
This document is part of the documentation library for Oracle Private Cloud Appliance (PCA) Release 2.0, which is available at:

The documentation library consists of the following items:

Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Release Notes

The release notes provide a summary of the new features, changes, fixed bugs and known issues in Oracle PCA.

Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Licensing Information User Manual

The licensing information user manual provides information about the various product licenses applicable to the use of Oracle PCA.

Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Installation Guide

The installation guide provides detailed instructions to prepare the installation site and install Oracle PCA. It also includes the procedures to install additional compute nodes, and to connect and configure external storage components.

Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Safety and Compliance Guide

The safety and compliance guide is a supplemental guide to the safety aspects of Oracle PCA. It conforms to Compliance Model No. OCA1A.

Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Administrator's Guide

The administrator's guide provides instructions for using the management software. It is a comprehensive guide to how to configure, monitor and administer Oracle PCA.

Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Quick Start Poster

The quick start poster provides a step-by-step description of the hardware installation and initial software configuration of Oracle PCA. A printed quick start poster is shipped with each Oracle PCA base rack, and is intended for data center operators and administrators who are new to the product.

The quick start poster is also available in the documentation library as an HTML guide, which contains alternate text for ADA 508 compliance.

Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Expansion Node Setup Poster

The expansion node setup poster provides a step-by-step description of the installation procedure for an Oracle PCA expansion node. A printed expansion node setup poster is shipped with each Oracle PCA expansion node.

The expansion node setup poster is also available in the documentation library as an HTML guide, which contains alternate text for ADA 508 compliance.


The Oracle Private Cloud Appliance (PCA) documentation is written for technicians, authorized service providers, data center operators and system administrators who want to install, configure and maintain a private cloud environment in order to deploy virtual machines for users. It is assumed that readers have experience installing and troubleshooting hardware, are familiar with web and virtualization technologies and have a general understanding of operating systems such as UNIX (including Linux) and Windows.

The Oracle PCA makes use of Oracle Linux and Oracle Solaris operating systems within its component configuration. It is advisable that administrators have experience of these operating systems at the very least. Oracle PCA is capable of running virtual machines with a variety of operating systems including Oracle Solaris and other UNIXes, Linux and Microsoft Windows. The selection of operating systems deployed in guests on Oracle PCA determines the requirements of your administrative knowledge.

Related Documentation

Additional Oracle components may be included with Oracle PCA depending on configuration. The documentation for such additional components is available as follows:

Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit or visit if you are hearing impaired.


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The following text conventions are used in this document:




Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.


Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you supply particular values.


Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.

Document Revision

Document generated on: 2015-06-28 (revision: 751)