Scheduler.

    See Adding and Registering PS Process Monitor Targets.

  3. Specify any required environment variables.

    The Add PeopleSoft Application Database page appears showing a list of targets for which environment variables may need to be set.

    This step is optional with the PeopleTools 8.50 and later versions of the PeopleSoft Plug-in. Verify that the user profile is correctly set with the required environment variables.

    The list includes all PS Application Server Domains, PS Process Scheduler Domains, and PS Search Server Domains registered in Enterprise Manager in this or a previous discovery.

    Field or Control


    Set Environment Variables

    Click to configure settings that enable connection to an application database—use this following your selection in the Select column.


    Check box to determine for which targets you want to allow editing of the environment variables.


    Name of the PS Application Server Domain, Process Scheduler Domain, or PS Search Server Domain that can have a PS Application Database.

    This value displays as a link to the target homepage, which you can select to open in a new window.

    Target Type

    The type of target being registered.

    DB Type

    The type of database to which the target is connecting.

    Environment Set

    Shows a green check mark when environment variables have been set for the database (if required for a specific database type). Shows a red X when environment variables have not been set.

    The environment variables referred to in this field are database connectivity parameters and vary depending on the database type.

    Databases Discovered

    Shows a green check mark when the application database is successfully discovered which means that Enterprise Manager can collect configuration data from the target and collect the PeopleSoft GUID from the application database.

    Shows a red X when discovery is unsuccessful. Possible reasons are:

    • The environment variables have not been set correctly. Verify them on the Set Environment Variables page.

    • The database information is incorrect. Select the target to open it in a new window. Select the Administration tab, then Configure Domain to display configuration data. Validate database information here.

    • The configuration collection has failed. Select the link for the target in the Name column. The target homepage appears where you can check for metric collection errors displayed above the Incidents section.

    Discover Related Databases

    Click this icon to initiate discovery.

  4. Click Next.

    The green check mark indicates that the application database associated with that target is registered in Enterprise Manager.

    Note: If you need to set environment variables, see the following section.

  5. When prompted, click OK on the confirmation pages. When finished, click Next.

    The processing page for registering the specific application database appears. When complete, the system displays a page reporting the summary of discovery results. Once reviewed, click OK.

  6. The PeopleSoft homepage appears showing the newly discovered targets.

Note: There is a difference between creating a target and adding a target. If you use the create feature, Enterprise Manager creates a new domain on the managed host. If you use the add feature (Add PeopleSoft Targets), Enterprise Manager searches for existing domains in the managed host that have not been registered in the Enterprise Manager.

Setting environment variables means specifying basic database connectivity parameters for the database type you are using. When you select Set Environment Variables for any target, the Set Environment Variables page appears showing two columns listing the required environment variables and corresponding values.

Note: Setting environment variable entries are applicable when the profile is not set for a login shell script.

After you have entered the values on the Set Environment Variables page, they are added to the Environment Variables list if they do not already exist. Therefore, based on the database type previously configured, the regions on this page may have tables prepopulated with the required environment variables.

Database Type

Required Environment Variables















Get the correct values of DB2DIR and DB2INSTANCE from the command console on the host machine. For example:

pt-ibm03:$ . ./
pt-ibm03:$ echo $DB2DIR
pt-ibm03:$ echo $DB2INSTANCE

Microsoft SQL Server

Entry of environment variables is not required. The default values from MSSQLSERVER are inserted.

Note: The environment variable values are not validated when you enter them. Furthermore, an agent does not inherit the environment variable values of the user initiating an action. For an action to be successful, values for environment variables must be set correctly.

By default, some environment variables appear on the Set Environment Variables page that displays during discovery (see table above), where you can set the values. However, other environment variables, such as LD_LIBRARY_PATH, PATH, SHLIB_PATH, and LIBPATH may also need to be set for each discovered domain.

If you have only one installed PeopleTools and Tuxedo version on a managed host machine, you can set environment variables for an agent prior to starting that agent. However, if you have multiple installed versions of PeopleTools or Tuxedo on a managed host machine, the environment variables must be set for each discovered domain as part of the discovery process.

When using a login shell script, the following variables are required to be defined in the $HOME/.profile (similar to the table above).

  • Common environment variables: LD_LIBRARY_PATH, PATH, SHLIB_PATH, LIBPATH


  • Tuxedo: TUXDIR

Note: There are multiple ways to update $HOME/.profile. The following is only an example.

To modify the $HOME/.profile:

  1. Start a new telent session as the appropriate user ID (posft, emagent, and so on).

  2. Select the correct values at the login prompt for database, SQR, COBOL, and so on.

  3. Use <set> or <env> commands to retrieve the values of the necessary environment variables.

  4. Update $HOME/.profile with these environment variables, using the VAR=<value>; export VAR syntax.

  5. Logout and log into a new telnet session as the same user ID and make sure you see a message indicating that a .profile exists.

    For example:

    WARNING: .profile exists, bypassing /etc/profile

The following example illustrates a sample .profile for a PeopleSoft user in a multiuser configuration:

ORACLE_HOME=/ds1/home/oracle/Oracle/Database/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1; export ORACLE_HOME
TNS_ADMIN=/ds1/home/psoft; export TNS_ADMIN
TUXDIR=/ds1/home/psoft/bea/tuxedoPS2/tuxedo11gR1; export TUXDIR

Note: If you use the script approach, you can set the same environment variables in the HOME directory or in the PS_CFG_HOME directory where you have created the PeopleTools domains.

See, Using the PSEMENV.SH Script for Setting Environment Variables.