About Proxy Users for Oracle Data Miner

SQL Developer provides support for proxy users that have their own login credentials but share the same target database user account.

A SQL Developer connection typically provides database access to a single user that is defined in that database. SQL Developer has several connection types that support the creation of proxy users.

A Connection is a SQL Developer object that specifies the login credentials for a specific user in a specific database. A Data Miner connection is a SQL Developer connection that includes the privileges required by a Data Miner user. Oracle Data Miner connections are listed in the Navigator on the Data Miner Connections tab.

Oracle Data Miner supports proxy authentication for Basic and TNS connection types. Figure 4-1 shows the SQL Developer Advanced Properties dialog box, which allows the creation of a proxy user for an existing Basic connection.

Figure 4-1 Proxy User for a Basic Connection in SQL Developer

You can also use the SQL Developer LDAP service to create users that are functionally equivalent to proxy users. With LDAP, you create the individual (proxy) users and then associate them with an existing database user connection.

See Also: