Installing JSON Parser Locally on the Database Host

You can install JSON parser locally on a database host by using the scripts loadjsonschemagen.sql, validateODMRSYS.sql, org.glassfish.javax.json.jar, and JSONSchemaGenerator.jar.

To install JSON parser locally on a database host:
  1. Copy the scripts loadjsonschemagen.sql and validate ODMRSYS.sql from:


    to the database host computer staging directory. For example, /scratch.

  2. Copy org.glassfish.javax.json.jar and JSONSchemaGenerator.jar from:


    to the database host computer staging directory. For example, /scratch.

  3. Go to the host computer staging directory. For example, /scratch and start SQL*Plus as SYS:

    SQLPLUS sys / as sysdba

  4. Run either the SID or Service Name version of the script.

See Also:

"About the Scripts for Installing JSON Support" for more information about how to run the scripts for installing the JSON parser.