3 SQL Developer: Oracle REST Data Services Support

SQL Developer provides a convenient platform for installing and configuring Oracle REST Data Services, and for developing RESTful services.


3.1 Installing Oracle REST Data Services

To install Oracle REST Data Services, click Tools, then REST Data Services, then Install. Follow the instructions for the Install/Run Oracle REST Data Services wizard.

To run Oracle REST Data Services in standalone mode after the installation completes, click Tools, then REST Data Services, then Run. Follow the instructions for Run Standalone Mode in the Install/Run Oracle REST Data Services wizard

To uninstall Oracle REST Data Services, click Tools, then REST Data Services, then Uninstall. Follow the instructions in Uninstall Oracle REST Data Services.

To reinstall Oracle REST Data Services, you must first uninstall the current installation, as explained in Uninstall Oracle REST Data Services.

3.2 Oracle REST Data Services Administration

The Oracle REST Data Services Administration interface enables you to specify global settings and multiple database settings with different database connections for Oracle REST Data Services. You can create, retrieve, upload, and save REST Data Services settings.

See the following subtopics for more information:

3.2.1 About Oracle REST Data Services

Oracle REST Data Services is a JEE-based alternative for Oracle HTTP Server (OHS) and mod_plsql. The JEE implementation offers increased functionality including command line based configuration, enhanced security, file caching and RESTful Web Services. Oracle REST Data Services also provides increased flexibility by supporting deployments using Oracle WebLogic Server, Oracle Glassfish Server, Apache Tomcat, and a standalone mode.

The Oracle Application Express architecture requires some form of Web server to proxy requests between a Web browser and the Oracle Application Express engine. Oracle REST Data Services satisfies this need but its use goes beyond that of Oracle Application Express configurations. Using Oracle REST Data Services simplifies the deployment process because there is no Oracle home required as connectivity is provided using an embedded JDBC driver. See Oracle REST Data Services Installation, Configuration, and Development Guide for concepts and details.

3.2.2 Oracle REST Data Services Administration Toolbar and Context Menu

The Oracle REST Data Services Administration window has a toolbar with icons at the top, and a context menu when you right-click on the REST Data Services navigator.


Oracle REST Data Services 3.0 later must be installed and running in order to retrieve or upload administration settings. In addition, the REST Data Services Administrator user must be configured on Oracle REST Data Services. See Oracle REST Data Services Installation, Configuration, and Development Guide for information about installing Oracle REST Data Services.

The toolbar and context menu let you perform the following actions:

  • New Administration displays the Create REST Data Services Administration dialog box, where you specify the Name and optionally a Description of the administration.

    After you click Apply in that box, the navigator in the REST Data Services Administration window contains a hierarchical display of global and database settings. Select any node to display the pane for viewing and changing related settings

  • Open File lets you open a file that contains saved administration settings. If administration settings are already displayed, you will be warned if you want to overwrite the existing settings.

  • Save As saves the current settings to a .zip file, which you can open later.

  • Retrieve Settings obtains the administration settings from the REST Data Services.

  • Upload Settings uploads the administration settings to the REST Data Services. The database settings will be validated before they are uploaded. If any settings are invalid or if required settings are missing, the administration settings will not be uploaded.

    Tip: Before you upload the administration settings, click Test Settings to validate the database settings. Review the messages and fix any errors.

  • Test Settings validates the Database Settings and displays informational messages for incorrect settings or required settings that are missing. If errors are not found during validation, a message will be displayed that validation completed successfully.

  • Launch URL displays the home page in your browser, for example: http://host:port/apex

  • Connect (context menu only): Connects to Oracle REST Data Services (see Connecting to Oracle REST Data Services).

    Retrieve Settings, Upload Settings, and Launch URL are enabled when you connect to Oracle REST Data Services.

  • Disconnect (context menu only): Disconnects from Oracle REST Data Services.

3.2.3 Connecting to Oracle REST Data Services

Oracle REST Data Services Administration requires a connection to Oracle REST Data Services to retrieve or upload the administration settings. Right-click on the REST Data Services navigator to display the context-menu and select Connect. The REST Data Services Connection dialog box is displayed, where you can select a connection, add a connection to the list, or edit a connection in the list.

When you select a connection and click OK, you are always prompted for the REST Data Services Administration password (the password you provided during the installation of REST Data Services). After successful authentication, the administration settings are retrieved and displayed.

