5 Installing Convergence

This chapter explains how to install and configure Oracle Communications Convergence.

Installation Assumptions

The instructions in this chapter assume the following:

  • That you have installed and configured Oracle GlassFish Server.

  • That you have installed and configured all required and optional Unified Communications Suite software needed to deliver your Convergence services.

Installing Convergence

To install Convergence:

  1. Download the Convergence software for your operating system from the Oracle software delivery web site:


    The Convergence software is included in the Oracle Communications Messaging Server or Oracle Communications Calendar Server media pack.

  2. Extract the Convergence software to a temporary directory (dir).

  3. From dir, run the installer:

    ./commpkg install

    See the discussion about the commpkg install command and syntax on the Oracle wiki for more information:


  4. From the list of available Unified Communications Suite software products for installation, select Convergence and proceed with the installation.

Configuring Convergence

This section explains how to complete the initial configuration for Convergence, and how to configure Convergence to integrate with other Unified Communications Suite software applications.

The Convergence initial configuration program automatically creates a silent configuration file when the program completes successfully. You can use the silent configuration file to automate future configurations. See "Running the Convergence Initial Configuration Script in Silent Mode" for more information.

Configuring Convergence as Non-Root User

If you set up the GlassFish server as a user other than root, you must do one of the following:

  • Create a symbolic link between /usr/jdk/latest and the desired installed JDK in the /usr/jdk directory. For example:

    ln -s /usr/jdk/jdk1.7.0_75 /usr/jdk/latest
  • Define the JAVA_HOME variable in the GlassFish Server user profile. It is not enough to only define the variable in the current shell that you are using to run the initial configuration script.

    If the GlassFish Server user is referencing a JDK in a different location, set that location in the user .profile file by adding the following line.

    export JAVA_HOME=JDK_location

    Alternatively, you can add the line to the system-wide profile (/etc/profile) instead.

Running the Convergence Initial Configuration Script

The Convergence initial configuration script launches a program that gathers from you the information required to configure Convergence. See "Information Requirements" for details about the information required to configure Convergence.

The configuration program can launch a GUI or run at the command line. This section describes the GUI version of the program, though both are similar and collect the same information.

To configure Convergence using the initial configuration script:

  1. Verify that the GlassFish server is running.

  2. Verify that the directory server is running.

  3. Verify that Oracle Communications Messaging Server, Oracle Communications Calendar Server, and any other Unified Communications Suite software applications with which you intend to integrate Convergence are running.

  4. Run the Convergence initial configuration script:


    The Convergence configuration Welcome screen appears.


    To run the configuration program at the command line, enter the following command instead:
    ./Convergence_Home/sbin/init-config -nodisplay

    Click Next. The Select the Directory to Store Configuration and Data Files screen appears.

  5. When prompted, select the directory in which to store the Convergence configuration and data files.

    Do not select Convergence_Home as the location directory.

    Click Next. The Select Services to Configure screen appears.

  6. Select the services to configure with Convergence:

    • Mail Service

    • Calendar Service

    • Instant Messaging Service

    • Indexing and Search Service

    • Address Book Service

    Click Next. The Convergence Server Host Name and DSN Domain Name screen appears.

  7. Enter the host name of the system on which Convergence is being configured. Also, enter the DNS domain name of the Convergence host system.

    Click Next. The Oracle GlassFish Server Configuration Details screen appears.

  8. Specify the following:

    • Installation directory

    • Domain directory

    • Document root directory

    • Server target name

    • Virtual server identifier

    • Server instance port

    Click Next. The GlassFish Server Administration Instance Details screen appears.

  9. Specify the following:

    • GlassFish administration server port

    • GlassFish server administration user ID

    • GlassFish server administration password

    • Whether HTTP access to the administration server is secure.

    Click Next. The program tests the connection to the GlassFish administration server. The Web Container User and Group screen appears.

  10. Specify the GlassFish Server installation user ID and group.

    Click Next. The Enter the URI Path Where Convergence Will be Deployed screen appears.

  11. Specify the URI path to where you want to deploy Convergence.

    For example: /iwc.

    Click Next. The Specify Whether You Want Hosted Domain Support screen appears.

  12. Specify whether you want to support for hosted domains in the Convergence deployment. This option setting must match that of Oracle Communications Messaging Server, Oracle Communications Calendar Server, and, if applicable, Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server and Oracle Communications Contacts Server.

    Click Next. The Specify LDAP User/Group Configuration Details screen appears.

  13. Provide the following:

    • User/Group LDAP URL: URL for the User/Group LDAP used by Messaging Server, Calendar Server, and Instant Messaging Server.

      For example: ldaps://MyDomain.com:port

    • Bind DN: Enter the LDAP distinguished name (DN) of the administrator used to bind to the directory server.

      For example: cn=Directory Manager

    • Bind Password: The Bind DN password.

    Click Next. The Confirm the Base DN of the DC Tree Suffix screen appears.

  14. Confirm the base DN.

    The configuration program retrieves the base DN from the directory server. You can accept the retrieved value or change it.

