Workflow Only Restore Examples

This topic provides examples on selective workflow restore and full workflow restore.

Example 5-1 Selective Workflow Restore

Let us assume the user SCOTT had accidentally deleted all his workflows last week. You can use the ADD_ONLY option to restore his workflows. You will have to query the backup table to determine which version of backups contain his missing workflows. I f the version is 12, then the following script example, run as SYS will reload only those workflows.

@restorexmlworkflowfrombackup2.sql ADD_ONLY BACKUPACCT BACKUPACCT.WORKFLOW_V

The WORKFLOW_V view, shown as follows, selects all the workflows present for the user SCOTT from a specified version backup number.

       SELECT user_name, project_name, workflow_name, version
       FROM backupacct.odmr$workflows_backup 
       WHERE user_name='SCOTT' AND version = 12;

Example 5-2 Full Workflow Restore

Let us assume that there was some critical repository failure that requires a full reload of all workflows from the latest backup. You can use the DROP_AND_ADD option to insure that all the old workflows are dropped and all the workflows on the backup are reloaded. In this case, the backup table is located in another account separate from the ODMRSYS account. The latest backup version will be used for the recovery, so no workflow definition parameter is required.

@restorexmlworkflowfrombackup2.sql DROP_AND_ADD BACKUPACCT