Workflow Only Backup

Oracle Data Miner provides a script for backing up the workflow metadata in the repository without including the objects in the users' schemas that are generated by the workflows.

The simplified backup strategy safeguards the workflow specifications and enables you to restore a workflow if you accidentally delete it. After the workflow is restored, you must re-run it to ensure that all the supporting objects are present in the user's schema. The creatxmlworkflowsbackup2 script backs up all the workflows in ODMRSYS to a table called ODMR$WORKFLOWS_BACKUP in a separate backup account. Before you run the script, ensure that the backup schema exists and is available.


createxmlworkflowsbackup2.sql backup_account


backup_account is the name of the schema of the backup table, ODMR$WORKFLOWS_BACKUP.

This example backs up the workflows in a backup account called BACKUPACCT:

set serveroutput on
@createxmlworkflowsbackup2l BACKUPACCT


The dropRepositoryAndUserObjects script drops all the backup tables when it drops the repository. If you run the dropRepositoryAndUserObjects script to drop the repository, then all the workflow backups are lost.

Each time you run createxmlworkflowsbackup2, a full set of workflows is added to the backup table. The backup script maintains up to 30 distinct backups within the backup table. Older backups are automatically deleted. For example, if the backup was run each day, then a user has up to 30 days to request a restore of a workflow.

In the backup script, the DEFINE_MAX_VERSIONS specifies the number of backups that are preserved in the backup table. If you want to preserve more than 30 backups, then in the backup script createxmlworkflowsbackup2, change the value of DEFINE_MAX_VERSIONS to the desired number.

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