    This base DN is used to perform domain lookups. If the back-end servers are using Schema 1, this configuration setting specifies the DN of the DC Tree suffix. If the back-end servers are using Schema 2, this setting specifies the DN of the root suffix under which the User/Group tree is located. You must enter (confirm) a value for this item whether you are using Schema 1 or Schema 2.

    In a Schema 1 directory layout, Convergence uses the DC Tree suffix to search for domain information. In a Schema 2 directory layout, there is only one root suffix; both domain and user/group data are located under this one suffix.

    Click Next. The Enter the Default Domain Name screen appears.

  15. Enter the default domain name.

    The default domain name is used during login when the user does not provide the domain as part of their user name.

    For example, if a user attempts to login as John.Smith, the user name qualifies as John.Smith@DefaultDomain.com.

    Click Next.

  16. If you chose to configure the mail service, the Specify the Mail Service Configuration Details screen appears.

    Specify the following:

    • Webmail host name

    • Webmail server port number

      The SSL port is provided by default.

    • Access in SSL mode

    • Webmail server administration user ID

    • Webmail server administration password

    Click Next. The program tests the connection to the Messaging server.

  17. If you chose to configure the calendar service, the Calendar Server Version screen appears.

    Specify the version of Calendar Server you are integrating with Convergence to deliver the calendar service.

    For example, select CS 7 and up for Calendar Server version 7.x, or CS 6.3 for Calendar Server version 6.3.

    Click Next.

  18. If you chose to configure the calendar service, the Specify the Calendar Service Configuration Details screen appears.

    Specify the following:

    • Calendar server host name

    • Calendar server port number

      The SSL port is provided by default.

    • Access in SSL mode

    • Service URI

    • Calendar server admin user ID

    • Calendar server admin password

    Click Next. The program tests the connection to the Calendar server.

  19. If you chose to configure the instant messaging service, the Specify the Instant Messaging Service Configuration Details screen appears.

    Specify the following:

    • Server domain name

    • Server host name

    • Server port number

    • httpbind component JID

    • httpbind component password

    • Avatar component JID

    • Avatar component password

    Click Next.

  20. If you chose to configure the indexing and search service, the Specify the Indexing and Search Service Configuration Details screen appears.

    Specify the following:

    • Indexing and search service host name

    • Indexing and search service port number

      The SSL port is provided by default.

    • Access in SSL mode

    • Indexing and search service user ID

    • Indexing and search service password

    Click Next. The program tests the connection to Instant Indexing And Search Service.

  21. If you chose to configure the address book service, the Specify the Contacts Server Selection screen appears.

    Select how to provide the address book service:

    • Select Convergence Address Book Service to provide the address book service through Convergence and the directory server.

    • Select Contacts Server Address Book Service to provide the address book service with Contacts Server.

  22. If you chose to provide the address book service with Contacts Server, the Specify Contacts Server Configuration Details screen appears.

    Specify the following:

    • Contacts server host name

    • Contacts server port number

      The SSL port is provided by default.

    • Access in SSL mode

    • Service URI

    • Contacts server admin user ID

    • Contacts server admin password

    Click Next. The program tests the connection to the Contacts server.

  23. The Specify the Convergence Administrator Details screen appears.

    Provide the Convergence administrator user name and password.

    The Administrator user name and password are used for Convergence administration. The user details for the Convergence administrator are stored in the Convergence configuration files, not in the Directory Server. This administrator user is not tied to any back-end server administrator accounts.

    Click Next. The Ready to Configure screen appears.

  24. Review the list of items to be configured.

    Click Next. The Task Sequence screen appears.

  25. The Task Sequence screen displays the configuration tasks being performed.

    Click Cancel to stop the configuration process.

    When the screen displays the message All Tasks Passed, click Next. The Installation Summary screen appears.

  26. The Installation Summary screen displays a summary of the completed configuration tasks.

    Click Details to display more information about the completed configuration tasks.

    Click Close to exit the configuration program.

When you complete the configuration process, the initial configuration program creates a configuration file that you can use to automate future configurations. See "Running the Convergence Initial Configuration Script in Silent Mode" for more information.

Running the Convergence Initial Configuration Script in Silent Mode

The Convergence initial configuration program automatically creates a silent configuration file when the program completes successfully. You can use the silent configuration file to automate future configurations.

The silent configuration file is called saveState and is created in the Convergence_Home/data/setup/Iwc-config-YYYYMMDDHHMMSS directory, where YYYYMMDDHHMMSS represents the date and time of the saveState file.

To configure Convergence using the initial configuration script in silent mode:

  1. Verify that the GlassFish server is running.

  2. Verify that the directory server is running.

  3. Verify that Oracle Communications Messaging Server, Oracle Communications Calendar Server, and any other Unified Communications Suite software applications with which you intend to integrate with Convergence are running.

  4. As the root user or super user, run the Convergence initial configuration script:

    ./Convergence_Home/sbin/init-config -nodisplay -noconsole -state path/saveState

    Where path is the directory in which the saveState file is located.