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Oracle® Server X5-4 Installation Guide for Oracle Solaris Operating System

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Updated: November 2015

Oracle Solaris OS Installation Options

For single-server OS installations, Oracle System Assistant is recommended. For multiple-server OS installations, Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center is recommended. The scope of this document is for single-server OS installations. The table below provides some information about these two installation options.

Multiple servers
You can use Oracle Enterprise Manager Ops Center to install an OS on multiple servers. For information, go to http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/oem/ops-center/index.html.
Single server
Install an OS to a single server using one of the following methods:
  • Locally: Perform the OS installation locally at the server. This option is recommended if you have just completed the physical installation of the server in the rack.

  • Remotely: Perform the OS installation from a remote location. This option uses the Oracle ILOM Remote System Console Plus application to access Oracle System Assistant or to perform a manual OS installation.

Note -  You should use Oracle System Assistant for single-server Oracle Solaris installations. The Oracle Solaris distribution includes all needed drivers and tools so it is not necessary for Oracle System Assistant to install any drivers or tools.

For more information about single-server OS installation methods, see:

Single-Server Installation Methods

The single server installation methods include the following variations:

  • Assisted or Manual:

    • Assisted: You deliver the Oracle Solaris installation media on either a local or remote DVD drive or an ISO image and use Oracle System Assistant to guide installation process. Your server must support Oracle System Assistant, and it must be installed in the server.

      Note -  For Oracle Solaris operating system, Oracle System Assistant does not install drivers or tools because all tools and drivers required by the server are included in the Oracle Solaris installation media. Oracle Solaris operating system installation provides all tools and drivers to the server.
    • Manual: You deliver the Oracle Solaris distribution media on either a local or remote DVD drive or an ISO image and use the distribution media's installation wizard.

  • Local or Remote: Both assisted and manual installations can be performed either locally or remotely:

    • A local installation is performed at the server. It requires an ISO image on a DVD. It also requires a USB DVD drive, a monitor, and a USB keyboard and mouse, all or which are attached to the USB ports of the local machine.

    • A remote installation is performed from a remote location. It requires either an ISO image mounted on a network, or a DVD drive and an ISO image located on a DVD.

  • Network PXE Install: You can install Oracle Solaris using a PXE image available on the network. Refer to the Oracle Solaris documentation library: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/documentation/solaris-11-192991.html

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