Oracle® Server CLI Tools for Oracle Solaris 11.2 用户指南


更新时间: 2015 年 11 月

列出控制器的 NVMe 功能

  • 要列出控制器的 NVMe 功能,请键入:

    nvmeadm getfeature [controller_name]


    nvmeadm getfeature SUNW-NVME-1

            Command Arbitration:
                    Arbitration Burst: 0
                    Low Proirity Weight: 0
                    Medium Priority Weight: 0
                    High Priority Weight: 0
            Power State: 0
            Temperature Threshold: 358 Kelvin
            Time Limited Error Recovery: 0 of 100 milliseconds
            Number of I/O submission queues allocated: 30
            Number of I/O completion queues allocated: 30
            Interrupt Coalescing Aggregation Time: 0 of 100 micro seconds
            Interrupt Coalescing Configuration:
                    Interrupt Vector: 0
                    Coalescing Disable: NO
            Write Atomicity Required: YES