The WF_IMPORT function imports a workflow (exported by the Oracle Data Miner) to the specified project. Since the workflow is backward compatible, you can import an older version of a workflow to a newer Oracle Data Miner Repository.

During import, the function detects if the workflow has any object name conflicts with the existing workflows in the repository. The p_force parameter determines whether to terminate the import or not.

Exceptions are raised under the following conditions:

  • If the project does not exist

  • If the workflow metadata is invalid or incompatible with the current repository

  • If a workflow with the same name already exists


                       p_workflow_name IN VARCHAR2,
                       p_workflow_data IN XMLType,
                       p_comment IN VARCHAR2,
                       p_force IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE) RETURN NUMBER;

Table 8-8 lists the parameters that are used in the WF_IMPORT function.

Table 8-8 List of Parameters for WF_IMPORT Function

Parameters Description


Specify the ID of the project in to which the workflow will be imported.


Specify the workflow to import.


Specify the workflow meta data. This workflow should be previously exported by the Oracle Data Miner and the workflow version should not be newer than what the Repository supports.


Specify the comment to be applied to the workflow.


Determines whether to force import if the workflow has object name conflicts with existing workflows in the repository. The applicable values are:

  • If p_force = FALSE, then it raises an exception with a list of conflicting object names.

  • If p_force = TRUE, then it proceeds with the import of the workflow.