If you add or edit a REST Data Services connection, you can specify the following information.

Connection Name: Name to identify the REST Data Services that you are connecting to based on the information that you are providing.

Username: REST Data Services Administrator username that you provided during REST Data Services installation. See Oracle REST Data Services Installation, Configuration, and Development Guide for information about configuring the administration user.

http or https: Select which protocol to use.

Hostname: DNS name or IP address of REST Data Services.

Port: Port on which REST Data Services is listening for requests.

Server Path: Location at which REST Data Services is deployed on the application server. Default: /ords (before 2.0.6: /apex)


If you encounter the Authentication Failed error, follow the instructions in REST Data Services Connection: Authentication Failed.

Related Topics

3.2.4 REST Data Services Navigator: Global and Database Settings

The REST Data Services Administration settings consist of the global settings and database settings for one or more databases. The settings are displayed in the following navigator hierarchy.

  Global Settings
    PL/SQL Gateway User
      Allowed Procedures
      Blocked Procedures
      Validation Function
      Virus Scanning
    Cache Files
      Error Reporting
      Log Reporting
  Database Settings
        URL Mapping (Database Settings only)
      Oracle REST Data Services Public User (Database Settings Only)
      PL/SQL Gateway User
      APEX REST Users (Database Settings only)

Global Settings provide the default values for certain Database Settings.

Database Settings specify values in certain categories for REST Data Services connections to specific databases. Oracle REST Data Services supports connecting to multiple databases by letting you create multiple database settings with different database connections and use URL mapping to route requests to the appropriate database.

You can create, edit, or remove multiple database settings in the navigator. To add database settings, right-click Database Settings and select New Settings. To remove database settings, right-slick on the desired settings and select Remove Settings.

In panes that display database settings, any setting values that are highlighted indicate the global settings value. If you change a database settings value and later decide to use the global settings value, you can click Reset to restore the global settings values.

To check the validity of database settings, click Test Settings in the REST Data Services Administration window toolbar. Connections

Use Connections to specify the connection type: Basic, TNS, or Advanced. (For information about connection types, see Create/Edit/Select Database Connection, especially for the Oracle tab.)


Use JDBC to configure JDBC options.

JDBC Driver Type: thin or oci8.

Initial Pool Size: Initial pool size for the number of connections that will be created.

Maximum Statements: Maximum number of statements to cache for each connection.

Connection Size: Maximum and Minimum number of connections.

Inactivity Timeout: How long (in seconds) an available connection can remain idle before it is closed.

Abandoned Connection Timeout: How long (in seconds) a borrowed (in use) connection can remain unused before it is considered as abandoned and reclaimed.

URL Mappings (Database Settings only)

URL mapping is used in configuring multiple database connections, to define the rules for how requests are routed to the appropriate database.

Specify the rules in the Rule Type and the Routing Rule to your database connection. You can use regular expressions in the Routing Rule.

To add a mapping, click the Add URL (+) icon, select the Rule Type, and specify the Routing Rule. To delete a mapping, select it and click the Remove URL (X) icon.

Rule Type: Type of rule: Request Path, URL Path, or Regular Expression.

Routing Rule: Rule on how to route the request to your database connection. See the examples or routing rules in this topic.

Schema for RESTful Services (optional): The name of the Application Express workspace where RESTful services are defined in the database connection. This can be omitted if RESTful Services are not being used.

Example of routing rules:

URL = http://example.com/apex/sales/f?p=1:1

  • Protocol: http

  • Host name: example.com

  • Context root: /apex (location at which the REST Data Services is deployed on the application server)

  • Request path: /sales/f?p=1.1 (the request URL relative to the context root)

Example of routing rule using request path prefix:

Assuming REST Data Services is deployed on example.com, its context path is /apex, and your database setting name is sales_prod, you can create the following request path prefix routing rule:

  • Rule Type: Request Path

  • Routing Rule: /sales

  • Schema for RESTful Services: sales_rest

The preceding rule means that any requests matching: http://example.com/apex/sales/... will be routed to the sales_prod database connection. The sales_rest schema, specified in the sales_prod database connection, will be searched for RESTful Services definitions.

