Displays each element of an array, arranging the output in a two-dimensional format.

Class Name




Required Input Parameters


The list of items to output: a Collection (Vector, List, or Set), Iterator, Enumeration, Map, Dictionary, or array.


The number of columns used to display the array.

Optional Input Parameters


A string that specifies the order to render array items. The syntax of this parameter depends on the array item type: JavaBean, Dynamic Bean, Date, Number, or String.

To sort on the properties of a JavaBean, specify the value of sortProperties as a comma-separated list of property names. You can sort on an unlimited number of properties, where the first property name specifies the primary sort, the second property name specifies the secondary sort, and so on. Prepend the property name with a plus + or minus - sign in order to specify ascending or descending sort order.

For example, the following input parameter specifies to sort an array of JavaBeans alphabetically by title, then in descending order of size:

<dsp:param name="sortProperties" value="+title,size"/>

If an array consists of Dates, Numbers, or Strings, prepend the sortProperties value with a plus + or minus sign to specify ascending or descending sort order.

The following example sorts an output array of Strings in alphabetical order:

<dsp:param name="sortProperties" value="+"/>

In order to sort Map elements by key, set the value as follows:


For example:

<dsp:param name="sortProperties" value="_key"/>

A nested servlet bean inherits the parent servlet bean’s sortProperties setting, unless the nested servlet bean has its own sortProperties setting. For example, the following setting negates any parent sortProperties setting:

<dsp:param name="sortProperties" value=""/>

Output Parameters


Set to the zero-based index of the current array element each time the output parameter is rendered.


Set to the one-based index of the current array element each time the output parameter is rendered. The value of count for the first iteration is 1.


Set to the current row index each time an output parameter is rendered.


Set to the current column index each time an output parameter is rendered.


If the array parameter is a Map or Dictionary, set to the Map or Dictionary key.


Set to the current array element each time the output parameter is rendered. If the array size is not an even multiple of the number of columns, element is set to null for the remaining items in the last row.

Open Parameters


Rendered once for each array element.


If the array is not empty, rendered before any output elements. For example, this parameter can be used to render the table heading.


If the array is not empty, rendered after all output elements. For example, this parameter can be used to render text following a table.


If the array is not empty, rendered once for each row in the output at the beginning of the row. For example, this parameter can be used to render the row heading of a table.


If the array is not empty, rendered once for each row in the output at the end of the row. For example, this parameter can be used to render text following a row in a table.


Rendered if the array contains no elements.

Usage Notes

TableForEach is an extension of the servlet beanForEach. TableForEach renders its output parameter in a two-dimensional format, such as a table. The array parameter can be a Collection (Vector, List, or Set), Iterator, Enumeration, Map, Dictionary, or array. The numColumns parameter specifies the number of columns across which to display the array. The elements of the array are arranged across the columns.

The output parameter is rendered for each cell in the table. If the array size is not a multiple of the number of columns, output is rendered with a null element parameter for the remaining columns in the last row. A Switch servlet bean can be used to conditionally fill in the missing items in the row.


The following example displays the values of the initialServices property of the Oracle Commerce Platform’s Initial component. The values are displayed in a two-column table. The outputStart, outputEnd, outputRowStart, and outputRowEnd open parameters define the table formatting.

<dsp:importbean bean="/atg/dynamo/droplet/TableForEach"/>

<dsp:droplet name="TableForEach">
  <dsp:param bean="/Initial.initialServices" name="array"/>
  <dsp:param name="numColumns" value="2"/>
  <dsp:oparam name="outputStart"><table border=1></dsp:oparam>
  <dsp:oparam name="outputEnd"></table></dsp:oparam>
  <dsp:oparam name="outputRowStart"><tr></dsp:oparam>
  <dsp:oparam name="outputRowEnd"></tr></dsp:oparam>
  <dsp:oparam name="output">
      <dsp:valueof param="element.absoluteName">&nbsp;</dsp:valueof>

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