You create dynamic item types and properties by creating metadata items in the dynamic metadata repository (/atg/repository/dynamic/DynamicMetadataRepository). These metadata items store the data that is used to generate the dynamic item types and properties. The descriptors for these items types and properties are generated when the metadata items are checked in (on the Content Administration server) or deployed (on the staging or production server).

The dynamic metadata repository has two item types:

So, for example, to generate a dynamic property for the sku item type in the product catalog repository, you create an item of type das_gsa_dynamic_prop in the dynamic metadata repository. To generate a subtype of the sku item type, you create an item of type das_gsa_dynamic_type in the dynamic metadata repository, and create subtype-specific properties as items of type das_gsa_dynamic_prop.

To create these items, use the startSQLRepository script to import data specified in repository XML files. For example, an XML file for creating a das_gsa_dynamic_type item would include:

<add-item item-descriptor="das_gsa_dynamic_type" ...>

The Importing Dynamic Item Types and Properties section shows examples of XML files for creating, modifying, and deleting das_gsa_dynamic_type and das_gsa_dynamic_prop items. The tables below describe the properties of these item types that you can set, and how their values are used to generate dynamic item types and properties. Use this information when you write XML import files for creating dynamic item types and properties.

Properties of the das_gsa_dynamic_type item type:


The repository ID of the das_gsa_dynamic_type item. You can either specify this value explicitly or omit it and a value will be assigned automatically when the item is created.


The full pathname of the repository for the dynamic subtype. For example, for a subtype of the product item type, this would be /atg/commerce/catalog/ProductCatalog.


The name of the dynamic subtype. For example, for a subtype of the product item type, this might be electricalProduct.


The parent item type of the dynamic subtype. This can be either a dynamic or static item type. For example, for an electricalProduct subtype of the static product item type, set this to product. For a solarElectricalProduct subtype of the electricalProduct subtype, set this to electricalProduct.


A map of attributes and their values. Used to set attributes in the item-descriptor tag in the XML definition of the item type.

Properties of the das_gsa_dynamic_prop item type:


The repository ID for the das_gsa_dynamic_prop item. You can either specify this value explicitly or omit it and a value will be assigned automatically when the item is created.


The repository data type of the dynamic property. This can be one of the following: string, big string, float, double, int, date, enumerated, timestamp, boolean, long. See Backing Map Properties for more information.


The name of the dynamic property.


The item type that the dynamic property applies to. This can be either a static or a dynamic item type.


The full pathname of the repository for the dynamic property. For example, for a property of the product item type, this would be /atg/commerce/catalog/ProductCatalog.


Used only if data_type is enumerated. Specifies the enumerated values and their ordering. For example, [blue,green,red].


A map of attributes and their values. Used to set attributes in the property tag in the XML definition of the property.

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