The preceding routing rule will match any of the following requests:

http://www.example.com/apex/sales/forecasting.report?month=jan  (if www.example.com resolves to the same system)

The preceding routing rule will not match any of the following requests:

http://example.com:/apex/leads/f?p=1:1  (missing the /sales prefix)
http://example.com/apex/f?p=1:1  (missing the /sales prefix)
http://example.com/pls/sales/leads/  (the context root is wrong)

Example of routing rule using URL prefix:

Assuming REST Data Services is deployed on example.com, its context path is /apex, and your database setting name is sales_prod, you can create the following URL prefix routing rule:

  • Rule Type: URL Path

  • Routing Rule: http://example.com/apex/sales

  • Schema for RESTful Services: sales_rest

The preceding rule means that any requests matching: http://example.com/apex/sales/... will be routed to the sales_prod database connection. The sales_rest schema, specified in the sales_prod database connection, will be searched for RESTful Services definitions.

The preceding routing rule will match any of the following requests:


The preceding routing rule will not match any of the following requests:

https://example.com/apex/sales/f?p=1:1  (the protocol is wrong)
http://example.com:8080/apex/sales/f?p=1:1  (the port is wrong)
http://example.com/apex/f?p=1:1  (missing the /sales segment of the base URL)
http://example.com/pls/sales/leads/  (the context root is wrong)
http://www.example.com/apex/sales/forecasting.report?month=jan  (the host name is wrong) Oracle REST Data Services Public User (Database Settings Only)

Specify credentials (user name and password) for the Oracle REST Data Services public user (the database user that has privileges to access the Oracle REST Data Services RESTful services). PL/SQL Gateway User

Specify credentials (user name and password) for the PL/SQL Gateway user, which is responsible for executing stored PL/SQL stored packages and procedures on the specified database connection. APEX REST Users (Database Settings only)

If you want to be able to use the Oracle Application Express RESTful services, specify the password for the database user APEX_REST_PUBLIC_USER, which used when invoking PL/SQL Gateway operations, and for the database user APEX_LISTENER, which is used to query RESTful services definitions stored in Oracle Application Express.

Specifying these users enables Oracle Application Express applications to publish web services that are accessed by other applications to exchange data. For example, you can configure a RESTful service to return all employee names for a particular department. The data exchange for a RESTful service follows the Representational State Transfer (REST) protocol. See REST Development and Oracle Application Express Application Builder User's Guide for information on how to develop RESTful services for use with REST Data Services. Security

Security settings are used to validate procedure requests and determine if a user is allowed to access the procedure.

Verify Secure Socket Layer Requests: Enable this option if HTTPS is available in your environment.

A RESTful service can be protected with the OAuth2 protocol to control access to non-public data. OAuth2 requires all requests involved in the OAuth2 authentication process to be transported via HTTPS. The default behavior of REST Data Services is to verify that all OAuth2 related requests have been received via HTTPS. It will refuse to service any such requests received over HTTP, returning an HTTP status code of 403 Forbidden.

Disabling this option should only be used for development or test environments. Do not disable this option for production environments because it will result in user credentials being passed in clear text.

Security Cache: When you specify a PL/SQL validation function, Oracle REST Data Services uses the security cache to cache the procedures names and determine if they are valid or invalid. Using a caching mechanism reduces the number of database round-trips needed to execute the PL/SQL Validation Function.

Maximum Cache Entries: Maximum cache size. When the maximum entries have been reached, the older (or stale) procedure name that was least recently used is removed from the cache and a new procedure name is added to the cache.

Allowed Procedures

Specify patterns for procedures, packages, or schema names that are allowed to be directly executed from a browser. You can use an asterisk (*) to substitute zero or more characters, and a question mark (?) to substitute for any one character.

A benefit of specifying allowed procedures is that the procedure names and procedure patterns are stored in Oracle REST Data Services. By contrast, invoking the PL/SQL validation function requires a database round-trip.

To add an entry, click the Add Procedure (+) icon and enter the pattern. To delete an entry, select it and click the Remove Procedure (X) icon.

If no allowed procedures are specified, Oracle REST Data Services does not validate the procedure names to determine if the procedure is allowed for processing.

Blocked Procedures

Specify patterns for procedures, packages, or schema names that are forbidden be directly executed from a browser. You can use an asterisk (*) to substitute zero or more characters, and a question mark (?) to substitute for any one character.

If no blocked procedures are specified, Oracle REST Data Services does not validate the procedure names to determine if the procedure is blocked from processing

To add an entry, click the Add Procedure (+) icon and enter the pattern. To delete an entry, select it and click the Remove Procedure (X) icon.

Disable Default Internal Exclusion List: If option is selected, the Oracle REST Data Services internal exclusion list is not enforced. This internal exclusion list blocks users from accessing the following:

sys.*, dbms_*, utl_*, owa_*, owa.*, htp.*, htf.*, wpg_docload.*

Oracle recommends that you not select this option; that is, do not disable the default internal exclusion list. The only possible exception is temporarily disabling the internal exclusion list for debugging purposes.

Validation Function

You can use the Validation Function to determine if the requested procedure in the URL should be allowed for processing. Oracle REST Data Services executes the validation function you specify for each requested procedure, or checks the security cache to determine if a procedure is valid or invalid.

The validation function returns true if the procedure is allowed for processing. Otherwise, it returns false.

Validation Function Type: Implementation language: PL/SQL or JavaScript.

Validation Function: For PL/SQL, the name of the stored function that resides in the database. If the validation function you specify does not exist, an error message is displayed.

For JavaScript, the code written in JavaScript. The advantage of using JavaScript instead of using the PL/SQL database function is that there are not any database round-trips to execute the validation function.

Virus Scanning

Specify the Internet Content Adaptation Protocol (ICAP) Server name and Port for virus-scanning of your files. A message is displayed if a file is infected. Cache Files

Specify procedure names to allow caching of files.

To add an entry, click the Add Procedure (+) icon and enter the procedure. To delete an entry, select it and click the Remove Procedure (X) icon.

Keep most recently used files: If selected, files that are most recently used will remain in the cache. Specify the maximum number of files to cache. When the maximum entries have been reached, the older files are removed from the cache when a new file is added

Keep files for the specified duration: If selected, files that are cached expire after the specified number of days, hours, or minutes (must be greater than 0).


Cache File Location: Directory for the cache files. Environment

Application Express Document Table: Name of the document table used by Application Express. (All files uploaded using the PL/SQL Gateway are stored in a document table.)

PL/SQL Gateway

Default Web Page: Default web page to display.

Extension Classes: Extension classes to extend REST Data Services.

Procedure Recorder: If selected, causes procedures to be logged.

Error Reporting

You can specify to show debug messages on the console: or to show error messages in a browser, or to do both or neither. On production systems, you should leave both options unselected (disabled).

Show debug messages on console: If selected, displays debug messages on the console. This may help with problem diagnosis and is appended to the REST Data Services log output. However, you should not enable this option on production systems due to the performance impact of outputting large amounts of data to the log.

Show error messages on browser: If selected, displays error responses in the browser, including for each a detailed error message and a stack trace. However, do not enable this option on productions systems due to the risk of sensitive information being revealed.

Log Reporting

Logging: Specifies whether to make entries in the Oracle REST Data Services log. The log includes activities such as adding a procedure to the cache, finding a procedure in the cache, or reloading a procedure. The log displays the database time and processing time in milliseconds for that procedure.

Keep most recent log messages: If selected, entries that are most recent will remain in the log. Specify the maximum number of log messages to cache. When the maximum entries have been reached, the older log messages are removed from the cache when a new log message is added.


Specify the names of procedures to be executed before executing the requested procedure.

To add an entry, click the Add Procedure (+) icon and enter the procedure name. To delete an entry, select it and click the Remove Procedure (X) icon.


Specify the names of procedures to be executed after executing the requested procedure.

To add an entry, click the Add Procedure (+) icon and enter the procedure name. To delete an entry, select it and click the Remove Procedure (X) icon. Excel

If you are using Oracle Application Express, you have the option of placing your Excel files into an Application Express collection.

Process Excel files into a collection: If selected, puts Excel files into an Application Express Collection.

Put each Excel worksheet into one collection: If selected, puts all Excel worksheets into a single collection, for which you specify the Collection Name.

Use the name of the Excel worksheet as the collection name: If selected, creates a collection for each Excel worksheet, and uses each worksheet name for the corresponding collection name.

3.2.5 REST Data Services Navigator: NoSQL Store Configuration

You can create, edit, rename, and delete NoSQL Store configurations that are either secured or non-secured. To create a configuration, right-click NoSQL Store Configuration in the navigator and select Add NoSQL Store.

  • To create a configuration, right-click NoSQL Store Configuration in the navigator and select Add NoSQL Store.

