Configure components for each of the conditions that you use to select repository items for your asset purge function. This is the base set of repository items that passes through the processors in the asset purge pipeline. See Selecting Repository Items.

You can select repository items based on the properties of the item type itself. For example, you can select user profile items based on the properties of the user profile repository item type. The specific repository and item type for an asset purge function are configured by components described in Configuring Basic Purging Components. If you need to base the decision to delete or skip a repository item on information that is not stored in the properties for the item itself, add a related condition. For example, you might want to skip a user profile if there is an order associated with it. See Configuring Related Condition Components.

Base asset condition components on classes that implement the atg.purge.condition.PurgeCondition interface. The Oracle Commerce Platform provides classes in the atg.purge.condition package that implement this interface. These classes are described in the following table.




Use this class for conditions that select repository items based on dates. For example, a condition could select user profile repository items that have a lastActivity property timestamp that is more than 180 days earlier than the current date.

See an example component configuration in PurgeDateCondition Condition.


Use this class for conditions that select repository items based on a Repository Query Language (RQL) query. See Repository Query Language.

See an example component configuration in PurgeTextCondition Condition.

PurgeDateCondition Condition

Configure a condition component based on the atg.purge.condition.PurgeDateCondition class in order to select repository items based on Date or Timestamp property values.

The following example configuration could be used to select repository items that have a lastActivity property that holds values of type java.sql.Timestamp. The query generated by the example configuration selects items if the lastActivity value is at least 180 days before the current date. The specific repository and item type are configured by components described in Configuring Basic Purging Components.


# The date or timestamp property

# The default number of days that will be compared to the propertyName value

# The type of comparison. Supply one of the comparison relation integer values
#defined by the constant field values of atg.repository.QueryBuilder.

# A user-interface label that describes the condition
# Include the $X placeholder for the text box that holds the days value.
defaultName=Inactive for more than $X days (based on last activity)

# Controls whether the condition is selected by default
PurgeTextCondition Condition

Configure a condition component based on the atg.purge.condition.PurgeTextCondition class in order to select repository items based on a Repository Query Language (RQL) query. See Repository Query Language.

The following example configuration could be used to select repository items that have a description property. The specific repository and item type are configured by components described in Configuring Basic Purging Components.


# The Repository Query Language (RQL) query used to select repository items
rql=description IS NULL

# A user-interface label that describes the condition
defaultName=Description is null

# Controls whether the condition is selected by default

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