Workflow Only Restore

You can restore workflows from the backup table created by createxmlworkflowsbackup2.

To restore the workflows from the backup table created by createxmlworkflowsbackup2, run the restorexmlworkflowfrombackup2 script.

restorexmlworkflowfrombackup2.sql restore workflows from the backup table to the Oracle Data Miner repository. Use it as follows:


restorexmlworkflowfrombackup2.sql [option] [backup_account] [workflow_definition]


option is an optional parameter that can have one of the following values:

  • ADD_ONLY — Restore workflows that do not already exist in the repository, creating missing projects if necessary. (Default)

  • DROP_AND_ADD — Drop all existing workflows and projects in the repository, then restore all workflows from backup, creating missing projects if necessary.

  • OVERRIDE_ONLY — Only restore workflows that already exist in the repository.

  • OVERRIDE_AND_ADD — Applies both the OVERRIDE_ONLY and ADD_ONLY options.

backup_account is optional unless workflow_definition is specified, in which case it is required. If no backup account is specified, then workflows are restored from the backup table in the repository. If the backup tables does not exist, then an exception is raised.

workflow_definition is an optional parameter that identifies a table or view that specifies which workflows to restore from backup. The table or view must contain these four columns: USER_NAME, PROJECT_NAME, WORKFLOW_NAME, and VERSION. Each row in the table identifies a workflow to restore. If the VERSION number is null, then the latest version number is used for the restore. When no workflow definition is provided, then the latest backup version is the default


This example drops all the workflows in the repository and restores the workflows from the backup table in BACKUPACCT.

set serverput on
@restorexmlworkflowfrombackup2 DROP_AND_ADD BACKUPACCT

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