  • To rename a configuration, right-click its name and select Rename NoSQL Store.

  • To delete a configuration, right-click its name and select Delete NoSQL Store, then confirm the deletion.

The display of a NoSQL store configuration includes two tabs: NoSQL Store Configuration and Secure NoSQL Store.

NoSQL Store Configuration tab

Store Alias: The NoSQL store alias, which is used in a NoSQL request that has the following format:


For more information, see the NoSQL chapter in Oracle REST Data Services Installation, Configuration, and Development Guide.

Store Name: Name of the NoSQL store (for example, kvstore).

Host and Port: Add and delete host/port combinations.

Role: Add and delete roles.

Maximum number of items per page: The maximum number of items to be returned on each page of the response.

Secure NoSQL Store tab

Secure NoSQL Store: If this option is enabled, the NoSQL store is secure.

Client Security File: Location of the client.security file.

Client Trust File: Location of the client.trust file.

Username: Name of the user to access the store.

Wallet Directory or Password (and Confirm Password): Method to use for authenticating the specified user.

3.2.6 REST Data Services Navigator: Reports

You can enable reporting that retrieves information from Oracle REST Data Services.

Enable Reporting: If this option is enabled, the Reports page displays information, including statistics, error tracking, and logging.

3.3 Automatically Enabling REST Access to a Schema, Table, or View (AutoREST)

If Oracle REST Data Services has been installed on the system associated with a database connection, and if the connection is open in SQL Developer, you can use the AutoREST feature to conveniently enable or disable Oracle REST Data Services access for specified tables and views in the schema associated with that database connection. Enabling REST access to a table or view allows it to be accessed through RESTful services.

AutoREST is a quick and easy way to expose database tables as REST resources. You sacrifice some flexibility and customizability to gain ease of effort. AutoRest lets you quickly expose data but (metaphorically) keeps you on a set of guide rails. For example, you cannot customize the output formats or the input formats, or do extra validation.

On the other hand, manually created resource modules require you to specify the SQL and PL/SQL to support the REST resources. Using resource modules requires more effort, but offers more flexibility; for example, you can customize what fields are included, do joins across multiple tables, and validate the incoming data using PL/SQL.

So, as an application developer you must make a choice: use the "guide rails" of AutoREST, or create a resource module to do exactly what you need. If you choose AutoREST, you can just enable a table (or set of tables) within a schema.

Note that enabling a schema is not equivalent to enabling all tables and views in the schema. It just means making Oracle REST Data Services aware that the schema exists and that it may have zero or more resources to expose to HTTP. Those resources may be AutioREST resources or resource module resources.

To enable Oracle REST Data Services access to one or more specified tables or views, you must do the following:

  1. Enable the schema (the one associated with the connection) for REST access.

    Schema level: To enable Oracle REST Data Services access to selected objects (that you specify in the next step) in the schema associated with a connection, right-click its name in the Connections navigator and select REST Services, then Enable REST Services.

    (To drop support for Oracle REST Data Services access to objects in the schema associated with a connection, right-click its name in the Connections navigator and select REST Services, then Drop REST Services.)

  2. Individually enable REST access for the desired objects.

    Table or view level: To enable Oracle REST Data Services access to a specified table or view, right-click its name in the Connections navigator and select Enable REST Services.

Follow the instructions in the RESTful Services Wizard (Auto-Enable REST Access).

3.4 REST Development

You can use SQL Developer to create, maintain, and use RESTful services. See the following topics for more information:

3.4.1 About RESTful Services

Representational State Transfer (REST) is a style of software architecture for distributed hypermedia systems such as the World Wide Web. A service is described as RESTful when it conforms to the tenets of REST. A RESTful service has the following characteristics:

  • Data is modeled as a set of resources. Resources are identified by URIs

  • A small, uniform set of operations are used to manipulate resources (for example, GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).

  • A resource can have multiple representations (for example, a blog might have an HTML representation and a RSS representation).

  • Services are stateless; and because it is likely that the client will want to access related resources, these should be identified in the representation returned, typically by providing hypertext links.

3.4.2 RESTful Services Terminology

The following are some major terms related to RESTful services:

  • RESTful service: An HTTP web service that conforms to the tenets of the RESTful architectural style described in About RESTful Services.

  • Resource module: An organizational unit that is used to group related resource templates.

