Chapter 3 Known Limitations and Workarounds

Table of Contents

3.1 Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Hardware
3.1.1 Compute Node Boot Sequence Interrupted by LSI Bios Battery Error
3.1.2 Management Node Network Interfaces Are Down After System Restart
3.1.3 Sun ZFS Storage Appliance 7320 Firmware Upgrade Must Be Performed After Management Node Update to Release 2.0.2
3.1.4 ILOM Service Processor Clocks Are Out-of-Sync
3.2 Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Software
3.2.1 Do Not Reconfigure Network During Compute Node Provisioning or Upgrade
3.2.2 Nodes Attempt to Synchronize Time with the Wrong NTP Server
3.2.3 Unknown Symbol Warning during InfiniBand Driver Installation
3.2.4 Node Manager Does Not Show Node Offline Status
3.2.5 Update Functionality Not Available in Dashboard
3.2.6 Interrupting Download of Software Update Leads to Inconsistent Image Version and Leaves Image Mounted and Stored in Temporary Location
3.2.7 Compute Nodes Lose Oracle VM iSCSI LUNs During Software Update
3.2.8 Virtual Machine File Systems Become Read-Only after Storage Head Failover
3.2.9 Oracle VM Manager Tuning Settings Are Lost During Software Update
3.2.10 Oracle VM Manager Fails to Restart after Restoring a Backup Due to Password Mismatch
3.2.11 Oracle VM Java Processes Consume Large Amounts of Resources
3.2.12 External Storage Cannot Be Discovered Over Data Center Network
3.2.13 User Interface Does Not Support Internet Explorer 10 and 11
3.2.14 Authentication Error Prevents Oracle VM Manager Login
3.2.15 The CLI Command show Accepts Non-Existent Targets As Parameters
3.2.16 The CLI Command diagnose software Fails To Correctly Run Some Diagnostic Tests

This chapter provides information about the known limitations and workarounds for Oracle Private Cloud Appliance (PCA).