  • Resource template: An individual RESTful service that is able to service requests for some set of URIs (Universal Resource Identifiers). The set of URIs is defined by the URI Pattern of the Resource Template

  • URI pattern: A pattern for the resource template. Can be either a route pattern or a URI template, although you are encouraged to use route patterns.

  • Route pattern: A pattern that focuses on decomposing the path portion of a URI into its component parts. For example, a pattern of /objects/:object/:id? will match /objects/emp/101 (matches a request for the item in the emp resource with id of 101) and will also match /objects/emp/ (matches a request for the emp resource, because the :id parameter is annotated with the ? modifier, which indicates that the id parameter is optional).

    For a detailed explanation of route patterns, see docs\javadoc\plugin-api\route-patterns.html, under <sqldeveloper-install>\ords and under the location (if any) where you manually installed Oracle REST Data Services.

  • URI template: A simple grammar that defines the specific patterns of URIs that a given resource template can handle. For example, the pattern employees/{id} will match any URI whose path begins with employees/, such as employees/2560.

  • Resource handler: Provides the logic required to service a specific HTTP method for a specific resource template. For example, the logic of the GET HTTP method for the preceding resource template might be:

    select empno, ename, dept from emp where empno = :id
  • HTTP operation: HTTP (HyperText Transport Protocol) defines standard methods that can be performed on resources: GET (retrieve the resource contents), POST (store a new resource), PUT (update an existing resource), and DELETE (remove a resource).

3.4.3 RESTful Services Requirements and Setup

For you to use the RESTful Services features in SQL Developer, Oracle REST Data Services 3.0 must be installed and running.

You can use the Oracle REST Data Services Install wizard to install and run Oracle REST Data Services in standalone mode. See the information for the Install/Run Oracle REST Data Services wizard.

You can run the Oracle REST Data Services installer from the command line. For information about using the command-line interface, see Oracle REST Data Services Installation, Configuration, and Development Guide.

Note the following about Oracle REST Data Services RESTful services and Oracle Application Express RESTful services:

  • To use Oracle REST Data Services RESTful services, you will need to enable a schema for RESTful services. See the RESTful Services Wizard (Auto-Enable REST Access) Specify Details page for how to enable a schema for RESTful Services.

    When you create a connection, specify the schema alias in the Schema/Workspace field. The schema alias is the Schema Alias name that you provided when you enabled a schema for RESTful Services. For information on setting up the connection, see RESTful Services Connection.

  • To use Oracle Application Express RESTful services, see Oracle Application Express Administration Guide for details to set up Application RESTful services.

3.4.4 REST Development Pane

The REST Development pane (click View, then RESTful Services, then Development) enables you to:

  • Specify connection information for your RESTful services

  • Retrieve all RESTful services (includes all resource modules and privileges), or retrieve a selected resource module or privilege

  • Create, edit, and delete resource modules, resource templates, resource handlers, and privileges

  • Upload a resource module or privilege and have the results saved on the server

  • Open a .zip file that contain the RESTful services definitions

  • Save the RESTful services definitions to a .zip file

The RESTful Services pane has icons for the following operations:

  • New RESTful Services: Creates a new RESTful Services administration that can contain the resource modules and privileges.

  • Retrieve RESTful Services: Downloads the resource modules and privileges. (Enabled if you are connected to a RESTful Services connection.)

  • Validate RESTful Services: Performs validation of all the resource modules' templates and handlers; displays any warning and error messages. (Enabled if the navigator tree contains at least one module or one privilege.)

  • Connect: Lets you select a RESTful Services connection or to create a new RESTful Services connection.

You can right-click on the RESTful Services node to perform the operations with associated icons, plus the following operations:

  • Connect: Connects to the enabled RESTful Services schema or Application Express workspace based on the user's credentials. See RESTful Services Connection to set up the connection.

  • Disconnect: Disconnects from the user's schema or workspace.

  • New RESTful Services: Creates a new RESTful Services administration which contains the resource modules and privileges.

  • Retrieve RESTful Services: Downloads the resource modules and privileges from the user's schema or workspace. (Enabled if you are connected to a RESTful Services connection.)

  • Open File: Opens a .zip file that contains the resource modules and privileges, and loads them into RESTful Services Administration.

  • Save As: Creates a .zip file that contains the resource modules and privileges. (Enabled if the navigator tree contains at least one module or one privilege.)